Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 14)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 14)
Directions (1 – 5): In each of the following questions four words are given, of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite meaning. Find out the two words which are the most nearly or same meaning.
1. A. commotion
B. debar
C. turmoil
D. devour

A) B – A
B) C – A
C) C – B
D) B – D
E) D – C
2. A. squad
B. deride
C. inspire
D. vend
A) B – A
B) C – A
C) C – B
D) B – D
E) D – C
3. A. wisdom
B. inducement
C. exalt
D. elevate
A) B – A
B) C – A
C) C – B
D) B – D
E) D – C
4. A. ambiguous
B. explicit
C. surge
D. patron
A) B – A
B) C – A
C) C – B
D) B – D
5. A. encumbrance
B. deify
C. obstacle
D. deterrent
A) B – A
B) C – A
C) C – B
D) B – D
E) D – C
Directions (6 – 10): The following questions of sentence correction, a part of the sentence is given in bold.  Out of the given options, find out the grammatically correct statement that can replace the bold part in the given questions.
6. Today, as the Marrakesh Treaty taking effect in India and elsewhere, India’s multi-stakeholder approach provides an excellent model for other countries to follow.
A) Treaty taken effect in India
B) Treaty taking effect in India
C) Treaty takes effect in India
D) Treaty took effect in India
E) No correction required.
7. With access to information and educational materials, blindness need no longer being a barrier to learning, employment and full participation in society.
A) need no longer be a barrier to learn
B) need no longer be a barrier to learning
C) need no longer be a barrier for learned
D) need no longer be a barriers of learning
E) No correction required.
8. By conceding ground on this contentious issue, the Finance Minister has sent a welcome message for give-and-take.
A) a welcome message of give-and-take
B) a welcome message of the give-and-take
C) the welcome message in give-and-take
D) welcome message of give-and-take
E) No correction required.
9. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has admitted that the deadline is ‘challenging’, but going by outcomes of the first meeting of the Council, it is clearly doable.
A) but going to the outcomes of the
B) but going by the outcomes for the
C) but gone by the outcomes of a
D) but going by the outcomes of the
E) No correction required.
10. This bodes well for the GST, where every decision has to be taken by the Council based in a majority view: the States have two-thirds voting power and the Centre has one-third.
A) to take by the Council based on a
B) to be taken by the Council based upon a
C) to be taken by the Council based on a
D) to be taken by the Council based on it
E) No correction required.
1. B) C – A both are synonyms
commotion; a state of confused and noisy disturbance and turmoil is the synonym of commotion.
2. C) C – B both are Antonyms
deride; express contempt for; ridicule. And inspire is the Antonyms of commotion.
3. E) D – C both are synonyms
exalt hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of; which is the synonym of elevate.
4. A) A – B both are Antonyms
ambiguous; open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
explicit; stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
5. B) C – A both are synonyms
encumbrance; a burden or impediment. And encumbrance is the synonym of obstacle.
6. C) Treaty takes effect in India is correct choice and rest other options have inappropriate use of verb “take”
7. B) “need no longer be a barrier to learning” is the correct choice for the given statement while other statements have grammatically errors
8. A) “a welcome message of give-and-take” is the correct choice for the given statement while other statements have grammatically errors
9. D) “but going by the outcomes of the is the” correct choice for the given statement while other statements have grammatically errors
10. C) “to be taken by the Council based on a” is the correct choice for the given statement while other statements have grammatically errors
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following table and answer accordingly
Total Candidates
% of people who qualified
Total Candidates
% of people who qualified
Note: Few values are missing in the table (indicated by __).
1. If the average number of qualified candidates from Chennai in 2014, 2015 and 2016 is 210, what is the number of qualified candidates from Chennai in 2016?
A) 191
B) 195
C) 183
D) 187
E) 179
2. If the respective ratio between number of qualified candidates from Delhi in 2015 and 2016 is 28:19, what is the number of qualified candidates from  Delhi in 2016?
A) 228
B) 220
C) 216
D) 234
E) 248
3. Out of the number of qualified candidates from Delhi in 2014, the respective ratio of male and female candidates is 13:7. If the number of female qualified candidates from Delhi in 2014 is 126, what is the number of appeared candidates(both male and female) from Delhi in 2014?
A) 530
B) 500
C) 570
D) 650
E) 540
4. What is the difference between number of qualified candidates from Delhi in 2012 and that in 2013?
A) 32
B) 42
C) 36
D) 48
E) 40
5. If the number of Candidates appeared from Chennai increased by 100% from 2012 to 2013. If the total number of qualified candidates from Chennai in 2012 and 2013 together is 408, what is the number of appeared candidates from Chennai in 2012?
A) 280
B) 320
C) 272
D) 260
E) 300
Directions (6 – 10): In each of the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out the wrong number.
6. 1,    8,    66,    460,    2758,    13785,    55146
a) 460
b) 2758
c) 66
d) 8
e) 55146
7. 56,    57,    48,    73,    24,    105,    -10
a) 57
b) 73
c) 105
d) -10
e) 24
8. 2,    2,    13,    59,    363,    2519,    20161
a) 13
b) 20161
c) 2519
d) 59
e) 363
9. 3,   7.5,   15,   37.5,   75,   167.5,   375
a) 167.5
b) 75
c) 37.5
d) 15
e) 7.5
10. 0,   1,   9,   36,   99,   225,   441
a) 9
b) 36
c) 99
d) 225
e) 441
1. D) Average no of qualified students in 2014,2015,2016 = 210
Total no of qualified students in 2014,2015,2016 = 630
Qualified students in 2016 = (630 – (60% Of 280 + 50% Of 550)) = 630 – 443 = 187
2. A) x — Number of qualified candidates in 2016
x = 336*(19/28) = 228
3. B) X — Male candidates
X = 126 * (13/7) = 234
Total Qualified Candidates = 234 + 126 = 360
Total Appeared Candidates = 360 * (100/72) = 500.
