Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 1)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 1)
Directions (1 – 5): Read the sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E). Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.
1. It is not necessary that (1)/ the student take an entrance exam (2)/ to be admitted (3)/ into an American university. (4)/ No error (5)
2. The candidate being an adult (1)/ he is entitled (2)/ to vote on condition that he fulfills the minimum formalities (3)/ required of him. (4)/ No error (5)
3. Whomever (1)/ we think deserves (2)/ the scholarship will (3)/ certainly get it. (4)/ No error (5)
4. Nobody but (1)/ she can solve (2)/ the problem (3)/ on calculus. (4)/ No error (5)
5. Alex did not come (1)/ to see the film (2)/ last night because (3)/ he has seen it before.(4)/ No error (5)
6. A cold wind (1)/ is blowing (2)/ for the last six days (3)/ in Kolkata. (4)/ No error (5)
7. Being apprised to our approach, (1)/ all the citizens of the locality (2)/ came out to meet (3)/ their leader. (4)/ No error (5)
8. People today are (1)/ more conscious about (2)/ the importance of a (3)/ balanced diet. (4)/ No error (5)
9. The earth completes (1) a revolution (2) around the sun (3) in approximately 365 days. (4)/ No error (5)
10. This town is not a very (1)/ interesting place to visit, (2)/ so only a few (3)/ tourists come here. (4)/ No error (5)
1. B) Part 2 contains an error. ‘The student’ is a singular noun and so the verb that follows it must also be singular. ‘Takes’ is a singular verb in present tense. So we should write …The student ‘takes’ an entrance exam and not ‘take.’
2. B) The usage of the pronoun ‘he’ is not required. This is because ‘The candidate’ is followed by ‘being’ which is followed by another noun that is used as an adjective to tell something about the candidate. The sentence continues to speak about the same subject without any break and so we need not add another pronoun (he), before the verb (is), to continue speaking of the same subject (The candidate). Thus the correct sentence  should be –‘The candidate being an adult is entitled to…’
3. A) ‘Whomever’ should be replaced by ‘whoever’. ‘Whomever’ is used when it is an object of a verb or a preposition. Compound relative pronoun ‘whoever’ is appropriate for the sentence as it placed at a subject position and thus there is a need of a subjective pronoun. Thus option 1 has the error.
4. B) ‘She’ should be replaced by ‘her’. Pronoun after ‘let, but, except’ should be in the objective case. So the correct sentence will be ‘No body but her can solve the problem on calculus’. Thus, option 2 is the correct answer.
5. D) ‘Has seen’ is present perfect and should be replaced by ‘had seen’ which is past perfect. In this sentence two actions happened in the past. To describe the past actions that happened earlier than the other, we use past perfect tense.  As here Alex saw the movie much earlier we will use the past perfect in the sentence as‘..because he had seen it before’. Thus, option 4 is the correct answer.
6. B) ‘Is blowing’ should be replaced by ‘has been blowing’ which is present perfect continuous tense. To describe an action that began in the past and is still continuing we use present perfect continuous tense. The use of this tense could be denoted by the use of ‘for/since’ with time. Thus option 2 is the correct answer.
7. A) ‘Apprised’ which means ‘to inform someone of something’. So here ‘To’ should be replaced by ‘of’ as it should be appraised of and not appraised to as it is grammatically incorrect. Thus, option 1 is the correct answer.
8. B) ‘About’ should be replaced by ‘of’ it should be ‘conscious of’ which means ‘aware of’ and not ‘about’ as it is incorrect as we do not write ‘aware about’. Thus, option 2 is the correct answer
9. E) There is no error as the sentence is grammatically correct as Simple present tense is used to denote facts and universal truths. Also, the use of articles before the noun is also apt. Thus option 5 is the correct answer.
10. C) ‘A few’ should be replaced by ‘few’. We use ‘few’ in a negative sense which is appropriate for the sentence here. E.g. We need to work hard as there are few days remaining for the deadline.
