Directions (1 – 5): Given below are six sentences,
i.e. A, B, C, D, E and F. Arrange them in proper order so as to form a
meaningful paragraph and then answer the following questions.
A. The problem is more
pronounced with regard to business travellers — be they pinstriped professionals,
conference-hoppers or intrepid entrepreneurs.
B. Compare this with
China that has 10 times more, or the US that has 40 times more, and the figure
shrinks into insignificance.
C. For a country that
prides in according guests the status of God, India has not yet figured out a
basic requisite of good hospitality — a welcoming place to stay.
D. There just isn’t
enough room to host the increasing flow of inbound travellers, whose number
rose by 13 per cent last year.
E. So, if we are really
committed to serve our guests with due regard we have to improve the statistics
of accommodation units first.
F. According to industry
estimates, India has a total of about 110,000 registered hotel rooms.
1. Which will be the ‘FIRST’ sentence in the paragraph?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
2. Which will be the ‘LAST’ sentence in the paragraph?
A. E
B. D
C. C
D. B
E. A
3. Which sentence will come at ‘FOURTH’ place in the paragraph?
A. C
B. E
C. D
D. B
E. F
4. Which sentence will come at ‘SECOND’ place in the paragraph?
A. F
B. D
C. A
D. E
E. B
5. Which sentence will come at ‘FIFTH’ place in the paragraph?
A. E
B. A
C. D
D. B
E. F
Directions (6 – 10): In each of the following
sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs
of words denoted by numbers (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Find out which pair of
words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to
make it meaningfully complete.
6. Whatever be Pakistan’s ………., India should ……….
the moment to push for peace in Jammu & Kashmir.
A. fate, trail
B. stricture, usurp
C. intentions, seize
D. measures, regain
E. response, raise
7. How many of books published each year in India
make a ………. contribution towards improving men’s ……….. with each other’s?
A. Sensational , reservations
B. Reverberating , disgust
C. Significant , relationship
D. Referential , behaviour
E. Incorporated , obligation
8. The prince did not know what these omens might
………. and he asked his soothsayers to ……….them.
A. Portend, interpret
B. Implicate, clarify
C. Hold, dilate on
D. Imply, illustrate
E. Propound, explain
9. Islamabad has always ………. the Kashmir issue as
the unfinished ………. of partition.
A. viewed, agenda
B. manipulated, target
C. highlighted, criteria
D. escalated, hostility
E. weighed, bargain
10. It is time we found a development ……… whose ………..
reach the needy section first.
A. formula, research
B. initiative, impact
C. skill, lessons
D. methodology, concern
E. paradigm, benefit
1. C) 2. A) 3. E)
4. B) 5. D) 6. C)
7. C) 8. A) 9. A)
10. E)
1. In Delhi there are 80 people. The number of
people who likes dogs are twice the number of people who like cats. The number
of people who don’t like dogs are 32 and the number of people who don’t like
cats are 56. The number of people who like both dogs and cats are twice the
number of those who like only cats. What is the number of people who neither
like dogs nor cats?
A. 29
B. 22
C. 24
E. 25
2. A can do a piece of work in 12 days, B can do
the same work in 18 days. They worked for 6 days and C does the rest of work in
4 days. If they get Rs. 1650 for the whole work, find the individual share of
A,B and C respectively?
A. 825, 550, 275
B. 550, 825, 275
C. 825, 275, 550
D. 850, 525, 225
E. None of these
3. A man X is driving to work. In order to reach
office for meeting he drives faster and the speed is increased by 5km/h and he
reached office 30 minutes early. Assuming that due to traffic his speed is
decreased by 3 km/h he will be late for the meeting by 30 minutes. Calculate
the Speed and the distance to the office?
A. 15km/h and 30km
B. 18km/h and 30km
C. 15km/h and 87km
D. 17km/h and 88km
E. None of these
4. A maid borrowed money from 2 houses (X and Y)
she works in. From X she borrowed money at an interest rate of 15% and from Y
at the rate of 18%. The total money she borrowed was Rs. 24000. She paid Rs.
4050 as an interest in addition to the amount borrowed after 1 year. Find how
much money she borrowed at 18% interest rate?
