Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 21)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 21)
Directions (1-15): In the passage given below there are 15 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Each blank has four alternative words given in options (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to tell which word will best suit the respective blank. Mark (e) as your answer if the word given in bold after the blank is your answer.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is being 1. ___(framed) as the single-biggest economic reform since the economic liberalisation of 1991. Even critics of the tax, who complain about its complex four-slab rate structure, agree that it is a step in the right direction. The primary reason is that it 2. ___(does away) with the present system of multiple Central and State taxes, replacing it with a much simpler tax system. Another supposed benefit of GST is that it is a tax on consumption, which replaces the current web of 3. ___(running) taxes in the production chain that 4. ___(lowers) prices and distorts production. In the process, it is said, the new tax system does away with the barriers to free trade 5. ___(into) and between States, effectively turning India into a single free market for goods and services.
For 6. ___(psychoanalysts), there is good reason to doubt all these claimed benefits of the GST. One, a nationwide tax such as the GST will 7. ___(form) to a higher tax burden as it reduces tax competition. Earlier, States which were keen to 8. ___(put in) investment and labour from each other had a reason to cut taxes. Now, the Centre, which will 9. ___(increase) no tax competition except from the rest of the world, can 10. ___(terminate) rates at whim. This will encourage tax rate increases that are detrimental to growth. Two, the number of taxes does not necessarily reflect the actual burden 11. ___(proposed) on businesses by any tax system. For example, a single, high tax rate might impose a greater burden on businesses than multiple taxes that 12. ___(sum up) to a lower rate. A single, low tax rate might also turn out to be more burdensome if the cost of bureaucratic compliance is higher than under multiple, higher tax rates. So what matters eventually is the overall burden under a tax regime, which is likely to be lower when States compete than otherwise.
Three, contrary to common belief, the prices that consumers pay don’t rise or fall in 13. ___(tandem) with taxes imposed on goods, be they production or consumption taxes. Consumer prices are determined purely by consumer 14. ___(forum), not the cost of production. It is true that a discriminatory tax might force businesses to 15. ___(rise) or reduce the supply of certain goods in favour of others.
(a) turned
(b) flaunted
(c) biggest
(d) oldest
(e) no change
(a) do over
(b) does over
(c) done over
(d) done up
(e) no change
(a) giving
(b) devastating
(c) cascading
(d) lower
(e) no change
(a) controls
(b) remarket
(c) decreases
(d) increases
(e) no change
(a) in
(b) on
(c) within
(d) onto
(e) no change
(a) sceptics
(b) astrologists
(c) people
(d) predicament
(e) no change
(a) promote
(b) diminish
(c) administer
(d) lead
(e) no change
(a) attract
(b) commit
(c) advice
(d) adore
(e) no change
(a) arrange
(b) conflict
(c) face
(d) advocate
(e) no change
(a) determine
(b) admire
(c) desire
(d) cultivate
(e) no change
(a) imposed
(b) dosed
(c) dozed
(d) taken on
(e) no change
(a) add up
(b) grow up
(c) give up
(d) do up
(e) no change
(a) conflicting
(b) relevant
(c) clinging
(d) lament
(e) no change
(a) demand
(b) court
(c) case
(d) comment
(e) no change
(a) increase
(b) allow
(c) discontinue
(d) create
(e) no change
1. B)   2. E)   3. C)   4. D)   5. C)   6. A)   7. D)   8. A)   9. C)   10. A)   11. A)   12. A)   13. E)   14. A)   15. C)  
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Rakesh bought two T-Shirts which together cost him Rs.660. He sold one of the T-Shirts at a loss of 20% and the other one at a gain of 40%. The selling price of both T-Shirts are same. Then find out the cost price of both T-Shirts.
A) Rs.420 and Rs.240
B) Rs.400 and Rs.260
C) Rs.380 and Rs.280
D) Rs.60 and Rs.600
E) Rs.330 and Rs.330
2. A van covers a distance of 392 km at a certain speed in 8 hours. How much time would a car take at an average speed which is 11 kmph more than that of the speed of the van to cover a distance which is 28 km more than that travelled by the van?
A) 6 hours
B) 5 hours
C) 7 hours
D) 8 hours
E) 9 hours
3. A pipe can fill a tank in 15 minutes and another pipe can fill it in 12 minutes, but a third pipe can empty it in 6 minutes. The first two pipes are kept open for 5 min in the beginning and then third pipe is also opened. Time taken to empty the water tank is?
