Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 16)

Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 16)
Directions (1 – 10): Four statements are given below, labeled A, B, C and D. Among these, some statements are in logical order and form coherent paragraph. From the given options a), b), c), d) and e), choose the option the does not fit into the theme of the paragraph.
1. A. The mentality of "just do it and be done with it", can sometimes preclude what we know to be the logical and necessary "means to an end", of a successful implementation.
B. However, by utilizing project management methodology, projects can be completed on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of all involved stakeholders.
C. Time spent compiling a business case that includes a cost and benefit analysis is an extremely valuable investment.
D. As is often the case when a project needs to be completed and completed in a hurry, proactive steps such as research, planning, communication, and review are left by the wayside.

a) A   
b) B   
c) C   
d) D  
e) All fits to paragraph
2. A.  The "Warren Buffett Indicator," also known as the "Total-Market-Cap to GDP Ratio," is breaching sell-alert status and a collapse may happen at any moment.
B. So with an inevitable crash looming, what are Main Street investors to do?
C. "A lot of people think I am lucky," Sean said. "But it has nothing to do with luck." It has everything to do with certain tools I use.
D. One option is to sell all your stocks and stuff your money under the mattress, and another option is to risk everything and ride out the storm.
a) A   
b) B   
c) D  
d) All fits to paragraph   
e) None of the above
3. A. Rick Caruso, the founder and CEO of Caruso Affiliated, a privately held real estate company, wrote in a recent LinkedIn post that success does not come easy.
B. But there are certain steps you can take, or rules to follow, that can help, he says.
C. There's no magical formula for achieving it, he saysand most people become successful "by falling over and over again."
D. This does not mean you should not physically sit still. It means you should never let your mind or body become idle without purpose, Caruso explains.
a) C   
b) B   
c) A 
d) D  
e) All fits to paragraph
4. A. Android was built from the ground-up to enable developers to create compelling mobile applications that take full advantage of all a handset has to offer.
B. The Google team loves creating surprises for users. Here's how to find Google's Easter eggs, for the two latest versions of its Android operating system.
C. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich To make this fun animation appear, go to Settings, About, and then keep tapping the Android version number until Nyandroid appears.
D. Android (4.1, 4.2, 4.3) Jelly Bean -To access it, go to Settings, About Phone, and, once again, keep tapping the version number, but this time you'll see Google's signature chocolate bar. Tap on it, and the tiles will appear.
a) A   
b) C   
c) B   
d) D   
e) None of the above
5. A. Tigers killing elephant calves is not a rare occurrence.
B. Angered tigers are capable of killing even a bull elephant, as epitomized by E.A. Smythies in Journal of Bombay Natural History Society.
C. And one factor that could be controlling the population of the around 800 elephants of the Corbett landscape is predation on calves by tigers.
D. We walked from the saddle dam road to the main roada distance of 6 kmwatching the goral, the languor and birds and taking pictures of profusely flowering plants.
a) A   
b) B   
c) C   
d) D   
e)  All fits to the paragraph
6. A. I'm encouraging people to just get outside and enjoy nature. They can do it in their backyard or backpack 20 miles into the wilderness.
B. But the universe itself and everything we can touch are made of the most beautiful geometric patterns imaginable.
C. If you could see the world through my eyes, you would know how perfect it is, how much order runs through it, and how much structure is hidden in its tiniest parts?
D. We're so often victims of things - I see the violence too, the disease, the poverty stretching far and wide.
a) A   
b) D   
c) B 
d) All fits to paragraph   
e) None of the above
7. A. I've always wondered why married people lose no opportunity to litter their conversations with marriage problems, woefully pitying one another.
B. In Western cultures, more than 90 per cent of people marry by age 50. Healthy marriages are good for couples' mental and physical health.
C. But at the same time, they will do everything to avoid (and make others avoid) single people who want to share their problems of singleness.
