Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 18)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 18)
Directions (1 – 7): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/ phrases have been given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
The government's move to outlaw billions of Rs. 500-and Rs. 1,000-denominated notes overnight has led to a chaotic scramble for usable cash.
In theory, it was to flush out unaccounted money and push India towards a cashless economy. In reality, it's led to a reorganisation of cash for smalltime tax evaders and bewilderment for the marginalised.

For real change to happen, India needs to focus on an incentivised digital transaction system with strict data protection laws to encourage usage. That transition is no small task. For the bulk of the unbanked, India's villages and urban poor, cashless transactions are a chimera.
The typical villager has transaction sizes so small that it's uneconomical to service each with a brick-and-mortar bank. India's central hank knows this too well and its greatest success has been the use of banking correspondents.
India's biggest bet, however, as pointed out by its former Reserve Bank of India governor Raghuram Rajan, may be in pushing out the Universal Payment Interface (UPI) aggressively.
Under UPI, anyone with a smartphone can transfer money between two accounts. It has a unique advantage in that the mobile phone kiosk or vendor is ubiquitous in villages, as are cheap handphones.
Of course, it requires significant investment in training users to do transactions correctly, but it's a small price to pay to promote a cashless culture.
The government's bigger resistance to conversion is likely to come from billions of small traders and service providers from the plumber to the tailor. Few of these folks pay taxes at all. Which explains why only I% of the country's population shows up on the taxpayer list.
To tackle this, the government will have to find ways to promote the use of cashless transactions through a slew of incentives, to make it far more attractive to pay for goods and services digitally.
The safety pin in all of this will, of course, be data security. A September data theft in which fraudsters swiped data off millions of debit card holders is a reminder of the challenges that lie ahead.
Fraudsters stole data from cards that were swiped at the ATM of a certain bank. Yet, no bank claimed responsibility or elaborated on how the malware got into the ATMs of the bank involved.
Indian banks treated the problem poorly at all levels, The banks mostly kept mum for several weeks, though they notified customers to change passwords. They cowered, showing very little of the transparency they demand from customers.
Banks must understand that in a cashless society, clarity is everything. When a data breach happens, banks must disclose details as soon as possible, and not as little and as late as can be.
As India moves toward its Digital India programme, and more goods and services migrate online, data sitting with e-commerce sites, transport aggregators, public services, Aadhaar and retailers will be under threat. We will need a data breach disclosure law. And tough data protection laws.
 It's widely accepted that data theft is a common menace worldwide.-Even high-profile companies with tight cyber security, from Tesco to Yahoo, have had customer money and data stolen. No one is immune. Ever.
 India's regulators, be they overseeing transactions, personal data or biometric information, must know that in an increasingly digital society, user information can be misused for redirecting public funds to bogus recipients, to blackmail or outright theft.
In India, the land of jugaad, if it can happen, it will. Users who have to be coaxed into going cashless will want assurances on a few things, pretty unequivocally.
They will want timely and full compensation for losses arising from data theft, know systems are as safe as can be, and data hacks will be reported as soon as they are discovered. Without all of this in place, India's cashless future will be leaky. Its dirty money will continue to find its way into gold, overseas accounts and benami real estate. And the government will be chasing ghosts, in the hope of a clean-up.
1. What are banks supposed to do in a cashless society?
a) In a cashless society banks are supposed to make everything clear to the persons concerned.
b) In the event of a data breach, banks must disclose details as soon as possible.
c) The delayed action by the banks in the event of data breach discourage the fraudsters, hence banks should take action as little and as late as possible.
d) Only a) and b)
e) All a), b) and c)
2. What measure(s) has/have been suggested by the author to protect online services and shopping?
(A) The government should set up a regulatory body to regulate the functioning of online service providers.
(B) There should be a data breach disclosure law in place.
(C) Tough data protection laws should be enacted by the government.
a) Only (A) and (B)
b) Only (B)
c) Only (C)
d) Only (B) and (C)
e) All (A), (B) and (C)
3. How did the government's move to demonetise high-, denomination currency impact the different people of society? Answer in the context of the passage.
(A) The move came as a bewilderment for the marginalised section of society.
(B) The move proved to be a windfall for the bank employees.
(C) The move led to a reorganisation of cash for small-time tax evaders.
a) Only (A) and (B)
b) Only (B) and (C)
c) Only (A) and (C)
d) Only (C)
e) All (A), (B) and (C)
4. How, according to the author, can India move towards a cashless economy? Answer in the context of the passage.
(A) India should focus on an incentivised digital transaction system.
(B) To encourage digital transaction there should be strict data protection laws.
