Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 5)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 5)
Directions (1 – 7): In the following passage there are SEVEN blanks, each of which has been labelled (A)-(G). Choose the appropriate words/phrases that fit each of the blanks appropriately.
It is a well-established fact that India faces a serious threat from what is officially referred to as Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN). The fake notes find their way into the country through several entry points, the hot ones being the India-Nepal and West Bengal-Bangladesh border sectors. The fake money not only dilutes the strength of the national economy but also sponsors an __ (A) __ web of illegal non-state and anti-state actors, in the likes of arms suppliers, drug smugglers, and terror groups.
Will the demonetization policy have an impact on this cancerous racket of fake currency? If the RBI continues to import paper and security ink for the new notes from the same foreign companies as Pakistan, then the new series will remain as __ (B) __ to counterfeiting as the older ones. Not unlike __ (C) __ who ultimately succeed in crawling into upgraded operating systems by __ (D) __their way through security updates, the __ (E) __ fake currency web is designed to survive structural disruptions — change of currency notes being one of them.
Hence, the Indian government needs to do much more to permanently impair this hugely complex international trade, and in this case, regional cooperation is __ (F) __. Ironically, the __ (G) __ on financial terrorism (which was more of a “carpet bombing” campaign) can bear only limited dividends in the longer run as a standalone policy move — just like the Indian Army’s cross-border adventure of late September.
1. Which of the following words appropriately fits the blank labelled (A)?
A) Expansive
B) Limited
C) Narrow
D) Restricted
E) Cramped
2. Which of the following words appropriately fits the blank labelled (B)?
A) Hardy
B) Vulnerable
C) Guarded
D) Secure
E) Safe
3. Which of the following words appropriately fits the blank labelled (C)?
A) Hackers
B) Thieves
C) Burglar
D) Hooligan
E) Robber
4. Which of the following words appropriately fits the blank labelled (D)?
A) Constant
B) Unchanged
C) Original
D) Mutating
E) Authentic
5. Which of the following words appropriately fits the blank labelled (E)?
A) Simple
B) Naive
C) Sophisticated
D) Inexperienced
E) Primitive
6. Which of the following words appropriately fits the blank labelled (F)?
A) Trivial
B) Minor
C) Secondary
D) Inferior
E) Paramount
7. Which of the following words appropriately fits the blank labelled (G)?
A) Surgical strike
B) Border
C) Battle field
D) War zone
E) Playground
Directions (8 – 12): Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word out of the five alternatives suggested below each question to make the sentence grammatically correct.
8. The sun _____ the only brightest star in the galaxy that _____ light to the earth
A) Has, shakes
B) Be, shines
C) Is, gives
D) Was, illuminates
E) Were, pours
9. _____ you sit and finish your assignment _____ you leave.
A) But, or
B) Either, nor
C) And, either
D) Either, or
E) If, but
10. She is  ____ than her friends but not the _____ in her class.
A) Short, shorter
B) Shorter, shortest
C) Shortest, shorter
D) Short, shortest
E) Shortest, short
11. Which airline flight _____ she traveling _____?
A) On, is
B) Will, with
C) With, on
D) Is, on
E) Is, to
12. Don't turn _____ the TV. I _____ watching it.
A) Off, am
B) Of, will
C) Of, was
D) Off, were
E) On, am
1. A)   2. B)   3. A)   4. D)   5. C)   6. E)   7. A)   8. C)   9. E)   10. B)   11. D)   12. A)  
1. Five friends scored marks in a test such that two of them had equal marks, while remaining three had one marks less than them. In total, they scored 312 marks. How many marks did each of the three friends who scored lesser have?
A) 61
B) 62
C) 63
D) 64
E) 65
2. Pamela, Ricky and James completed a work together in 36 days and received a total payment of Rs. 54000. Pamela took half of the total money, Ricky took one third and James took remaining. In how many days, Pamela and James would have finished the work if Ricky was not working?
A) 72 days
B) 54 days
C) 96 days
D) 64 days
E) Can’t be determined
3. Tom deposited Rs. 15000 in a bank that gives a 10% rate of interest on simple interest. He kept the money in bank for 3 years and got some interest. How much money should he invest in compound interest at same rate so that the same amount of interest gets generated in 2 years?
A) Rs.18450
B) Rs.19718
C) Rs.20196
D) Rs.21429
E) Rs.22242
4. Arun, Sujan and Sandip start running around a circular track and complete one round in 20, 28 and 36 seconds respectively. After how much time will the three meet again at the starting point if they all have started running at the same time?
A) 196 seconds
B) 4 minutes 48 seconds
C) 2 minutes 6 seconds
D) 21 minutes
E) None of these
5. A man covers 1/4th of the journey at 6 km/hr by bus, 2/3rd of the remaining journey at 12 km/hr by car and walks the remainder journey at 4 km/hr. He completes the whole journey in 15 hours and 10 minutes. The length of journey is
A) 110 km
B) 103 km
C) 126 km
D) 118 km