D. They seem to suggest: get married and all your problems will vanish.
a) A   
b) B   
c) C   
d) D  
e)  All fits to the paragraph
8. A. Apple, unlike any other company in the world, has its identity tied to one individual: Steve Jobs.
B. Others began working on the Mac at later dates.
C. But, Jobs did not do it alone.
D. Apple's first CEO, Michael Scott, gave us a bunch of colour on the early days, and Steve Wozniak helped with a list of early employees.
a) C   
b) A   
c) D   
d) All fits to paragraph   
e) None of the above
9. A. There's a reason why overwhelming evidence has not spurred public action against global warming.
B. In the run-up to Earth Day this year, two major reports were released by the UN's Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change.
C. Both reports cited substantially more evidence of substantially more global warming and related impacts than past reports have and they did so more lucidly than in past iterations.
D. The IPCC is a scientific body under the auspices of the United Nations (UN.
a) A   
b) B   
c) C   
d) D   
e)  All fits to the paragraph
10. A. Big data refers to the idea that society can do things with a large body of data that were not possible when working with smaller amounts.
B. The term was originally applied a decade ago to massive datasets from astrophysics, genomics and Internet search engines, and to machine-learning systems that only work well when given lot of data to chew on.
C. When you combine someone's personal information with vast external datasets, you can infer new facts about that person.
D. Now it refers to the application of data-analysis and statistics in new areas, from retailing to human resources.
a) C   
b) D   
c) A   
d) All fits to paragraph   
e) None of the above
Answers with Explanations:
1. Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about project management methodologies and other factors related to that. But option c) is defining about the business case and its benefit analysis.
2. Option e) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the Warren Buffett Indicator and things to do under crash looming. But Statement C does not fit well in this scheme of things since it talks something about luck that was said by Sean.
3. Option d) is the one which is not part of the paragraph since it talks about physical fitness with respect to mind and body which is said by Caruso; While the other three sentences explains about Rick Caruso and his view about success.
4. Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about how to unlock two Android Easter eggs. But option a) explains about why it was built-up.
5. Option d) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explaining about the tigers that killing elephants for population control. But option d) is defining about human being walking from dam to main road and watching of goral.
6. Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since it is explaining about encouraging people to enjoy the nature; where others are describing about the pattern of the universe and how we can feel that.
7. Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph because others are explaining about, facts about being single. But option b) is giving details about positive aspects of marriage.
8. Option e) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the contribution of both Steve Jobs and Michael Scott in improving Apple”s company. But Statement B is explaining about development of the Mac by other persons.
9. Option d) is the one which is not part of the paragraph because other sentences are explaining about the global warming and some other factors such as climate change, Earth day, etc. But option d) gives details about IPCC.
10. Option a) is the one which is not part of the paragraph; while the other three sentences are about big data and its applications. But Option a) talks about inferring of people along with their personal information.
Directions (1 – 5): study the following table and answer the given questions.
Number of muffins sold by five different bakeries in 5 different months.
Month / Backery
1. What is the average number of muffins sold by bakery T in March, April and July?
a) 179
b) 177
c) 176
d) 172
e) 174
2. What is the ratio of the total number of muffins sold by bakeries Q and S together in May to the total number of Muffins sold by bakeries P and T together in the same month?
a) 21:23
b) 20:29
c) 19:23
d) 20:23
e) 22:29
3. If the number of muffins sold by bakery T in August was 70% more than that sold by the same bakery in June, what was the number of muffins sold by the bakery T in August?
a) 255
b) 221
c) 323
d) 238
e) 306
4. The total number of muffins sold by bakeries Q and S together in June is what percent more than the number of muffins sold by bakery P in March?
a) 70
b) 74
c) 72
d) 73
e) 75
5. What is the difference between the total number of muffins sold by bakeries P and Q together in April and the total number of muffins sold by bakeries R and S together in July?
a) 175
b) 152
c) 165
d) 143
e) 155
6. A boat covers a distance of 36 km in 10 hours downstream. To cover the same distance upstream, the boat takes two hours longer. What is the speed of the boat in still water?