4. B) 60% of 500 = 300
43% of 600 = 258
Difference = 42
5. C) x — Total number of appeared Candidates in 2012
2x — Total number of appeared Candidates in 2013
x*(60/100) + 2x*(45/100) = 408
150x/100 = 408 —> x =272
6. A) 1   8   66   460   2758   13785   55146
Here 1 × 9 - 1 = 8; 8 × 8 + 2 = 66; 66 × 7 - 3 = 459;
459 × 6 + 4 = 2758; 2758 × 5 - 5 = 13785; 13785
× 4 + 6 = 55146
7. D) 56   57   48   73   24   105   -10
Here 56 +1^2 = 57;
57 – 3^2 = 48; 48+ 5^2 = 73; 73- 7^2 = 24;
24 + 9^2 = 105; 105 -11^2 = -16
8. E) 2   2   13   59   363   2519   20161
Here 2 × 3 - 4 = 2; 2 × 4 + 5 = 13;
13 × 5 - 6 = 59; 59 × 6 + 7 = 361;
361 × 7 - 8 = 2519; 2519 × 8 + 9 = 20161
9. A) The series is ×2.5, ×2 alternately
10. C) The differences are
0  1 9  36  99  225  441
02   12   32  62   102   152  212
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information to answer the given questions
In a certain code,
‘Dance program start tomorrow’ is written as ‘7@T, 4#O, 14#R, 22@A’ ,
‘Follow the instruction carefully’ is written as ‘22$H, 2#A, 4@O, 13*N’,
‘Tomorrow at the station’ is written as ‘ 13#T, 22$H, 4#O, 7$T’,
‘Watch and encourage participant’ is written as ‘19@A, 22#N, 7*A, 23$N’.
1. What is the code for ‘instruction’ in the given code language?
A) 4@O
B) 13*N
C) 2#A
D) 22$H
E) None of these
2. What may be the possible word for ‘19@A’ in the given code language?
A) Watch
B) And
C) Encourage
D) The
E) Participants
3. What may be code for ‘space launch’ based on given code language?
A) 19#A, 22@P
B) 22@A, 19$A
C) 19$A, 21@P
D) 19@A, 22@P
E) None of these
4. What is the code for ‘dance participant’ in the given code language?
A) 14#R , 19@A
B) 22#N, 4#O
C) 7*A, 22@A
D) 23$N, 14#R
E) 22@A, 22#N
5. What is the code for ‘carefully’ in the given code language, If it arranged in reverse alphabetical order?
A) 1#C
B) 2#C
C) 26#C
D) 26#U
E) 2#U
Directions (6 – 10): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, $, * and ^ are  used with the following meanings as illustrated below.
‘A@B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’
‘A#B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’
‘A$B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’
‘A*B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor smaller than B’
‘A^B’ means ‘A is not smaller than B’
6. What will come in place of blank in following statement such that ‘B$E’ is definitely true?
L # V $ E __ U @ B
A) #
B) ^
C) @
D) Either # or @
E) Either ^ or @
7. What will come in place of blank in following statement such that ‘T$Q’ is definitely true?
T # W --- Q ^ D @ J
A) $
B) #
C) Either # or $
D) ^
E) None of these
8. Which of the following is definitely true if ‘M $ T * R @ H # G’ is true?
I. M $H
II. R @ G
III. M # R
A) Only I is true
B) Only II is true
C) Only III is true
D) Only II and III is true
E) None is true
9. What will come in place of blank in following statement such that both ‘M#R’ and ‘J#L’ are definitely true?
F @ J # R --- L ^ M
A) @
B) ^
C) $
D) *
E) =
10. Which of the following does make H@F and J$R definitely not true?
H ^ R @ W --- F @ J
A) #
B) $
C) Either $ or #
D) Either * or $
E) Either * or #
(1 – 5): Letters = second letter of the word
Number = Reverse alphabetical order value of the last letter
Symbol = If the number of letters are, 2-3 = $; 5-6 = @; 7-9 = #; greater than 9 = *
1. B) Instruction = 13*N
2. A) 19@A = watch
3. A) Space = second letter is ‘P’ and reverse alphabetical order value of ‘e’ is 22  and it is a five letter word so put the symbol @. i.e. 22@P
Launch = second letter is ‘A’ and reverse alphabetical order value of ‘h’ is 19  and it is a six letter word so put the symbol @. i.e. 19@A
4. C) Dance = 22@A; Participant = 7*A
5. D) Carefully = reverse order = yurllfeca
Code for ‘yurllfeca’ is 26#U
6. E) L # V $ E __ U @ B = L ≤ V < E __ U > B
Put either > or ≥ is in the blank, so that B < E is definitely true.
Hence, the answer is either @ or ^
7. A) T # W __ Q ^ D @ J = T ≤ W __ Q ≥ D > J
In the blank, put ‘<’ i.e ‘$’
Hence, the answer is $
8. E) M $ T * R @ H # G = M < T = R > H ≤ G
I. M < H = Not true
II. R > G = Not true
III. M ≤ R = Not true
Hence, the answer is none is true
9. D) F @ J # R __ L ^ M = F > J ≤ R __ L ≥ M
In the blank, put ‘=’ i.e ‘*’
10. C) H ^ R @ W __ F @ J = H ≥ R > W __ F > J In the blank, put ‘< or ≤’ i.e. $ or #