E) 104 km
6. You are given five digits, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8. With the condition that a digit can be used at most twice in a number, how many five digit palindromes can be formed?
A) 20
B) 30
C) 60
D) 90
E) 120
7. Amit, Bumrah and Chris started a business with investment in the ratio 5 : 6 : 8 respectively. After one year Chris withdrew 60% of his capital and Amit increased his capital by 60% of his investment. After two years in what ratio should the earned profit be distributed among Amit, Bumrah and Chris respectively?
A) 62 : 60 : 45
B) 60 : 63 : 32
C) 65 : 60 : 56
D) Can’t be determined
E) None of these
8. The average weight of 15 tools in a box is 56 grams. If the weight of box is considered, then the average weight increases by 4 grams. What is the weight of the box?
A) 64 grams
B) 120 grams
C) 60 grams
D) 132 grams
E) 128 grams
9. An article is marked at Rs. 1500 and the shopkeeper allows three successive discounts of 20%, 10% and 10% respectively. Find the SP of the article.
A) Rs.972
B) Rs.975
C) Rs.980
D) Rs.1080
E) None of these
10. The radius of a sphere is R and the radius of the base as well as the height of a cylinder is R. The ratio of the volume of the cylinder to that of the sphere is
A) 4 : 3
B) 3 : 4
C) 2 : 3
D) 3 : 2
E) 4 : 1
1. B) Suppose the two friends who had equal marks in test got T marks each.
Remaining three friends got one mark less.
Remaining three friends got (T-1) marks each.
As per given information, they scored 312 marks in total.
T + T + (T-1) + (T-1) + (T-1) = 312 5T 3 = 312 5T = 315 T = 63
T -1 = 62
Each of three friends who scored less, got (T-1) marks, i.e., 62 marks
2. B) Pamela, Ricky and James completed a work together in 36 days.
In one day, together they will finish 1/36 of work.
Out of Rs. 5400, Pamela took half of the total money, Ricky took one third and James took remaining.
The shares of Pamela, Ricky and James are in ratio (1/2):(1/3):(1-(1/2)-(1/3)), i.e., 3:2:1.
We know that efficiencies are in the same ratio as the share received in total amount.
Let us suppose that work done by Pamela, Ricky and James in one day is 3T, 2T and T, respectively.
3T + 2T + T = 1/36 6T = 1/36 T = 1/216
Work done by Pamela in one day = 3T = 3/216 = 1/72
Work done by James in one day = T = 3/216
Let us suppose that when Pamela and James work together, they take N days to finish the work.
N/72 + N/216 = 1 4N/216 = 1 N = 54
When Pamela and James work together, they take 54 days to finish the work.
3. D) Money invested by Tom is Rs. 15000 for 3 years at 10% per annum in simple interest.
We know, in case of simple interest,
Interest = PTR/100
Interest Tom will earn in 3 years = [(15000 × 10 × 3)/100] = Rs. 4500
Now, same interest is to be earned by investing some money in compound interest at same rate for 2 years.
Let the money invested be Rs. T.
Money invested by Tom is Rs. T for 2 years at 10% per annum in compound interest.
We know, in case of compound interest,
I = P [(1 + R/100)T – 1]
4500 = T × [(1 + (10/100))2 - 1]
4500 = T × ((1.1)2 – 1)
4500 = T × (1.21 1)
T = 4500/0.21 = 21429
Rs. 21429 should be invested in compound interest to earn same amount of interest.
4. D) Arun, Sujan and Sandip start running around a circular track and complete one round in 20, 28 and 36 seconds respectively.
The interval after that they would all meet together again
= L.C.M of 20, 28, 36 = 1260 seconds = 21 minutes
5. E)
Let the total distance be D km
 Time taken to cover 1/4th of the journey = D/(4 × 6) = D/24 hrs
Remaining journey = D – (D/4) = 3D/4
2/3rd of the remaining journey = 3D/4 × 2/3 = D/2
 Time taken to cover 2/3rd of the remaining journey = D/(2 × 12) = D/24 hrs
Remaining journey = D – D/4 – D/2 = D/4
 Time taken to cover remaining journey = D/(4 × 4) = D/16 hrs
Total time taken = D/24 + D/24 + D/16 = (2D + 2D + 3D)/48 = 7D/48
The man completes the whole journey in 15 hours and 10 minutes or 910/60 hr
7D/48 = 91/6
D = (910 × 48)/(60 × 7)
D = 104 km
Hence the answer is 104 km
6. C) A palindrome is a pattern that is same when read from left to right or right to left.
A five digit palindrome will be of the form ABCBA, where A, B and C are digits which may or may not be same, and A ≠ 0.
In the given case, only possible digits allowed are 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8.
None of the digits can occur more than twice. So, A ≠ B ≠ C.
A can be assigned any of 5 values. Then, B can be assigned any of remaining 4 values. Then, C can be assigned any of remaining 3 values.
Total number of five digit palindromes can be formed = 5 × 4 × 3 = 60.
7. C) Let the capitals invested by Amit, Bumrah and Chris be 5x,6x and 8x respectively.
Investment of Chris after 1 year = 8x – (60% of 8x) = 8x – 4.8x = 3.2x
Investment of Amit after 1 year = 5x + (60% of 5x) = 5x + 3x = 8x
Ratio of profit shares of Amit, Bumrah and Chris at the end of 2 years will be in ratio of their effective investments
After 2 years,
Amit’s total contribution = (5x × 12) + (8x × 12) = 13x × 12
Bumrah’s total contribution = (6x × 12) + (6x × 12) = (12x × 12)
Chris’s total contribution = (8x × 12) + (3.2x × 12) = (11.2x × 12)
Ratio of their profits after two years = 13x: 12x: 11.2x = 65 : 60 : 56
8. B) The average weight of 15 tools is 56 grams