A) 10 min
B) 25 min
C) 35 min
D) 45 min
E) 55 min
4. The price of a Kawasaki Ninja bike is Rs. 12,50,000. It was insured to 80% of its price. The bike was damaged completely in an accident and the insurance company paid 90% of the insurance. What was the difference between the price of the car and the amount received?
A) Rs.150000
B) Rs.350000
C) Rs.250000
D) Rs.300000
E) Rs.200000
5. The present age of Ramesh is one – fourth that of his father. After six years, the father’s age will be twice the age of Kumar. If kumar celebrated sixth birthday 8 year ago, What is the Ramesh’s Present age?
A) 6.5 years
B) 7.8 years
C) 9.5 years
D) 8.5 years
E) 1.6 years
6. If the length of a rectangular field is increased by 20% and the breadth is reduced by 20%, the area of the rectangle will be 192m². What is the area of original rectangle?
A) 100 m2
B) 150 m2
C) 175 m2
D) 200 m2
E) 225 m2
7. Deepak borrows Rs.5000 at simple Interest from a lender. At the end of 3 years, she again borrows Rs.2000 and settled that amount after paying Rs.5000 as interest after 8 years from the time she made the first borrowing. what is the rate of interest?
A) 5%
B) 9%
C) 7%
D) 8%
E) 10%
8. Dinesh invests 12% of his monthly salary in Fixed Deposits. Later he invests 15% of his monthly salary on Life Insurance Policies. Total amount spent by him for Transports is Rs. 1800 per month. He also invests another 7% of his monthly salary on Mutual Funds. Amount invested by Deepak in Fixed Deposit is double of the amount spent by him for Transports. What is the total annual amount invested by Deepak?
A) Rs.122400
B) Rs.110400
C) Rs.113600
D) Rs.114600
E) Rs.115400
9. 40 boys and 62 girls form a group for social work. During their membership drive, an equal number of boys and girls also join the group. How many members does the group have now, if the ratio of boys to girls is 2:3?
A) 106
B) 110
C) 140
D) 120
E) 135
10. If 8 examiners can examine a certain number of answer books in 12 days by working 5 hours a day, for how many hours a day would 4 examiners have to work in order to examine twice the number of answer books in 20 days.
A) 16
B) 10
C) 14
D) 12
E) 22
1. A) ATQ, 80/100 * x = 140/100 * y
x = 7/4y
x + y = 660
7/4 y + y = 660
y = 240 ; x = 420
2. C) Speed of the truck = Distance/time = 392/8 = 49 kmph
Now, speed of car = (speed of van + 11) kmph = (49 + 11) = 60 kmph
Distance travelled by car = 392 + 28 = 420 km
Time taken by car = Distance/Speed = 420/60 = 7 hours.
3. D) ATQ, x/6 – (x+5)/15 – (x+5)/12 = 0
=> x = 45 mins
4. B) 12,50,000*( 80/100)*(90/100)= 9,00,000
12,50,000 – 9,00,000 = Rs.3,50,000
5. D) Kumar’s present age = 8 + 6 = 14
Kumar’s age after 6 years = 14 + 6 = 20
Kumar’s father age = 2 * 20 = 40
Father’s present age = 34
Ramesh’s present age = 34 / 4 = 8.5 years
6. D) length of rectangle = l m
breadth of rectangle = b m
l * (120/100) * b * (80/100) = 192
1.2l * 0.8b = 192
lb = 192 / 1.2 * 0.8 = 200 m²
7. E) SI for Rs.5000 for 8 years= (5000*r*8)/100
Again borrowed=2000
SI = (2000*r*5)/100
Total interest= [(5000*r*8)/100] + [(2000*r*5)/100] = 5000
400r + 100r = 5000
r = 10%
8. A) Total amount spent by him for Transports = Rs. 1800
12% of x = 3600
x = 30,000
(12% + 15% + 7%) of 30,000 = 10,200
Annual Investment = 10200 * 12 = 1,22,400
9. B) ATQ, [40 + x / 62 + x ] = 2/3
x = 4
40 + 62 + 4 + 4 = 110
10. D) x – number of answer books
y – hours
[8 * 12 * 5] / x = [4 * 20 * y] /2x
y = 12
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Seven persons P, Q, R, S, X, Y and Z likes different fruits viz, Banana, Apple, Watermelon, Orange, Papaya, Litchi and Grapes, belongs to different countries viz, India, England, China, SA, SL, Australia and Pakistan and also like different colors viz, Blue, Orange, Purple, White, Pink, Grey and Black but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who likes Purple also likes Orange fruit. S belongs to Pakistan and does not like Watermelon.
