General Awareness Questions Asked in IBPS PO Mains Exam 2017

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General Awareness GA Asked in IBPS PO Mains Exam 2017
1. Which is the “taxable event” in GST regime?
2. Amnesty international HQ? – London, UK
3. Dudhwa national park across which river? – Mahanadi River
4. Acc to “world in 2050” report, two largest economies by 2050? – China & India
5. V in LTV stands for? – Loan-to-Value
6. Chairperson of PSB merger committee – Arun Jaitley
7. Antidumping duty is applied on issuance of notice from which ministry? – Ministry of Commerce & Industry
8. MGNREGA budget allocation in recent budget? – Rs 48,000 crore
9. ‘on tap’ universal bank licence SEAC, A stands for? – State Expert Appraisal Committee
10. Private bank city union bank limited HQ? – Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu
11. What is import substitution?
12. Host of 2018 commonwealth games – Gold Coast,Queensland, Australia
13. Host of 44th G7 summit- Canada
14. Definition of oligopoly
15. Paolo Gentiloni PM of which country- Italy
16. Kisan credit scheme was started by which institution (RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, SBI)?- NABARD
17. Which of the following is not a function of RBI?
18. HQ of international weightlifting federation- Budapest, Hungary
19. Fugdi folk dance of which state? – Goa
20. Panna national park in which state?- Madhya Pradesh

21. Tallinn is capital of?- Estonia
22. Acc to recent budget, surcharge of 10% will be applicable to earning window of? – Between Rs 50 lakh to Rs 1 crore
23. Related to BHIM
24. Bandhan bank deals mainly in – customer credit, microfinance, 2 more option- Micro-Finance
25. M in AMRUT? – Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
26. Satish Kumar and R V Rahul related to which sport?- Weightlifting
27. Nov 12 is celebrated as?- World Pneumonia Day
28. Latest India 2017 yearbook written by?- Rajeev Mehrishi
29. One question related to inflation and deflation
30. Business correspondents draw their salary from?
31. Who won FIFA U-17 2017- England
32. MV Sridhar, died at 51 from which field?- Crickter
33. Amount of recapitalisation bond? – Rs 2.11 lakh crore
35. Maximum limit of money a person can keep in IPPB- Rs 1 Lakh
36. S in SWIFT?-  Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
37. World economic outlook is released by? – International Monetary Fund (IMF)
38. Ease of doing business report released by- World Bank
39. Panel set up by RBI to develop a comprehensive public credit registry (PCR) under whom? – Y M Deosthalee
40. The budget provided NABARD with an additional budget- Rs 20,000 crore

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