Whereas  ‘a few’ means ‘some at least’ and is used in positive sense.  E.g. Don’t be so stress there still a few days left for the exams.
Also, ‘the few’ is used to denote ‘not many but all that is left’. E.g. The few remarks that he made were very poignant.
Thus option 3 is the correct answer
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following graph to answer the given questions.
Percent profit earned by two companies over the given years.
% Profit = (Income – Expenditure)/Expenditure × 100
1. What is the percent increase in percent profit for Company B from year 2000 to 2001?
A) 75
B) 175
C) 42.86
D) Can’t be determined
E) None of these
2. If the income of the two companies in 1998 were equal, what was the ratio of the Expenditure of A to that of B?
A) 1 : 2
B) 27 : 26
C) 100 : 67
D) Cannot be determined
E) None of these
3. If the income of Company B in 1998 was Rs. 200 crores, what was its profit in 1999?
A) Rs. 21.5 crores
B) Rs. 153 crores
C) Rs. 46.15 crores
D) Cannot be determined
E) None of these
4. If the income of Company A in 2002 was Rs. 1200 crores, what was its Expenditure?
A) Rs. 720 crores
B) Rs. 680 crores
C) Rs. 750 crores
D) Cannot be determined
E) None of these
5. If the Expenditure of Company B in 2000 was Rs. 400 crores, what was its Income?
A) Rs. 480 crores
B) Rs. 440 crores
C) Rs. 320 crores
D) Cannot be determined
E) None of these
6. A train running at a speed of 54 km/hr crosses a platform in 30 seconds. The platform is renovated and its length is doubled. Now, the same train running at same speed crosses the platform in 46 seconds. Find the length of train.
A) 180 mtrs
B) 200 mtrs
C) 210 mtrs
D) 240 mtrs
E) 240 mtrs
7. A pipe can fill a tank in 0.9 hours and another pipe can empty in 0.7 hours. If tank is completely filled and both pipes are opened simultaneously then 450 liters of water is removed from the tank in 2.5 hours. What is the capacity of tank?
A) 200 ltrs
B) 350 ltrs
C) 456 ltrs
D) 567 ltrs
E) None of these
8. The average marks in Mathematics of a class of 35 students is 72. If the marks of two students were misread as 48 and 66 of the actual marks 84 and 65 respectively, then what would be the correct average?
A) 75
B) 72.5
C) 73
D) 70
E) 71.5
9. Tom bought 25 air conditioners and microwave ovens for Rs. 205000. He sold 80% of the air conditioners and 12 microwave ovens for a profit of Rs. 40,000. Each air conditioner was marked up by 20% over cost and each microwave oven was sold at a profit of Rs. 2,000. The remaining air conditioners and 3 microwave ovens could not be sold. What is Tom’s overall profit/loss?
A) Rs.1000 profit
B) Rs.2500 loss
C) Rs.1000 loss
D) Rs.1500 loss
E) Can’t be determined
10. A grocer purchased 25 kg of wheat at the rate of Rs. 16 per kg and 35 kg of wheat at the rate of Rs. 18 per kg. At what price per kg should he sell the mixture to earn 40% profit on the cost price?
A) Rs. 28.00
B) Rs. 20.00
C) Rs. 24.00
D) Rs. 17.40
E) Rs. 20.40
1. A) Profit percent earned by company B in 2000 = 20%
Profit percent earned by company B in 2001 = 35%
Percentage increase = (35 – 20)/35 × 100 = 75%
2. E) % Profit = (Income – Expenditure)/Expenditure × 100
Since income of the two companies in 1998 were equal
Let the income be Rs. X
Profit percent earned by Company A in 1998 = 35% => Expenditure = 100X/135
Profit percent earned by Company B in 1998 = 30% => Expenditure = 100X/130
Therefore required ratio = (100/135)/(100/130) = 130/135 = 26/27 = 26 : 27
3. D) Since the relation between profits percent, income or expenditure of two year is not given. Therefore, it is not possible to calculate the profit in 1999
