Blood Relations Practice Questions – Set 2

Mentor for Bank Exams
Blood Relations Practice Questions – Set 2
Directions (1 – 3): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
There are 9 family members from A to I. A and E are twin sisters. H and I are twin brothers. There are two couples in the family. A is C’s daughter and F and G do not have any daughter. B and G are brother and sister and D is the grandfather of A.
1. Which among the following is among the couples in the family?
a) DF
b) FG
c) DC
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
2. How is H related to E?
a) Cousins
b) Brothers
c) Couple
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
3. Who is F’s brother-in-law’s spouse?
a) D
b) C
c) B
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
4. Pointing to a photograph, a girl tells Armaan “I am the only daughter of this lady and her son is your maternal uncle.” How is the speaker related to Armaan’s father?
a) Sister – in – law
b) Wife
c) Either 1 or 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
e) None of these
5. If (I) ‘A * B’ means “A is the mother of B” and (II) ‘A x B’ means “A is the husband of B”, which of the following shows ‘P is the father of Q’?
a) Q * M x P
b) P * Q
c) Q * P
d) P x M * Q
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 8): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A and G are a married couple having 3 kids; 2 sons and a daughter. Two of their kids each have a daughter and the 3rd has two sons. I and D are siblings. K is a father to C and L. D has a daughter E. A is a grandmother to H, whose mother is B. F is married to K. J is son-in-law of G.
6. Who is I married to?
a) F
b) E
c) B
d) H
e) None of these
7. How H and E are related?
a) Niece and Aunt
b) Siblings
c) Cousins
d) Grandmother and Granddaughter
e) None of these
8. H : B then D : ?
a) E
b) L
c) C
d) A
e) None of these
Directions (9 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
i) E × F means ‘E is mother of F’.
ii) E + F means ‘E is sister of F’.
iii) E ÷ F means ‘E is father of F’.
iv) E – F means ‘E is brother of F’.
9. Which of the following means ‘P is niece of S’?
a) P – T ÷ J – S
b) T ÷ P – K
c) S – T ÷ P – K
d) S + T ÷ P + K
e) None of these
10. Which of the following means ‘I is paternal grandfather of U’?
a) U ÷ T ÷ I
b) I ÷ T × U
c) I × T × U
d) I × T ÷ U
e) None of these
Directions (11 – 15): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are sitting around a circle facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order.
S’s husband is sitting second to right of B. Q is sitting second to the left of D’s daughter. Q is the sister of R. S’s husband is not an immediate neighbour of Q. Only one person is sitting between Q and A. Similarly there is only one person sitting between P and S’s mother. No female sits to the immediate side of B. A is father of R. S’s mother is sitting to the immediate right of D, S’s brother. Only one person sits between S and R. P is not an immediate neighbour of R, who is the mother of C.
11. How is S related to R?
A) sister
B) aunt
C) mother
D) mother-in-law
E) Cannot be determined
12. What is the position of C with respect to her grandmother?
A) third to right
B) second to left
C) third to right
D) fourth to right
E) Cannot be determined
13. What is the position of R with respect to her sister?
A) second to right
B) immediate left
C) third to right
D) second to left
E) immediate right
14. How is Q related to D?
A) sister
B) niece
C) daughter
D) sister-in-law
E) Cannot be determined
15. Who is the husband of S?
A) brother of Q
B) father of P
C) grandfather of C
D) son of A
E) Cannot be determined

(1 – 3):

1. B)   2. A)   3. B)  
4. B)   5. D)  
(6 – 8):

6. C)   7. C)   8. D)  
9. D)   10. E) 
(11 – 15):

11. C)   12. D)   13. B)   14. B)   15. C)