Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 10)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 10)
Directions (1 – 5): In the passage given below there are 5 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has four alternative words given in options (A),(B),(C) and (D). You have to tell which word will best suit the respective blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the work given in bold after the blank is your answer i.e “No change required
TWO of the first things that strike visitors to China are irritants to which some residents have become (1)  (trained) : bad air and poor internet service. For those with money to spare, a (very expensive) solution to the first problem is to buy air purifiers. For the second the solution is much cheaper and, until recently, far more visibly effective: a “virtual private network” (VPN), a software service that tunnels through the government’s extensive (2)  (traverse) to content it dislikes.
Selling air purifiers remains a growth industry in China, but the VPN business is in (3)  (tranquil). For years internet censors largely (4)  (blocked) it, perhaps because users of paid VPN services were, at first, mostly foreign residents. In recent weeks, however, the government has changed tack. It has been making unusually strenuous efforts to block access to VPNs. Foreign companies which provide them have been warning customers that these problems will persist as China’s countermeasures become ever more (5)  (sophisticated).
The censors have also been speaking more openly about their efforts to protect China’s “cyber-space sovereignty”. On January 27th Wen Ku, a senior official in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the country needed “new methods to tackle new problems” in its management of the internet. State media have suggested that offering VPN services in China without registering should be seen as illegal, even though the companies that do it are based abroad and are (6)  (not obeying) laws in their own countries.
Without these services, China’s 649m internet users are (7)  (boycotted in) all manner of forbidden fruit, including sites covering sensitive political topics as well as social media such as Facebook and Twitter. It may be tempting for China’s regulators to think of this as merely a (8)  (terror) to foreigners, who can be safely left to steam over their inability to get on to YouTube. But it is also causing serious disruption to many Chinese users, who wish to heed the government’s call to boost innovation and who need to collaborate with foreign colleagues in business or academia. It represents “a huge tax on efficiency”, says Duncan Clark, chairman of BDA, a Beijing-based technology consultancy.
Some Chinese officials, however, see the controls as good for business. They boast that blocking access to (9)  (swathes) of the internet has created the space for China’s internet giants such as Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu to prosper. Foreign companies suspect that China is using internet security as a pretext for protectionism. On January 28th 18 American industry groups complained to Chinese leaders about a “growing trend” in government policymaking towards limiting access by foreign information-technology firms to the Chinese market on “cyber-security” grounds. No such complaints have yet come from foreign manufacturers of air purifiers, which continue to sell like (10)  (VPN).
1. A) soulless  B) prone  C) inured  D) resistant  E) No Change Required
2. A) clearance  B) bypass  C) difficulty D) obstacles  E) No Change Required
3. A) trouble  B) burden  C) lease  D) indict  E) No Change Required
4. A) authorized B) avoided C) tolerated  D) disapproved E) No Change Required
5. A) unrefined B) glutted C) straightforward D) indisposed  E) No Change Required
6. A) not violating B) performing C) interdicting D) breaking E) No Change Required
7. A) encouraged for B) forwarded to C) blocked from D) violated to E) No Change Required
8. A) nuisance B) shame C) indent D) glory E) No Change Required
9. A) compilation B) travesty C) recur D) ribald E) No Change Required
10. A) hot cakes B) easily C) unopposed D) drop box E) No Change Required
1. C)   2. D)   3. A)   4. C)   5. E)   6. A)   7. C)   8. A)   9. E)   10. A)  
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The table shows the number of students (boys and girls) who participated in different activities from 5 schools – A, B, C, D and E and the individual percentages. (Though some values are missing)
No. of students
% of students who took part in different activities
1. What is the number of students who did not take part in painting from school C?
A) 529
B) 543
C) 481
D) 427
E) 465
2. Students from school A who did not take part in Swimming and Dancing is 147. The number of students who took part in Swimming is 49 more than who took part in Dancing. Find the number of students who took part in swimming from same school.
A) 187
B) 196
C) 173
D) 205
E) 224
3. There is a difference of 100 students in number from school C and E. Find the number of students who took part in painting and dancing from school E given that number of girls in school E is less than 400.
