English Language Practice Questions for IBPS Clerk – Set 13

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English Language Practice Questions for IBPS Clerk – Set 13
Directions (1 – 5): Read the following group of sentences. The 1st and the last sentences are numbered 1 and 6, the rest are numbered P,Q,R,S. Arrange these four sentences in proper order to form a meaningful paragraph/sentence.
1. 1.Today’s world is less supportive of our region’s economic growth and offers more difficult choices than the binary ones of the Cold War
P.The rise of China, and her quest for primacy, first in Asia and then globally, and her hierarchical view of an international order centred on herself, epitomised by the Belt Road Initiative (BRI),
Q.Both world politics and the world economy are fragmenting and becoming increasingly regional
R.Protectionism has risen around the world.
S.Nor does it offer the economic opportunities of the years before the world economic crisis of 2008.
6.pose a new set of questions and challenges to the established order and to western supremacy.
2. 1.India, exceptionally, chose to base her nationalism not on a common religion, ethnicity, language or enemy, but on an idea of India. 
P.The short geopolitical point is that the very high degree of cultural and other affinities across state boundaries in the old nations but
Q.This idea of Indian nationhood is under some political attack now, but it seems likely to hold firm as it objectively serves the interest of most of the population, and is seen to do so by most Indians.
R.Given the plural and diverse nature of its society, India chose after independence to be a democracy, where every social segment has a say. 
S.New states of south Asia make for sensitive and touchy nationalist reactions and
6. Strong defences of sovereignty by states.
3. 1.For the first  time in decades, central banks face attack not just in emerging markets but in the US, the Eurozone, and the UK. ​
P. Leaving aside the rationales that led to central bank independence in the first place,
Q.These attacks represent a risk to global markets in 2017 by threatening to
R.Politicians have taken to blaming central bankers for political and economic woes of every sort. 
S.Upend central banks' roles as technocratic institutions that
6.Provide financial and economic stability. 
4. 1.The economic effects of Brexit were a major area of debate during the Referendum on UK membership of the European Union, and
P.Supporters of remaining, including the UK treasury, argued that being in the EU has a strong positive effect on trade and 
Q.The debate continues after the Leave vote. 
R.Supporters of withdrawal from the EU have argued that the cessation of 
S. As a result the UK's trade would be worse off if it left the EU. 
6.Net contributions to the EU would allow for some cuts to taxes or increase in government spending.
5. 1.Trump campaigned on a pledge to “Make America Great Again” but also on promises to build an “America first” approach to the world. 
P.but Trump’s view also implies a purely transactional approach 
Q.That will come as welcome news to many around the world who don’t trust Washington
R.That means resolute rejection of the idea, central to US foreign policy since 1945, 
S.that America is the indispensable leader in world affairs. 
6.to relationships, including with traditional allies.
Directions (6 – 15): Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question, out of five alternatives.
Before the dust from building collapse at Bhendi Bazaar had settled, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) quickly tried to absolve itself of blame, saying that Husseini building was constructed by the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA). MHADA in turn held the Saifee Burhani Upliftment Trust (SBUT) responsible. In response, an SBUT spokesperson said, “In 2011, MHADA had issued notices of buildings that are dilapidated. Post that, SBUT had offered transit accommodation, and 50% of the occupants had shifted but the rest were reluctant to shift and said they will have a look later. We don’t want to blame anyone but we tried our level best to convince them.”
So, who is responsible and accountable when a building collapses?
Under Section 353B of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation (MMC) Act 1888, it is obligatory for every owner and occupier of buildings more than 30 years old to have them inspected every ten years by qualified structural engineers registered with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. It is based on audits from these independent professionals that the BMC decides whether a building is dangerous to live in or not. But these engineers are not government employees and are not accountable for their actions. And since the onus is on the owners and occupants, it is easy for the BMC to wash its hands off the matter if they do not comply. There are very few cases where BMC officials have had any kind of complaints registered against them. In the very few cases where they have been blamed, they have gone scot free, because, as public servants, under Section 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, sanctions are required to prosecute them. Mr. Merchant says, “This section has been widely misused.” Johny Joseph, a former Maharashtra chief secretary who also headed the BMC, says, “Engineers have to inspect the building under the Mumbai Regional Town Planning Act (MRTP) and restore and repair according to what is needed. If it is not done, they can be prosecuted under the MRTP Act. The negligence angle has to come from the higher authorities
But despite this, the problem is affixing blame. Senior lawyer Amit Desai quotes the collapse of Altaf Mansion in Mahim in 2013: In that case, there was a combination of factors that could have caused or contributed to the collapse: occupants of the basement had made illegal alterations, they had not obtained the necessary approvals, and complaints from tenants about the state of the building were not responded to. “Therefore, section 304 II of the IPC — culpable homicide not amounting to murder — was applied.” In another case the same year, when a building collapsed in Mazgaon, the presiding magistrate even brought in the Municipal Commissioner, but the case was quashed by the High Court, because there was no material evidence.
Mr. Desai says that the issue is that neither the IPC or MMC Act have an offence called ‘building collapse,’ and the only remedy for that is legislation that outlines the various possible scenarios at every stage of passing the plan or report, so that a person at particular stage can be deemed guilty if he or she has not exercised due diligence. Unless that is done, he says, “It is the causes of the collapse that gives rise to the liability. So if the cause of the collapse has nothing to do with the BMC, then they can’t be held liable.” The way forward, he suggests, is “Amend the MMC Act and create this as a substantive offence, with proper guidelines and strength and let them approve it.”
6. According to the passage, who are responsible for the building collapses.
a) Alterations to the buildings by the residents
b) The licensed engineers who are appointed to inspect the building
c) Local Municipal Corporation
d) The climatic changes occurring in the environment
e) Misused sections from Municipal Corporation Acts
7. Name the provision that makes it compulsory for engineers to inspect the building and to take necessary actions. 
a) Section 304 II of the IPC
b) Section 353B of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation (MMC) Act 1888
c) Mumbai Regional Town Planning Act (MRTP)
d) Section 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
e) Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) Act
8. What is the weakest link in the Indian Constitution pertaining to building collapse?
a) Public servants not taking actions under Section 197
b) Not bringing licensed engineers under the liability of the damage
c) Period for inspection of building is not clearly defined
d) Inadequate clauses of homicide are applied
e) IPC and MMC does not recognise 'building collapse' as an offence
9. What does the phrase 'gone scot free' convey in the passage?
a) to be disposed of very quickly
b) to be unconcerned of the situation
c) to go unpunished
d) to suffer painful anxiety
e) to challenge everything
10. Choose the correct synonym of the word - Absolve.
a) Discharge
b) Hinder
c) Prohibit
d) Condemn
e) Punish
11. Choose the correct synonym of the word - Culpable
a) Innocent
b) Predictable
c) Devastation
d) Guilty
e) Effective
12. Choose the correct synonym of the word - Onus
a) Collapse
b) Accountability
c) Preference
d) Source
e) Destiny
13. Choose the correct synonym of the word - Quashed
a) Revoke
b) Assist
c) Foster
d) Nurture
e) Conundrum
14. Choose the correct synonym of the word - Substantive
a) Measly
b) Picayunish
c) Considerable
d) Marginal
e) Insignificant
15. Why Government slips away from taking the responsibility of the incident?
a) It keeps on transferring responsibility from one department to another
b) Vague provisions in the Constitution 
c) Corruption
d) Weak Infrastructure for complaint redressal
e) Manipulation of the sentiments of the people

