English Language Practice Questions IBPS Clerk – Set 16

Mentor for Bank Exams
English Language Practice Questions IBPS Clerk – Set 16
Directions (1 – 5): Please select the most appropriate option out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which in your view should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning and context of the sentence must not change.
a) Solar manufacturers are getting desperate as they say they have marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy programme.
b) Solar manufacturers are getting in desperated as they say they have marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy programme.
c) Solar manufacturers are getting desperate as they say they have been marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy programme.
d) Solar manufacturers are getting desperated as they say they have been marginalised in the country’s ambitious solar energy program.
e) None is correct
a) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers to compute sales with real-time changes in the tax rate under the GST and automating the invoicing and report generation required for compliance procedures.
b) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers to compute sales with real-time changes in tax under the GST and automating the invoicing and report generation required for compliance procedures.
c) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers compute sales with real-time changes in tax rate under the GST and automating the invoice and report generation required for compliance procedures.
d) Point-of-sale software provider is helping retailers compute sales with real-time changes in the tax rate under the GST and automating the invoicing and report generation required by compliance procedures.
e) None is correct
a) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled from Lhasa in 1959 to take shelter in India, China has been implacably hostile towards the pontiff.
b) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled in Lhasa in 1959 to take shelter in India, China has been implacably hostile towards the pontiff.
c) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled Lhasa in 1959 to shelter in India, China was implacably hostile against the pontiff.
d) Ever since the Dalai Lama and his followers fled Lhasa in 1959 to take shelter in India, China has been implacably hostile towards the pontiff.
e) None is correct
a) The city of Charminar remains the city with the best quality of living in the country for the third consecutive years.
b) The city of the Charminar remains the city with the best quality of living in the country for the third consecutive year.
c) The city of the Charminar remains the city with the best quality of living in the country for third consecutive years.
d) The city of Charminar remains the city with best quality of living in the country for the third consecutive year.
e) None is correct
a) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed by a road mishap went viral and was featured in top dailies across the world.
b) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed in a road mishap goes viral and is featured in top dailies across the world.
c) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed in a road mishap went viral and was featured in top dailies across the world.
d) A video of a baby monkey crying over the body of her mother killed from a road mishap went viral and was featured in top daily across the world.
e) None is correct
Directions (6 – 10): Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning expressed in the statement sentences.
6. With the advent of goods and services tax, the Centre is now planning to integrate the direct and indirect taxation system for all indirect tax payers. This can be done by linking the GST number with the PAN issued by the income tax department.
(A) The PAN issued ...........
(B) The direct and indirect ...........
(C) The centre, with the ...........
a) Only (A)
b) Only (B)
c) Only (C)
d) Only (A) and (B)
e) None of the above
7. The Reserve Bank of India has finalised norms for peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform. Final guidelines are expected to be released in 2-3 weeks.
(A) The norms ...........
(B) Peer-to-peer platform ...........
(C) The expected ...........
a) Only (A)
b) Only (B)
c) Only (C)
d) Only (B) and (C)
e) None of the above
8. SIERA ODC building looks like any other IT Office building from outside. No posh or massive structure, but if you enter the office complex of this IT solutions company you will realise what the so-called “Green Building” means and is much talked about.
(A) Without any posh ...........
(B) What is so called ...........
(C) If you enter ...........
a) Only (A)
b) Only (B)
c) Only (C)
d) Only (A) and (C)
e) None of the above
9. BMW India has just launched the all-new 5 series. This is the seventh generation of the premium executive sedan and it is being locally produced at the company’s plant near Chennai.
(A) The seventh generation ...........
(B) The all-new 5 series ...........
(C) The locally produced ...........
a) Only (A)
b) Only (B)
c) Only (C)
d) Only (B) and (C)
e) None of the above
10. In the past three years the economic landscape has changed significantly. This is primarily because the country is witnessing two fundamental resets.
(A) Primarily because ...........
(B) Two fundamental resets ...........
(C) To witness ...........
a) Only (A)
b) Only (B)
c) Only (C)
d) Only (A) and (C)
e) None of the above
Directions (11 – 15): In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank. Select the best out of the five choices given to make the passage complete and coherent. (Coherent means logically complete and sound.)
11. “Judge a man by his questions, rather than his answers,” Voltaire advised. Google has become one of the most successful firms in history by heeding that advice. ___________ But for years there has been a lingering question about Google: can it create a new, highly profitable unit to rival its search business?