4. C) % Profit = (Income – Expenditure)/Expenditure × 100
Profit percent earned by company A in 2002 = 60%
income of Company A in 2002 = Rs. 1200 crores
According to the question => 60/100 = (1200 – Expenditure)/Expenditure
=> Expenditure = Rs.750 crore
5. A) % Profit = (Income – Expenditure)/Expenditure × 100
Profit percent earned by company in 2000 = 20%
Expenditure of Company B in 2000 = Rs. 400 crores
According to the question => 20/100 = (Income – 400)/400
=> Income = Rs.480 crores
6. C) Let us suppose that the length of train is T metres and that of original platform be P metres.
After renovation, length of platform will become 2P metres.
Speed of train when converted to the units of m/sec, will be [54\times(5/18)] m/sec = 15 m/sec
Now, when the train crosses a platform, it covers a distance that is equal to sum of its length and platform length.
We know that, Speed=Distance/Time
In first case,
Speed of train = (Length of train + Length of original platform)/ Time taken
15 = (T+P)/30 T + P = 450                                     - i)
In second case,
Speed of train = (Length of train + Length of renovated platform)/ Time taken
15 = (T+2P)/46   T + 2P = 690                   - ii)
From equation i), P = 450 – T
Substitute in equation ii),
T + 2(450-T) = 690 900 T = 690 T = 210 meters
Length of train = 210 metres
7. D) Given that the first pipe can fill a tank in 0.9 hours (9/10 hours).
Part of tank filled by first pipe in 1 hour =1/(9÷10)=10/9
Another pipe can empty in 0.7 hours (7/10 hours).
Part of tank emptied by 2nd pipe in 1 hour =1/(7÷10)=10/7
Part of tank that becomes empty in one hour = 10/7 – 10/9 = 20/63
Time taken to empty the tank = 63/20 hour
Quantity of water removed per hour = 450/2.5 = 180 liters
Capacity of the tank = 63/20 × 180 = 567 liters  
8. C) Difference of marks = 84 + 65 – 48 - 66 = 35
Hence, Correct average marks =72+3535=73=72+3535=73
9. C) We can see from the question that, 12 microwave ovens were sold while 3 ovens could not be sold.
Total no. of microwave ovens = (12 + 3) = 15
Total number of air conditioners = (25 15) = 10
80% air conditioners were sold.
number of air conditioners sold = 80% of 10 = 8
He sold 8 air conditioner& 12 microwave ovens.
He sold 80% of the total goods. [20 out of 25]
Now, the cost price of 80% of goods = 80% of total cost price = 80% of 205000 = Rs. 164000
Profit on sold goods = Rs. 40000.
Net selling price of sold goods = cost price + profit = 164000 + 40000 = Rs. 204000
Here, the selling price is less than the net cost price so loss will be incurred.
Net loss = cost price - selling price
Net loss = Rs. 205000 - Rs. 204000= Rs. 1000
10. C) C.P. of 25 kg of wheat @Rs. 16/kg = 25 × 16 = Rs. 400
C.P of 35 kg of wheat @Rs. 18/kg = 35 × 18 = Rs. 630
Total C.P of 60 kg of wheat = 400 + 630 = Rs. 1030
Now, the grocer wants to earn a profit of 40% on total cost price.
Therefore, (Total SP – 100)/1030 × 100 = 40
=> Total SP = Selling price of 60 kg of wheat = Rs. 1442
Selling price of wheat per kg = 1442/60 Rs. 24
Directions (1 – 5): In the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion among given three conclusions is /are definitely true and then give your answers accordingly.
1. Statements: W > U; U < V; V = X; X ≤ Z
I. W < V
II. X > U
III. V ≤ Z
A) None is true
B) Only I and II are true
C) Only II and III are true
D) Only III and I are true
E) All are true
2. Statements: A ≥ B; P = S<T ≤ U; U>Q = A
I. S>Q
A) None is true
B) Only I is true
C) Only I and II is true
D) Only I and III is true
E) All are true
3. Statements: P > O; O ≤ C; P = K; K < T
I. K ≥ C
II. T > P
III. T > O
IV. K ≤ O
A) Only conclusions I and III are true.