A) 363
B) 357
C) 326
D) 341
E) 371
4. The percentage point of students who took part in swimming is 10% greater than that of students who took part in painting from school D. Boys from school B is 6 2/3% less than boys from school D. What is the number of students who did not take part in swimming if total number of girls from school D is 280?
A) 377
B) 336
C) 343
D) 312
E) 351
5. Number of girls from school B is 390 less than number of students from school C. If a total of 105 girls took part in painting from school C, then what percent of students from school C who took part in painting are girls?
A) 59.99%
B) 55.55%
C) 57.77%
D) 51.11%
E) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Find the wrong number in the following number series:
6. 4, 3, 3, 9, 31, 129, 651
A) 3
B) 3
C) 9
D) 31
E) 129
7. 3, 7, 19, 35, 74, 153, 312
A) 7
B) 19
C) 35
D) 74
E) 153
8. 4, 5, 13, 23, 59, 95, 193
A) 5
B) 13
C) 23
D) 59
E) 95
9. 3, 8, 11, 19, 27, 30, 39
A) 8
B) 11
C) 19
D) 27
E) 30
10. 8, 6, 14, 64, 440, 3960, 39489
A) 6
B) 14
C) 64
D) 440
E) 3960
1. C) Students in painting = 26%, so who are not in painting = 100 – 26 = 74%
So required number = 74% of (330+320) = 481
2. B) 30% of z = 147 [z – number of students in school A]
Solve, z = 490
Let students who took part in swimming is x% and dancing is y%
So x + y = 70% (100-30) ………………………(1)
Also x% of 490 = 49 + y% of 490 ………….(2)
Solve both equations, x = 40%
So students from school A who took part in Swimming = 40% of 490 = 196
3. D) Students from C = 330+320 = 650
So now students from E is 550 or 750. Given that girls in E < 400. So students from E = 550 because boys are 230
So who took part in painting and dancing = (100-38)% of 550 = 341
4. A) From school D: swimming + painting = 100 – 40 = 60%
percentage point of students who took part in swimming is 10% greater than that of students who took part in painting from school D. So swimming = 35%, and painting = 25%
Boys from school B = 280 which is 6 2/3% = 20/3% less than boys from school D
So (x – 280)/x * 100 = 20/3
Solve, x = 300 = boys from D
Girls from school D = 280, so total students = 300+280 = 580
So number of students who did not take part in swimming = (40+25)% of 580 = 377
5. B) Number of girls from B = (330+320) – 390 = 260
School B:
Total students who took part in painting = 100 – 65 = 35%
Let x% are girls from this 35%
So x% of 35% of (280+260) = 105
Solve, x = 500/9% = 55.55%
6. A) 4×0+ 1 = 1, 1×1 + 2 = 3, 3×2 + 3 = 9, 9×3 + 4 = 31, 31×4 + 5 = 129, 129×5 + 6 = 651       
7. B) 3×2 + 1 = 7, 7×2 + 2 = 16, 16×2 + 3 = 35, 35×2 + 4 = 74, 74×2 + 5 = 153, 153×2 + 6 = 312 
8. D) 4*2 – 3 = 5, 5*2 + 3 = 13, 13*2 – 3 = 23, 23*2 + 3 = 49, 49*2 – 3 = 95, 95*2 + 3 = 193
9. B)
……+5 +7               +4………….+8………..…+3…………9
………..+2             -3              +4               -5              +6
10. E) 8*1 – 2 = 6, 6*3 – 4 = 14, 14*5 – 6 = 64, 64*7 – 8 = 440, 440*9 – 10 = 3950 3950*10 – 11 = 39489
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information and answer the questions followed:
10 persons Mohit, Mukul, Ravi, Avneesh, Deepak, Shekhar, Gaurav, Anish, Raghav and Ankit live in a 4 storeyed building with lowest floor numbered as 1, immediately above it as 2, and so on. Each floor has 3 flats and all 12 of them form a grid pattern having flats directly above and /or below and/or beside them. Each flat is numbered 1, 2 and 3 in each floor from left to right. 2 flats in the building are vacant. The two vacant flats are not in the same row (floor) or column. It is further known that:
                 i.          Flat number 2 on the 2nd floor is vacant.