(C) The usage of retail point of sale (POS) system should be made mandatory for retailers.
a) All (A), (B) and (C)
b) Only (A)
c) Only (C)
d) Only (A) and (B)
e) Only (A) and (C)
5. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?
a) Under UPI, anyone with a smartphone can transfer money between two accounts.
b) The biggest hurdle in the way of conversion to cashless society are billions of small traders and service providers.
c) The September data theft was committed by fraudsters from cards that were swiped at the ATMs of YES Bank.
d) Indian banks treated the issue of data theft poorly at all levels.
e) None of the above
6. What, according to the author, may be the aspirations of the persons going cashless? Answer in the context of the passage.
a) They will want timely and full compensation for losses arising from data theft.
b) They may expect data hacks to be reported as soon as they are discovered.
c) They may expect a freebie for using plastic money.
d) Only a) and b)
e) All a), b) and c)
7. What are the meanings of 'chimera' and 'coaxed' respectively as used in the passage?
a) dream, dissuaded
b) reality, persuaded
c) fool's paradise, cajoled
d) certain , turned off
e) fantasy, discouraged
Directions (8 – 10): Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSIT in meaning of the word printed in bold.
8. Mollify
a) placate
b) ameliorate
c) pacify
d) compose  
e) incite
9. Renegade
a) dissident
b) rebel
c) obedient
d) traitor
e) insurgent
10. Torment
a) relief
b) agony
c) scourge
d) nuisance
e) tease
1. D)   2. D)   3. C)   4. D)   5. C)   6. D)   7. C)   8. E)   9. C)   10. A)  
Directions (1 – 5): Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Distance (in kms) travelled by six trains on six different days of the week
Rajdhani Express
Duronto Express
Mandovi Express
Maharaja Express
Island Express
Golden Chariot
1. What is the total distance travelled by all the trains together on Saturday, Thursday and Tuesday?
a) 4985 km
b) 5191 km
c) 5396 km
d) 4161 km
e) 5481 km
2. What is the average distance travelled by Maharaja Express in all the days together?
a) 269 1/3 km
b) 233 1/6 km
c) 195 1/6 km
d) 299 1/3 km
e) 319 2/7 km
3. If the speed of Rajdhani Express on Monday was 19.2 kmph, the speed of Maharaja Express on Friday was 21.4 kmph, what was the difference between the times taken by two trains to cover the given distance?
a) 10 minutes
b) 45 minutes
c) 60 minutes
d) 30 minutes
e) 50 minutes
4. If travel the given distance, the time taken by Duronto Express on Friday was 8 hours, what was its speed on that day?
a) 32.50 kmph
b) 42.25 kmph
c) 37.75 kmph
d) 35.25 kmph
e) 30.50 kmph
5. If on Tuesday and Saturday Mandovi Express and Island Express travelled at the same speed, what was the respective ratio of time taken by Mandovi Express and time taken by Island Express to cover their respective distances?
a) 71 : 76
b) 78 : 70
c) 76 : 71
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.
Per cent profit earned by two companies producing oil products over the years
% Profit = Profit Earned/ Total Investment × 100
Profit Earned = Total Income Total Investment in the year
6. If the investments of ONGC in 2014 and 2015 were equal, what is the difference between the profits earned in the two years if the income in 2015 was 24 lakh?
a) 2.75 lakh
b) 1.65 lakh
c) 1.25 lakh
d) 2.50 lakh
e) 2.25 lakh
7. If the amount invested by the two companies in 2012 was equal, what was the ratio of the total income of the ONGC to that of GAIL in 2012?
a) 31 : 34
b) 35 : 33
c) 34 : 31
d) 30 : 17
e) 34 : 21
8. If the total amount invested by the two companies in 2016 was 27 lakh, while the amount invested by GAIL was 50% of the amount invested by ONGC, what was the total profit earned by the two companies together?
a) 21.70 lakh
b) 20.70 lakh
c) 19.80 lakh
d) 22.30 lakh
e) 18.20 lakh
9. If the income of ONGC in 2014 and that in 2015 were equal and the amount invested in 2014 was 12 lakh, what was the amount invested in 2015?
a) 10, 87, 500
b) 10, 65, 700
c) 9, 55, 200
d) 11, 23, 800
e) 10, 57, 600
10. If the amount invested by GAIL in 2011 is 12 lakh and the income of 2011 is equal to the investment in 2012, what is the amount of profit earned in 2012 by GAIL?