B) Only conclusion III and IV are true.
C) Only conclusion II and III are true.
D) Only conclusion III is true.
E) None is true.
4. Statements: W ≥ A; P = D; F < E; W < P; W < C; D ≥ E
I. D < F
II. A < P
III. A > P
IV. E < C
A) None is true
B) Only II and IV are true
C) Only I and IV is true
D) Only II is true
E) Only III is true
5. Statements: N < D, D > K, K ≤ R, R > F
I. F < K
II. D > F
III. N < R
IV. D > R
A) None is true
B) Only I is true
C) Only II is true
D) Only III is true
E) Only IV is true
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, and Hotel, are secret agents with coded names sitting around a circle in one arrangement, and in a straight line in another arrangement. While sitting around a circle they are facing outward and while sitting in a straight line they are facing north.
One of the immediate neighbours of Hotel, in the straight line sits opposite to Hotel in the circle. Echo sits third to the right of Beta in the circle, while fourth to his left in the straight line. Foxtrot and Charlie are the immediate neighbours of Beta in both the arrangements, but Charlie is not at the extreme ends of the line. The one who sits on the extreme left end sits second to the right of Echo in the circle. Hotel is not to the immediate left of Foxtrot in both the arrangements. Golf sits on the immediate left of Hotel in the circle, but both are not immediate neighbours of each other in the straight line. Delta sits third to the right of Foxtrot in the straight line. The one who sits on the immediate left of Beta in the straight line is sitting on the immediate right of Beta in the circle.
6. The one who sits third to the right of Charlie in the circle is at what position in the straight line with respect to Golf?
A) Third to the left
B) Fourth to the right
C) Immediate right
D) Third to the right
E) None of these
7. The person sitting between Echo and Golf in the circle is sitting at what position in the straight line?
A) Extreme left end of the straight line
B) Fourth from the right end
C) Extreme right end of the straight line
D) Third from the left end
E) None of these
8. The one sitting at the extreme left end of the straight line is sitting at what position in the circle?
A) Third to the left of Alpha
B) Opposite to Foxtrot
C) Second to the left of Echo
D) Immediate right of Hotel
E) None of these
9. Which of the following statements is/are true?
A) Alpha is between Foxtrot and Beta in the straight line.
B) Charlie is on the immediate left of Delta in the circle
C) There are two persons between Golf and Echo in the straight line.
D) Delta sits third to the right of Foxtrot in the circle.
E) None of these
10. What is the position of person who is sitting second to left of Charlie in circle with respect to Echo in straight-line?
A) Second to Left
B) Second to Right
C) Immediate Left
D) Third to Right
E) Third to Left
1. C) Given statements: W > U; U < V; V = X; X ≤ Z
On combining: W > U < V = X ≤ Z
I. W < V→ False (as W > U < V → thus clear relation between W and V cannot be determined)
II. X > U→ True (as U < V = X → X > U)
III. V ≤ Z → True (as V = X ≤ Z →Z ≥ V)
Therefore, only conclusions II and III are true.
2. A) Given statements: A ≥ B; P = S<T ≤ U;U>Q = A
On combining: P = S<T ≤ U>Q = A ≥ B
I. S>Q→ False (as = S<T ≤ U>Q → S<U>Q→ thus clear relation between S and Q cannot be determined)
II. A>T→ False (as T ≤ U>Q = A →T ≤ U>A → thus clear relation between A and T cannot be determined)
III. B>T → False (as T ≤ U>Q = A ≥ B → T ≤ U>B → thus clear relation between B and T cannot be determined)
Therefore, none of the given conclusions are true.