a) 2.3 kmph
b) 3.3 kmph
c) 3 kmph
d) 4 kmph
e) None of these
7. The product of two odd integers is 4623. What is the smaller integer?
a) 67
b) 57
c) 69
d) 59
e) None of these
8. The circumference of a circle is equal to the perimeter of a square whose area is 484 sq cm. what is the area of the circle?
a) 676 cm2
b) 616 cm2
c) 656 cm2
d) 760 cm2
e) None of these
9. 12 persons can complete a piece of work in 84 days. How many persons will be required to complete the work in 36 days?
a) 45
b) 40
c) 28
d) 30
e) None of these
10. Nirmala started a business by investing Rs. 45000. Neeta joined her after six months with Rs. 75000 and Nikki joined them with Rs. 120000 after one year. At the end of two years what will be the ratio of Nirmala”s, Neeta”s and Nikki”s share in profit?
a) 3:4:5
b) 3:5:4
c) 12:16:15
d) 12:15:16
e) None of these
1. B) Average = (175+159+ 197) / 3 = 177
2. D) Reqd ratio = (98 + 112) / (112+141)= 220/ 253 = 20/23 = 20 : 23
3. E) Muffins sold in August = (180 x170)/100 = 180 x 1.70 = 306
4. C) Reqd % more = [(105+153 —150) / 150] x100 = (108 / 150) x  100 = (180 × 2)/ 3 = 36 x 2 = 72% more
5. A) Reqd difference =(220 + 151) - (109 + 87) = 371 — 196 =175
6. B) Time take by the boat to Cover the upstream distance 36 Km is 2 hours longer than the time taken downstream,
Upstream time = 10 + 2 = 12 hours
Speed of the boat upstream = 36/12 = 32 kmph
Speed of the boat downstream = 36/10 =10 3.6 kmph
The speed of the boat in still water = (3 + 3.6)/2 = 6.6/2 = 3.3 kmph
7. A) Let the odd integers he x and x + 2.
 Then, x(x + 2) =  4623 = 67 × 69
X = 67,69
Hence the smaller odd integer is 67.
8. B) Area of the square = 484 cm2
side of the square = 484 = 22 cm
perimeter of the square = 22 x 4 = 88 cm
Now, circumference of the circle = 2ï¿—r
2ï¿—r = 88 cm
or, 2 x (22/7) x r = 88
r = 14 cm
Area of the circle = (22/7) x14 x14 = 616 cm.
9. C) Reqd. no. of persons = (12 × 84) / 36 = 28
10. D) Reqd ratio =  (45 × 24 : 75 x 18 : 120 x 12 ) = 12 :15 : 16
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Nine people Sarika, Radha, Madina, Bairavi, Dhanya, Padma, Thilaka, Aruna and Yamini stay in a building. The building has nine floors and only one person stays on one floor. Each of them likes different stock exchanges namely- New York Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Taiwan Stock Exchange, SIX Swiss Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Australian Securities Exchange, Japan Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, and Bombay Stock Exchange. Each person belongs to different countries, i.e. Switzerland, Hong Kong, India, Japan, China, USA, Taiwan, Australia and UK, but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and so on, and the topmost floor is numbered 9.