A. 12000
B. 13800
C. 15000
D. 20000
E. 25000
5. A business man invested in 2 types of Simple
interest bearing securities ( S1 and S2). He invested in S1 at the rate of 6%
p.a and 7% p.a. for the S2. After 2 years, he earned Rs. 354. One fourth of the amount invested in
S1 is equal to the one-fifth of the amount invested in S2. Calculate the total
money the man invested in the securities?
A. 2500
B. 2700
C. 3500
D. 3400
E. 3000
6. Rahul started a business with a capital of Rs
8,000. After six months, Sanjay joined him with investment of some capital. If
at the end of the year each of them gets equal amount as profit, how much did
Sanjay invest in the business?
A. Rs 17,500
B. Rs 18,000
C. Rs 16,000
D. Rs 16,500
E. None of these
7. Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a
joint family of eight people added up to 231 years. Three years later one
member died at the age of 60 years and a child was born during the same year.
After another three years, one more member died, again at 60 a child was born
during the same year. The current average age of this eight-member joint family
is nearest to:
A. 22 years
B. 21 years
C. 45 years
D. 24 years
E. 23 years
8. A clothing supplier stores 800 coats in
warehouse, of which 15 per cent are full-length coats. If 500 of the shorter
length coats are removed from the warehouse, then what per cent of the remaining
coats are full-length?
A. 5.62%
B. 34%
C. 40%
D. 48%
E. None of these
9. Divide Rs 6000 into two parts, so that simple
interest on the first part for 2 years at 6% per annum may be equal to the
simple interest on the second part for 3 years at 8% per annum?
A. Rs 4000, Rs 2000
B. Rs 5000, Rs 1000
C. Rs 3000, Rs 3000
D. Rs 3500, Rs 2500
E. None of these
10. A group of workers can complete a certain job
in 9 days. But it so happens that every alternate day starting from the second
day, 2 workers are withdrawn from the job and every alternate day starting from
the third day, one worker is added to the group. In such a way, the job is
finished by the time there is no worker left. If it takes the double time to
finish the job now, find the number of workers who started the job?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
E. None of these
1. C)

2. A)

3. A)

4. D)

5. B) Let the sums be x and y
R1 = 6, R2 = 7, T = 2
(P1 * R1 * T)/100 + (P2 *
R2 * T) = 354
=> (x * 6 * 2)/100 +
(y * 7 * 2)/100 = 254 => 6x + 7y = 17700
Also, x/4 = y/5 => 5x –
4y = 0 ……..(2)
Solving both the
equations we get x = 1200; y = 1500
Therefore sum = 1200 +
1500 = 2700
6. C) As
the profit are distributed equally and Sanjay invested for six months, his
investment will be two times of the investment of Rahul. Therefore, Sanjay
investment is 2 * 8000 = Rs. 16000.
7. D) Sum
of 8 members 10 years ago = 231 years
Sum of 8 members 7 years
ago = 231 – 60 + 24 = 195 years
Sum of 8 members 4 years
ago = 195 – 60 + 24 = 159 years
Sum of 8 members at
present = 159 + 32 = 191 years
Therefore average age = 24
8. C) Required
% = 120/300 * 100 = 40%
9. A) From
the given information
(x * 6 * 2)/100 = [(6000 –
x) * 8 * 3)]/100 => x = Rs.4000
10. B) Let
no.of workers = x; total work = 9x
According to the question,
number of men working each day is
x, x-2, x-1, x-3, x-2, ……
till 18 days
on arranging (9x –
36) + (9x – 54) = 9x => x = 10
Directions (1 – 5): Read the following information
carefully and answer the questions.
When a word and number
arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges
them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and
Input: 79 Zebra 68 Yellow 19 arise 15 Ball 48 Eye 21 sun
Step 1: 15 arise 79 Zebra
68 Yellow 19 Ball 48 Eye 21 sun
Step 2: 15 arise 21 eye
79 Zebra 68 Yellow 19 Ball 48 sun
Step 3: 15 arise 21 eye
19 ball 79 Zebra 68 Yellow 48 sun
Step 4: 15 arise 21 eye
19 ball 79 sun Zebra 68 Yellow 48
Step 5: 15 arise 21 eye
19 ball 79 sun 48 yellow Zebra 68
Step 6: 15 arise 21 eye
19 ball 79 sun 48 yellow 68 Zebra
And step 6 is the last
step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out
the appropriate step for the given output.