Total weight of all tools = Average × total number of tools = 56 × 15
Total weight = 840 grams
Average weight when box is considered = 56 + 4 = 60 grams
Total weight considering the box = 60 × 16 = 960 lbs
Weight of the box = 960 840
Weight of the box = 120 lbs
9. A) Marked price of the article = Rs 1500
Price after first discount of 20% = 1500 – 20% of 1500
= 1500 – 20/100 × 1500 = 1500 – 300 = 1200
Price after second discount of 10% = 1200 – 10% of 1200
= 1200 – 10/100 × 1200 = 1200 – 120 = 1080
Price after third discount of 10% = 1080 – 10% of 1080
= 1080 - 10/100 × 1080 = 1080 – 108 = 972
Hence final selling price of the product after three successive discounts of 20%, 10% and 10% respectively = Rs 972
10. B) Volume of a solid sphere of radius r is given by Volume = 4Ï€r3/3
Volume of the given solid sphere = 4Ï€R3/3
Also, Volume of a right circular cylinder is given as: πr2h cubic units
Where, r = radius of base,
h = height (or length)
Volume of the given right circular cylinder = Ï€R2× R = Ï€ R3
ratio of volume of cylinder to volume of sphere = πR2/(4πR3/3) = 3 : 4
Directions (1 – 2): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
Point M is 5 meters towards the North of Point L.
Point P is 10 meters towards the East of point M.
Point N is 6 meters towards the East of point L.
Point O is 11 meters towards the West of point N.
1. How far should one walk from Point L in order to reach point O?
A) 4m
B) 9m
C) 5m
D) 14m
E) 8m
2. If a person walks 5 m towards the South from point P and then walks after taking a right turn, which of the following points would he reach first?
A) L
B) M
C) N
D) O
E) None of these
Directions (3 – 5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
The intelligence and weights of six students in a class are as follows:
i. Ajay is thinner and more intelligent than Tanvi but fatter and less intelligent than Surbhi.
ii. Bhanu is thinner than cherry who is more intelligent as Tanvi.
iii. The most intelligent is the fattest.
iv. The least intelligent would be would be fourth if students sit in a line on a bench according to their weights and one started counting from the thinnest.
v. Bhanu is less intelligent than Rekha but more intelligent than Cherry who is more intelligent than Surbhi, who is fatter than Cherry
3. Who among them is thinnest?
A) Tanvi
B) Cherry
C) Surbhi
D) Data inadequate
E) None of these
4. Who is more intelligent than Tanvi but fatter than Surbhi?
A) Rekha
B) Bhanu
C) Ajay
D) Data inadequate
E) None of these
5. Which of the following is definitely true?
A) Bhanu is most intelligent in the group?
B) Tanvi is the thinnest student in the group.
C) Ajay is intelligent than Bhanu.
D) Rekha is the fattest.
E) None of these.
Directions (6 – 10): These questions are based on the data given below.
Six captains of different cricket team – A through F are sitting in row facing the same direction. Each of them is a captain of different states among – Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, MP and UP not necessarily in the given order. Each of them has a different lucky number among 21 through 26.
A and C are not sitting at the extreme ends and also A is sitting three places away to the left of C. A is sitting adjacent to the person whose lucky number 26 who is not sitting at the extreme ends. The lucky number of the person who is captain of Delhi is not 25. C’s lucky number is not 23 and F is sitting at the extreme right. Captain of Rajasthan is sitting adjacent to A. The sum of the lucky numbers of C and B is 46. The sum of the lucky numbers of the captain of MP and C is 47 and they both are sitting adjacent to each other. The persons who is captain of Delhi and Maharashtra are sitting adjacent to each other. The sum of the lucky numbers of the persons who is captain of Maharashtra and Delhi is 48. The person who is captain of UP is sitting at the extreme left. B is three places away to the left of E.
6. In which position is E sitting from the extreme left?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
D) 1
E) None of these
7. Who is the captain of Punjab team?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) F
8. The person whose lucky number is 21 is the captain of _____
A) Rajasthan
C) Punjab
E) None of these
9. Who is sitting two places away to the right of D?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) F
E) None of these
10. Whose lucky number is 22?
A) B
B) A
C) E
D) D
E) Can’t be determined
(1 – 2): Given information can be represented, diagrammatically, as follows:
1. C)   2. C)  
(3 – 5): As per given info.
Intelligence: Starting from more intelligent to least.
Rekha > Bhanu > Cherry > Surbhi > Ajay > Tanvi
As per weights: Starting from fattest
Rekha > Tanvi > Ajay > Surbhi > Cherry > Bhanu
As no relation is given between Surbhi and Bhanu so we can’t predict the thinnest person.
3. D)   4. D)   5. D)
(6 – 10):
1) Captain of Rajasthan is sitting adjacent to A.
2) A and C are not sitting at the extreme ends.
3) A is sitting three places away to the left of C.
Since A and C are not sitting on extreme end and A is 3 places left of C, thus A and C has to occupy positions 2 and 5 respectively.
Thus captain of Rajasthan occupies either 1 or 3.