a) 11.13 lakh
b) 12.60 lakh
c) 10.76 lakh
d) 10.23 lakh
e) 10.93 lakh
1. B) Total distance travelled by all the trains on Saturday, Thursday and Tuesday together
Saturday = (292 + 284 + 260 + 274 + 290 + 242) km = 1642 km
Thursday = (288 + 300 + 310 + 278 + 260 + 275) km = 1711 km
Tuesday = (320 + 264 + 308 + 314 + 318 + 314) km = 1838 km
Total = 1642 + 1711 + 1838 = 5191 km
2. D) Required average distance covered by Maharaja Express
= (325 + 314 + 312 + 278 + 292 + 274)/6 = 1795/6 = 299 1/6 km
3. E) Required time for Rajdhani Express = 240/19.2 = 12.5 hours = 12 hours 30 minutes
Required time for Maharaja Express = 292/21.9 = 13.33 hours = 13 hours 20 minutes
Difference = 13 hours 20 minutes - 12 hours 30 minutes = 50 minutes
4. C) Speed of Duronto Express on Friday = 302/8 = 37.75 kmph
5. A) Time taken by Mandovi Express on Tuesday and Saturday = 308 + 260 = 568
Time taken by Island Express on Tuesday and Saturday = 318 + 290 = 608
Required ratio =568:608 = 71 : 76
6. E) Investment of ONGC in 2015 = 24 × 10^5/1.60 = 15 lakh
Profit in 2015 = 24 – 15 = 9 lakh.
Profit in 2014 = 45/100 × 15 × 10^5 = 6.75 lakh
Required answer = 9 – 6.75 = 2.25 lakh
7. C) Let the amount invested by ONGC and GAIL in the year 2012 be x each.
Income of ONGC in 2012 = 1.70x
Income of GAIL in 2012 = 1.55 x
Ratio = ONGC/GAIL = 1.70x/1.55x = 34/31 = 34 : 31
8. B) Amount invested by GAIL in 2016 = 1/3 × 27 × 10^5 = 9 lakh
Amount invested by ONGC in 2016 = 2/3 × 27 × 10^5 = 18 lakh
Profit earned by GAIL = 80/100 × 9 × 10^5 = 72 × 10^4
Profit earned by ONGC = 75/100 × 18 = 13.5 lakh
Total profit = 13.5 + 7.2 = 20.7 lakh
9. A)
10. D) Income of GAIL in 2011 = 1.55 × 12 × 10^5 = 18.6 lakh
Investment in 2012 = 18.6 lakh
Profit earned in 2012 = 55/100 × 18.6 × 10^5 = 10.23 lakh
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W stay in an apartment in eight different floors but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of an apartment is numbered 1 and topmost floor is numbered 8. They are born in different month i.e. January, February, March, April, May, June, July and August.
S lives on the odd numbered floor above the floor on which P lives. Q has born in the month of January and lives in an odd numbered floor, below the floor on which P lives but not immediate below. The number of floors between W & U is double the number of floors between P & Q. There is no month gap between month of V and W was born. V lives neither immediate above nor immediate below on which W live. One who has born on May month lives on even numbered floor but not on the eighth floor. R is adjacent only with one who born in the month of minimum number of days amongst all. P lives on the fourth floor and does not born on the month which has maximum number of days. One who has born on March lives on the topmost floor. One who has born in June month lives below the floor on one who born in July month.  U lives one of the floors above W.
1. Who among the following person had born on May month?
a) S           
b) T           
c) U           
d) V           
e) W
2. Who lives on floor number 3?
a) R           
b) S           
c) T           
d) U           
e) V
3. Which of the following combinations of month, person and floor is true?
a) June - P - Four
b) May  - T - Six
c) Feb U -Seven
d) Feb - W - Seven 
e) None is true
4. Which of the following statement is/are definitely true?
a) W is an immediate neighbour of Q
b) Two floors in between P and T
c) W is not lives immediate below the floor on which R lives
d) One who born in June and August are adjacent to each other
e) Both a) and c)
5. Four of the following five are alive in a certain way based on the given information and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a) Q           
b) W          
c) R           
d) V           
e) S
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. 
There are eight persons namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H born in the same month of different years 1935, 1946, 1961, 1969, 1974, 1992, 1996, 2004. Their ages are calculated as on the same month of 2016. A is born before independence. E is born in even number year, which is completely divisible by four but, not completely divisible by three. H is 8 years elder to B, who is 5 years older than D.  G is 46 year younger than A. C is not youngest among all.
6. Who among the following was born in 1974?
a) G           
b) D           
c) E           
d) F           
e) H
7. Who among the following is the youngest?
a) B           
b) E           
c) F           
d) D          
e) G
8. Which of the following year B is born?
a) 1946      
b) 1961      
c) 1974      
d) 1996      
e) none of these
9. How many people is/are born before H?
a) One       
b) Two       
c) Three     
d) Four       
e) No one
10. What is the age of G?
a) 46 years younger than A      
b) 50 years younger than A               
c) 56 years younger than B
d) Both a) and c)
e) None of these
(1 – 5):
1. D)   2. C)   3. C)   4. E)   5. B)  
(6 – 10):
6. B)   7. C)   8. E)   9. B)   10. A)