               ii.          Mukul lives in an even numbered flat.
             iii.          One of the flats neighbouring Mukul is empty.
             iv.          Raghav lives to the immediate left of Gaurav.
               v.          There is a gap of one floor in between Gaurav and Shekhar.
             vi.          None of the flats that is in the same row or same column as Shekhar is empty.
            vii.          Gaurav lives directly below a vacant flat.
          viii.          Mohit and Gaurav live on the same floor.
             ix.          Deepak lives directly above Ravi.
               x.          Mukul lives on a floor with 2 other persons.
             xi.          Avneesh lives above Ankit.
            xii.          Mukul and Deepak do not live on the same floor.
1. Who lives on the same floor as Mukul?
A) Anish
B) Ankit
C) Shekhar
D) Deepak
E) None of these
2. Which of the following flats is vacant?
A) Flat 1 of floor number 4
B) Flat 3 of floor number 4
C) Flat 1 of floor number 1
D) Flat 3 of floor number 3
E) Flat 3 of floor number 1
3. Who among the following live on the same floor?
A) Mukul and Raghav
B) Ankit and Ravi
C) Shekhar and Ravi
D) Anish and Mohit
E) Mohit and Mukul
4. In which of the following flats does Ravi live?
A) Flat 2 of floor number 1
B) Flat 2 of floor number 3
C) Flat 3 of floor number 1
D) Flat 3 of floor number 2
E) Flat 1 of floor number 2
5. Which of the following is the correct combination of Name: Flat No.: Floor No.?
A) Avneesh: 2: 4
B) Mukul: 2: 1
C) Mohit: 2: 3
D) Shekhar: 3: 1
E) Ravi: 1: 3
Directions (5 – 10): In the following questions, the symbols %, @, #, $ and * are used with the following meaning as illustrated below:
‘P#Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q’.
‘P*Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q’.
‘P$Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q’.
‘P%Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’.
‘P@Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor greater than Q’.
In each of the following questions, mark answer according to above symbols and their meaning.
6. Which of the following does not make A # C and D $ F definitely not true?
A) A % B # C @ D $ E $ F
B) A # B @ C $ D $ E @ F
C) A % B # C @ D $ E * F
D) A % B # C # D @ E $ F
E) All are true
7. Which of the following makes C $ E or B % E definitely true?
A) A * B $ C @ D % E # F
B) A # B * C $ D @ E # F
C) A # B # C % D % E * F
D) A @ B % C @ D * E * F
E) None of these
8. If “A % B % C * D @ E $ F” is true then which of the following is definitely not true?
(i) A # D
(ii) C * F
(iii) B # D
(iv) D # F
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii) and (iv)
C) Only (i) and (iii)
D) Only (i), (iii) and (iv)
E) All are true
9. Which of the following makes A * C and E # B definitely true?
A) A * B $ C @ D % E # F
B) A * D $ B * C @ E # F
C) A * B # C % D * E $ F
D) A @ B * D @ C % E @ F
E) None of these
10. What will come in place of blank in following below such that both A % D and C # F are definitely true?
A % B % C _ D # E % F
i) @
ii) *
iii) %
iv) $
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii) and (iv)
C) Only (i) and (iii)
D) Only (i), (iii) and (iv)
E) All are true
(1 – 5):
Flats / Floor
1. C)   2. B)   3. C)   4. C)   5. B)  
6. C) Check all the options and find in which both A > C and D ≤ F are false
C) option is A = B ≥ C = D ≤ E < F. In this A ≥ C but D < F
7. B) Check all the options and find in which both or at least one of C ≤ E and B ≥ E is true. (because or is given between C $ E or B % E
B) option is A > B < C ≤ D = E > F. In this C ≤ = E. In all other options, both are false.
8. C) Questions asks definitely not true or definitely false. We do not have sufficient information about relation between B and D, so cannot be said for (iii)
9. B)
10. C) With (i) – A ≥ B ≥ C = D > E ≥ F
With (iii) – A ≥ B ≥ C ≥ D > E ≥ F
In both of these A ≥ D and C > F