Lucky Number

4) The person who is captain of UP is sitting at the extreme left, i.e. position 1.
Thus the captain of Rajasthan is at position 3.





Lucky Number

5) F is sitting at the extreme right.
B is three places away to the left of E.
Thus F occupies position 6 and B and E has to occupy position 1 and 4 respectively.



Lucky Number

6) The only left person is D and he occupies position 3.
Thus D is the captain of team Rajasthan.


Lucky Number

7) The sum of the lucky numbers of the captain of MP and C is 47 and they both are sitting adjacent to each other.
8) The persons who is captain of Delhi and Maharashtra are sitting adjacent to each other.
Since only C has adjacent places vacant near him, he has to be either the captain of Delhi or Maharashtra and accordingly the captain of MP and that of either Delhi or Maharashtra will be positioned at position 4 and 6.


Lucky Number

9) A is sitting adjacent to the person whose lucky number 26 who is not sitting at the extreme ends.
Thus D lucky no is 26.


Lucky Number


10) C’s lucky number is not 23.
11) The sum of the lucky numbers of C and B is 46.
12) The sum of the lucky numbers of the captain of MP and C is 47.
The remaining lucky no are 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
Sum 46 can be made by adding 21 + 25 or 22 + 24
Sum 47 can be made by adding 22 + 25 or 23 + 24
Thus C can have 22, 24, 25 as his lucky no.
13) C is either the captain of Delhi or Maharashtra and sum of their lucky no is 48.
If C‘s lucky no is 22 then lucky no 26 has to be of other captain of either Delhi or Maharashtra but lucky no 26 is already defined thus 22 is not possible.
Again if C’s lucky no is 24 the other captain of Delhi or Maharashtra have to have 24 as his lucky no.
That is not possible as well.
Thus C‘s lucky no is 25.


Lucky Number



14) The captain of Delhi’s lucky no is not 25, thus C is the captain of Maharashtra. 



Lucky Number



15) Captain of MP lucky no is 22 and captain of Delhi lucky no is 23.
16) Sum of lucky no of C and B is 46.
Thus B’s lucky no is 21 and the remaining lucky no 24 belongs to A and A belongs to team Punjab.


Lucky Number


6. E)   7. A)   8. B)   9. C)   10. E)