Answers with Explanation:
1. E) S elaborates what is introduced in the first sentence. So, it follows 1.Q continues the discussion and it ends in R. So Q Follows S and R follows Q.P gives an example of the discussed issue which ends in 6. So, P follows R. Therefore (E) is the answer.
2. A) R explains what is mentioned in the first sentence.Therefore it follows 1.The present condition of the mentioned situation of the first sentence is defined in Q .Hence, it follows R.P discusses the reason behind such condition.So it follows Q and continues in S. So S comes after P.Therefore option (A) is the answer.
3. D) P begins to discuss the importance of the situation mentioned in the first sentence. Therefore it follows 1 and it ends in R .So R follows P.Q starts to inform what the mentioned situation represents and that is why Q follows R . R  ends with a preposition'to' that hints at the purpose of the action, i.e. 'threatening' mentioned at the end of the sentence. In S it can be found. So S comes after Q. Therefore option (D) is the answer.
4. C) Q completes the first sentence so it comes after 1.P begins to discuss the reason behind the situation mentioned in the first sentence and this ends in S. Therefore P follows Q and S follows P.R continues to explain the reason and it ends in 6. That is why R comes after S. Therefore option (C) is the answer.
5. B) R explains the first sentence therefore it comes after 1.But R is not a complete sentence and in S the incomplete part of R can be found therefore S follows R.After that Q begins to explain the effect of the action mentioned in the first sentence which continues in P and ends in 6. Therefore Q follows S and P follows Q. Hence option (B) is the answer.
6. B)   7. C)   8. E)   9. C)   10. A)   11. D)   12. B)    13. A)   14. C)   15. A)  

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