The person from China and Australia do not like Grapes.
X likes Apple and Pink.
P belongs to SL and he likes Grey. R likes Grapes but does not like Blue. Y likes Litchi.
Neither S nor Z likes blue or Orange.
Z does not like Papaya and S does not like Purple.
The one who likes black belongs to England.
Either Y or Q likes Black color.
The person from India likes Banana and Z belongs to China.
1. Which of the following person from Australia?
A) Z
B) S
C) X
D) Q
E) Either X or Z
2. Z likes which of the following fruits?
A) Papaya
B) Watermelon
C) Litchi
D) Orange
E) None of these
3. The one who likes Watermelon, likes which of the following color?
A) Black
B) Grey
C) Purple
D) Blue
E) Pink
4. R likes which of the following colour?
a) Purple
B) Blue
C) Grey
D) Orange
E) None of these
5. Which of the following combination is incorrect?
A) Australia-X-Apple-Pink
B) India-Q-Banana-Blue
C) SA-R-Grapes-Orange
D) England-Z-Litchi-Black
E) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Input Output
Input: adjust 23 Narrow 7 elegant 10 demand 13 quiet 4 18 urgent
Step I: adjust 7 23 Narrow elegant 10 demand 13 quiet 4 18 urgent
Step II: adjust 7 23 Narrow elegant 10 13 quiet 18 urgent demand 4
Step III: adjust 7 elegant 13 23 Narrow 10 quiet 18 urgent demand 4
Step IV: adjust 7 elegant 13 23 quiet 18 urgent demand 4 Narrow 10
Step V: adjust 7 elegant 13 urgent 23 quiet 18 demand 4 Narrow 10
Step VI: adjust 7 elegant 13 urgent 23 demand 4 Narrow 10 quiet 18
Step VI is the final output.
Input: Iskcon 30 Omelette 20 Attitude 37 31 Honey 61 Dowry Cake 40
6. How many total steps are required?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 4
D) 7
E) 3
7. How many elements are in between Iskcon and 40 in step 3?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 4
D) 7
E) 3
8. How many words are in between honey and 30 in step 4?
A) 5
B) 2
C) 4
D) 3
E) 6
9. How many numbers are in between Iskcon and 20 in step 5?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6
10. What is the Step I?
A) Step I: Iskcon 30 attitude 31 Omelette 20 37 Honey 61 Dowry Cake 20
B) Step I: attitude 30 Iskcon 31 Omelette 20 37 Honey 61 Dowry Cake 40
C) Step I: attitude 31 Iskcon 30 Omelette 20 37 Honey 61 Dowry Cake 40
D) Step I: attitude 40 Iskcon 30 Omelette 20 37 Honey 61 Dowry Cake 31
E) Step I: Iskcon 30 Omelette attitude 31 20 37 Honey 40 Dowry Cake 61
(1 – 5):
1. C)   2. D)   3. B)   4. D)   5. D)  
(6 – 10):
In each step a word and a number are arranged in pairs of Vowel+ Prime and Consonant +Composite. The words starting with vowels are arranged from left to right along with a prime number is ascending order. The words starting with a consonant are arranged from left to right (on the right end) in the next step along with a composite number is ascending order.
Step I: attitude 31 Iskcon 30 Omelette 20 37 Honey 61 Dowry Cake 40
Step II: attitude 31 Iskcon 30 Omelette 37 Honey 61 Dowry 40 cake 20
Step III: attitude 31 Iskcon 37 30 Omelette Honey 61 Dowry 40 cake 20
Step IV: attitude 31 Iskcon37  Omelette Honey 61 40 cake 20 Dowry 30
Step V: attitude 31 Iskcon37  Omelette 61 Honey 40 cake 20 Dowry 30
Step VI: attitude 31 Iskcon 37 Omelette 61 cake 20 Dowry 30 honey 40
Step VI is the final output.
6. B)   7. B)   8. B)   9. B)   10. C)