INPUT: 91 mouse 96 Deer 58 Pin 11 owl 27 Bat 23 ideal
1. In step 5, what is the sum of 2nd element from
right end and 1st from left end?
A. 156
B. 171
C. 123
D. 94
E. 149
2. What is the position of ‘11’ in step 3?
A. Seventh from the right
B. Sixth from the left
C. Fifth from the left
D. Sixth from the right
E. None of these
3. Which step number would be the following
“27 ideal 91 owl 11 Bat 23 deer mouse 96 58 Pin”
A. Step III
B. Step IV
C. Step V
D. Step VI
E. None of the Above
4. Which of the following would be at the third
position from the left end in step 4?
A. Bat
B. pin
C. mouse
D. deer
E. 91
5. Which step would be the penultimate step of
above input?
A. Step 5
B. Step3
C. Step 6
D. Step 4
E. None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Read the following information
carefully and answer the questions.
When a word and number
arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges
them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and
Input : Oscar 88 Bella 97 Toby 2 apple 19 dog 21
Step 1: Bella 2 Oscar 88
97 Toby apple 19 dog 21
Step 2: Bella 2 apple 19
Oscar 88 97 Toby dog 21
Step 3: Bella 2 apple 19
dog 97 Oscar 88 Toby 21
Step 4: Bella 2 apple 19
dog 97 Oscar 21 88 Toby
Step 5: Bella 2 apple 19
dog 97 Oscar 21 Toby 88
And step 5 is the last
step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, end out the appropriate step for the
given output.
Input : Sony 24 Charlie 23 Toshiba 11 Compaq 18 Dell 15
6. Which step number would be the following
“Toshiba 11
Charlie 23 Dell 15 Compaq 18 Sony 24”
A. Step IV
B. Step I
C. Step V
D. Step VI
E. None of the Above
7. What is the position of ‘24’ in step 3?
A. 3rd from left
B. 2nd from left
C. 5th from Left
D. 3rd from right
E. 5th from right
8. What is exactly between 23 and 15 in last step
of this machine?
A. 11
B. Dell
C. Sony
D. 24
E. None of these
9. In penultimate step, what is the sum of 3rd
element from right end and second element from left end?
A. 61
B. 57
C. 46
D. 35
E. 105
10. What is 6th element of step 2 from left end?
A. 24
B. Sony
C. Dell
D. Compaq
E. Charlie
(1 – 5):
The machine arranges the
given input in such a way that, Number Word Number word….
(a) Firstly Odd number
arranges in increasing order along with Vowel starting word in
alphabetical order.
(b)After arranging all
odd number, then prime number arranges in increasing order
(c)After Prime number,
all even numbers arranges in increasing order and words are arranged
according to stating consonant
letter of word in alphabetical order.
INPUT: 91 mouse 96 Deer
58 Pin 11 owl 27 Bat 23 ideal
Step 1: 27 ideal 91 mouse
96 Deer 58 Pin 11 owl Bat 23
Step 2: 27 ideal 91 owl
mouse 96 Deer 58 Pin 11 Bat 23
Step 3: 27 ideal 91 owl
11 Bat mouse 96 Deer 58 Pin 23
Step 4: 27 ideal 91 owl
11 Bat 23 deer mouse 96 58 Pin
Step 5: 27 ideal 91 owl
11 Bat 23 deer 58 mouse 96 pin
1. C) 2. C) 3. B)
4. E) 5. D)
(6 – 10):
In every step there are
both word and number are shifting .
For Words : in each step
Word and Numbers are arranged in which that words are arranged
1st, by considering the
last letter of a particular word in alphabetical series. For example, “Dell
and Toshiba” in which we
can see that “A” and “L” is last letter of both words but A comes 1st,
so “Toshiba” will arrange
For Numbers: it is
arranged in increasing order of Prime number and increasing order of others
left numbers.
Input : Sony 24 Charlie
23 Toshiba 11 Compaq 18 Dell 15
Step 1: Toshiba 11 Sony
24 Charlie 23 Compaq 18 Dell 15
Step 2: Toshiba 11
Charlie 23 Sony 24 Compaq 18 Dell 15
Step 3: Toshiba 11
Charlie 23 Dell 15 Sony 24 Compaq 18
Step 4: Toshiba 11 Charlie
23 Dell 15 Compaq 18 Sony 24
6. A) 7. D) 8. B)
9. D) 10. A)