3. C) Given statements: P > O; O ≤ C; P = K; K < T
On combining: T > K = P > O ≤ C
I. K ≥ C → falseasK = P > O ≤ C, thus clear relation between K and C cannot be determined.
II. T > P → true asT > K = P, thus T > K.
III. T > O→ true as T > K = P > O, thus T > O.
IV. K ≤ O→ falseas K = P > O, thus K > O.
Hence, only conclusion II and III are true.
4. D) Given statements: W ≥ A; P = D; F < E; W <P; W < C; D ≥ E
On combining: A ≤ W < P = D ≥ E > F; W< C
I. D < F → False (as D ≥ E > F)
II. A < P → True (as A ≤ W < P)
III. A > P → False (as A ≤ W < P)
IV. E < C → False (No relation between E and C)
Therefore, conclusion II is true.
5. A) Here, according to the given information:
Given statement: N < D, D > K, K ≤ R, R > F
On combining: N < D > K ≤ R > F
I. F < K → False as K ≤ R > F, therefore there is not a definite relation between them.
II. D > F → False as D > K ≤ R > F, therefore there is not a definite relation between them.
III. N < R → False as N < D > K ≤ R, therefore there is not a definite relation between them.
IV. D > R → False as D > K ≤ R, therefore there is not a definite relation between them.
Therefore, none of the conclusions are true.
Hence, none is true is correct answer.
(6 – 10): Explanation:
Secret Agents: Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, and Hotel.
Sitting around a circle in one arrangement, and in a straight line in another arrangement.
While sitting around a circle they are facing outward and while sitting in a straight line they are facing north.
1) The one who sits on the extreme left end sits second to the right of Echo in the circle.
(Let A is a person who sitting extreme left end)
2) Echo sits third to the right of Beta in the circle, while fourth to his left in the straight line.
3) Foxtrot and Charlie are the immediate neighbours of Beta in both the arrangements, but Charlie is not at the extreme ends of the line.
4) Delta sits third to the right of Foxtrot in the straight line.
(Here case – 1 of Straight-line will get eliminate)
5) The one who sits on the immediate left of Beta in the straight line is sitting on the immediate right of Beta in the circle.
(As in straight-line Foxtrot is sitting immediately left of Beta hence Foxtrot will have to sit in immediate right of Beta in circle)
6) Hotel is not to the immediate left of Foxtrot in both the arrangements.
7) One of the immediate neighbours of Hotel, in the straight line sits opposite to Hotel in the circle.
8) Golf sits on the immediate left of Hotel in the circle, but both are not immediate neighbours of each other in the straight line.
(Thus A is Golf)
(As Alpha has to sit on only seat vacant in stright line which is neighbour of Hotel.)
(As Echo and Alpha are immediate neighbour of Hotel in stright line but echo is not facing hotel but one of nighbour of Hotel has to sit opposite to Hotel in circle. Thus Alpha will have to sit opposite to Hotel in circle)
Above is the final arrangement.
6. D) As we can see in above arrangement,
Third to the right of Charlie in the circle is  Alpha
But in Straight line as we can see Alpha is third to right of Golf.
Therefore, Alpha sits to the third to right of Golf.
7. C) As we can see in above arrangement,
Delta sitting between Echo and Golf in the circle.
In straight line Delta is sitting extreme Right end.
Therefore, Delta is sitting at the extreme right end.
8. B) As we can see in above arrangement,
Golf is sitting extreme left end of straight line
But Golf is sitting opposite to Foxtrot in circle.
9. D) a) Alpha is between Foxtrot and Beta in the straight line False
b) Charlie is on the immediate left of Delta in the circle False
c) There are two persons between Golf and Echo in the straight line False
d) Delta sits third to the right of Foxtrot in the circle True.
Hence, “Delta sits third to the right of Foxtrot in the circle” is only true statement among all.
10. C) As we can see in above arrangement,
Golf is sitting second to left of Charlie in Circle.
But Golf is sitting immediate left of Echo in Straight line.
Hence, Immediate left is correct option.