a) In the past five years, Alphabet, formed as a holding company for Google and other disparate projects, has spent $46 bn on research and development.
b) Search advertising in particular makes up around three-quarters of Alphabet’s total ad revenues.
c) Alphabet has also been trying to sell its malfunctioning robotics business, Boston Dynamics.
d) It evaluates the intention of web-surfer’s queries and returns relevant advertising alongside search results.
e) Meanwhile, the way that people navigate their way around the internet is also changing, which could eventually pose a threat to Google’s search-advertising business.
12. Mr Trump wants to offer a one-time tax rebate of 10% to firms that repatriate their cash. To put an end to the barmy incentives, Mr Ryan would stop taxing foreign profits. ________. Meanwhile, firms would no longer be able to knock off the cost of imported goods when adding up their profits. In combination, these two changes are dubbed “border adjustment”.
a) This would make American’s corporate tax very similar to a value-added tax (VAT) – a kind of border – adjusted sales tax.
b) Mr Ryan’s proposal would more or less reverse this.
c) Mr Trump has often complained about the VAT Mexico imposes on American goods, when Mexican exports flowing north incur no such levy.
d) In theory, border adjustments do not affect trade, because export subsidies and import taxes both push up the dollar.
e) In fact, he wants to ignore foreign activity altogether, including profits made by selling American goods abroad.
13. Irony is not dead in the Middle East. In April, Saudi Arabia, a land where women may not drive, or leave the country without the written permission of a male “guardian” or appear in public without an all-enveloping cloak, was elected to the UN’s Committee on Women’s Rights. Now that same monarchy, where the government censors everything from political dissent to risque Rubens paintings, is trying to shut down the only big, feisty broadcaster in the Arab world, Al Jazeera. ________. It is as if China had ordered Britain to abolish the BBC.
a) It harbours dozens of people the Saudis do not like, including some with close links to groups affiliated to al-Qaeda.
b) This is an extraordinary, extra-territorial assault on free speech.
c) When it broadcast Osama bin Laden’s tape-recorded message from his cave in Afghanistan, many concluded that it was not reporting a big news story so much as promoting terrorism.
d) All these banks were wrong.
e) Yet on any fair accounting, Al Jazeera performs a valuable service by adding to the supply of news and views about the Middle East.
14. For more than two decades after the early 1980s, it seemed as if the financial markets were moving in only one direction. _________. Since the 2008 financial crisis this particular aspect of globalisation has stalled, and even partly retreated. The reversal is illustrated by the triennial survey of foreign exchange markets, conducted by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).
a) More and more money was flowing across borders, capital markets were becoming increasingly integrated.
b) After all, as Asian countries found out in the 1990s, too much “hot money” flowing into an economy can be destabilising.
c) The implication of deglobalisation depends on why showdown is happening.
d) Before the crisis, cross-border banking activity was closely correlated with measures of risk apetite.
e) When the economic outlook was good, banks were happy to lend abroad; in the face of shocks, they retreated back to their home base.
15. Should it be a crime for a husband to hit his wife? ________. But not in Russia, where the Duma (parliament) voted recently to decriminalise domestic violence against family members unless it is a repeat offence or causes serious medical damage. The change is part of a state-sponsored turn to traditionalism during Vladimir Putin’s third presidential term. It has exposed deep fault lines. Many Russians now embrace the liberal notion of individual rights, but others are moving in the opposite direction.
a) Activists warn that decriminalisation will legitimise abuse.
b) That pleased civil-society groups that had been pushing for tougher rules.
c) In many countries this question no longer needs discussing.
d) Anna Zhavnerovich does not agree that tolerating domestic abuse leads to strong families.
e) Domestic violence has deep cultural roots.

Answers with Explanations:
1. C)   2. C)   3. D)   4. E)   5. C)  
6. C) The centre, with the advent of goods and services tax, is now planning to integrate the direct and indirect taxation system for all indirect tax payers by linking the GST number with the PAN issued by the income tax department.
7. A) The norms for peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform has been finalised by the RBI and the final guidelines are expected to be released in 2-3 weeks.
8. D) (A) Without any posh or massive structure SIERA ODC building looks like any other IT office building from outside, but if you enter the office complex of this IT solutions company you will realise what the so-called” Green Building” means and is much talked about.
(C) It you enter the office complex of IT solutions company SIERA ODC which looks like any other IT office building from outside without any posh or massive structure, you will realise what the so called “Green Building” means and is much talked about
9. B) The all-new 5 Series, just launched by BMW India, is the seventh generation of the premium executive sedan and it is being locally produced at the company’s plant near Chennai.
10. A) Primarily because the country is witnessing two fundamental resets, the economic landscape has changed significantly in the past three years.
11. D)   12. E)   13. B)   14. A)   15. C)  

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