The one who belongs to Australia stays on the fourth floor. Sarika does not belong to USA and does not like New York Stock Exchange and Taiwan Stock Exchange. There are three floors between the floors on which Madina and Thilaka stay. Bairavi stays on a floor immediately above the Yamini”s floor. The one who likes Shanghai Stock Exchange stays on an even numbered floor. Padma does not belong to UK .The one who belongs to Switzerland stays on the topmost floor. The one who likes Japan Stock Exchange stays immediate below to the one who likes SIX Swiss Exchange. Padma likes New York Stock Exchange and does not stay on the ground floor. Aruna belongs to Japan and stays on an even-numbered floor and she likes Japan Stock Exchange. Dhanya stays on the second floor and belongs to India. There are three people between the one who likes Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the one who likes Taiwan Stock Exchange. The one who likes Hong Kong Stock Exchange stays below the person who likes Taiwan Stock Exchange. The one who belongs to UK stays on the third floor. The one who likes London Stock Exchange does not stay on sixth floor. There are two floors between the floors on which the people who are from Taiwan and Japan stay. The person who likes Taiwan Stock Exchange is from Taiwan. Madina belongs to Hong Kong. The one who likes Bombay Stock Exchange stays immediate above to Madina. There is one floor between the floors on which Padma and Thilaka stay. There is one floor between the floors in which the one who likes Australian Securities Exchange and the one who likes Bombay Stock Exchange stay. Sarika stays on an even-numbered floor below the floor on which Aruna stays.
1. How many people live between the one who likes London Stock Exchange and the one who likes Japan Stock Exchange?
a) Two   
b) Three 
c) Four 
d) Five   
e) Six
2. Taiwan Stock Exchange like by ______________
a) Thilaka 
b) Sarika 
c) Yamini 
d) Dhanya  
e) Radha
3. Who among the following exactly sitting between Padma and Radha?
a) The one who likes Japan Stock Exchange  
b) Aruna
c) The one who lives in 8th floor  
d) The one who is from Japan  
e) All of the above
4.  If “SIX Swiss Exchange” is related to “USA”, “Shanghai Stock Exchange” is related to “Australia”, then which following is “London Stock Exchange” related to?
a) China  
b) Hong Kong  
c) India  
d) UK  
e) Taiwan
5. Which of the following combinations is true?
a) 5 Japan Aruna - Japan Stock Exchange
b) 4 Australia Padma - Australian Securities Exchange
c) 2 India Madina - Bombay Stock Exchange
d) 6 China Sarika - Shanghai Stock Exchange
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight employees Hema, Leena, Pooja, Shalini, Varsha, Ganga, Narmada and Farida are seated in a exam hall for an exam around a circular table not necessarily in the same order. Everybody is seated facing the centre. Deepika; the examiner, is standing and she supervise everyone and everyone got different rank from 1 to 8 in exam. No one got the same rank. It is further known that:
  • The one who was ranked 7 sit 2nd to the right of Narmada
  • Farida sits to the immediate left of the person who is ranked 1.
  • Hema sits opposite to Pooja who is a neighbor of Shalini.
  • Leena was ranked 4 and sit 3rd to the right of the person who was ranked 5.
  • Narmada sits 2nd to the right of Varsha
  • Narmada and Farida were ranked in even number.
  • Pooja was ranked in odd number
  • Hema got higher marks than Varsha
  • Narmada did not get the lowest marks.
6. Who among the following got 7th rank?
a) Leena  
b) Shalini  
c) Ganga  
d) Hema  
e) None of these
7. Who among the following sits exactly between Leena and Hema?
a) The one who got 4th rank  
b) The one who got 8th rank  
c) The one who got 2nd rank
d) The one who got 1st rank  
e) None of these
8. Who is sitting third to the right of the person who got 3rd rank?
a) Narmada  
b) Hema  
c) Leena  
d) Varsha  
e) None of these
9. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a) Narmada sits second to the left of Varsha
b) Shalini sits third to the right of Narmada
c) Ganga sits to the immediate right of Farida
d) Pooja sits third to the right of Varsha
e) None of these
10.  How many persons sit between the one who got 1st rank and the one who got 2ndrank? (Count from the left of the one who got 1st rank)
a) One  
b) Two  
c) Three   
d) Four   
e) Five
(1 – 5):
SIX Swiss Exchange
Japan Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange
Shanghai Stock Exchange
Taiwan Stock Exchange
Australian Securities Exchange
London Stock Exchange
Bombay Stock Exchange
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Stock Exchange
1. C)   2. A)   3. E)   4. B)   5. D)  
(6 – 10):

6. B)   7. E)   8. D)   9. C)   10. E)