English Language Practice Questions for IBPS PO Mains – Set 3

Mentor for Bank Exams
English Language Practice Questions for IBPS PO Mains – Set 3
Directions (1 – 3): Each of the following sentences has three blanks. There are five options each containing two words to fill in the blanks. While the first word must fill both the first and the second blank, second word must fill the third blank to make it a meaningful sentence.
1. We realized that he was the major ___________ as ________ voices rose against the ______ bureaucrats.
a) Rebel, tirade
b) Guffaw, pernicious
c) Dissentient, hopeless
d) Contrarian, escaped
e) Assassinate, epoch
2. My attempt to _______ the CEO’s high status in the company was an action to ________ my position and sweet talk him into _______ off on the deal.
a) Persuade, deleting
b) Aggrandize, signing
c) Perpetuate, accelerate
d) Reform, trying
e) Intrigue, breaking
3. You must _______ this regularly in order to master the _______ so that you can stay ______.
a) Control, Malignant
b) Balk, Ubiquitous
c) Hinder, Away
d) Exercise, Salubrious
e) Trigger, Safe
Directios (4 – 5): Read the sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E). Ignore errors of punctuation, if any. 
4. Insurance is a form of risk management (A)/ primarily use to hedge against the risk (B)/ of a contingent, uncertain loss and is a means of (C)/ protection from financial loss. (D) No error (E)
5. Appalled by the Katrina delays, Congress (A)/ created three new emergency loan (B)/ programs to get loans to people much fast—but (C)/ the agency never implemented any of them. (D) No error (E)
Directions (6 – 15): In the following passage, there are ten blanks, each of which has been labelled (6) - (15). Choose the appropriate words that fit each of the blanks appropriately.
The operation theatre of Jodhpur’s Umaid hospital turned into a virtual battle ground on Tuesday when a verbal ___(6)___ broke between two doctors operating on a pregnant woman. In a video captured by a staff member in the operation theatre on a mobile phone, both the doctors were seen arguing loudly, calling each other names and even ___(7)___ each while conducting an emergency surgery on a pregnant woman, lying on the operation table. The emergency operation was underway due to the low heartbeat of the ___(8)___, which is when the incident took place. Both doctors kept fighting, as one was seen involved in the surgery. When one of the doctors – the obstetrician – finally delivered the baby at a hospital in Rajasthan, the baby didn’t survive.
According to a report in NDTV, the argument erupted between doctors – Ashok Nainwal and ML Tak – during an emergency caesarean ___(9)___ scheduled because of the feeble heartbeat of the foetus. It appears to have started when Dr Nainwal, the obstetrician, ___(10)___ whether the patient had eaten before. The anaesthetist, Dr Tak, reportedly tried to have a junior doctor carry out tests, which Dr Nainwal did not agree with. It quickly degenerated into shouting and name-calling. A nurse and another doctor are seen trying to stop them and remind them that a surgery was ___(11)___. Rajasthan High Court took ___(12)___ of incident of verbal spat between the doctors in the operation theatre. The Principal of Sampurananda Medical College, AL Bhat, has said he was informed about the “viral” video, where two of the doctors were quarreling and using ___(13)___ language inside the operation theatre. He also revealed, “A committee has been established to look into the matter and based on this committee’s report, a strict action will be taken against them.”
___(14)___ the whole incident, Principal Bhat also said they have recommended the government to take this matter seriously. The onlookers have said that the intensity of the fight was such that the doctors would have beaten up each other. Amidst the spat, the doctors standing inside the operation theatre kept looking on, as mere ___(15)___.
6. Which of the following words fit the blank (6) appropriately?
a) Assault
b) Spat
c) Dialogue
d) Argument
e) Declamation
7. Which of the following words fit the blank (7) appropriately?
a) Taunting
b) Teasing
c) Joking
d) Mocking
e) Threatening
8. Which of the following words fit the blank (8) appropriately?
a) Foetus
b) Baby
c) Infant
d) Toddler
e) Patient
9. Which of the following words fit the blank (9) appropriately?
a) Medication
b) Treatment
c) Surgery
d) Split
e) Stitch
10. Which of the following words fit the blank (10) appropriately?
a) Argued
b) Discovered
c) Declared
d) Imagined
e) Questioned
11. Which of the following words fit the blank (11) appropriately?
a) Initiated
b) Stopped
c) Continued
d) Underway
e) Terminated
12. Which of the following words fit the blank (12) appropriately?
a) Cognizance
b) Negligence
c) Indifference
d) Intimacy
e) Disregard
13. Which of the following words fit the blank (13) appropriately?
a) Shocking
b) Sensible
c) Audacious
d) Indecent
e) Modest
14. Which of the following words fit the blank (14) appropriately?
a) Attacking
b) Condemning
c) Accepting
d) Denying
e) Judging
15. Which of the following words fit the blank (15) appropriately?
a) Onlookers
b) Participants
c) Spectators
d) Gatherers
e) Doctors

Answers with Explanation:
1. C) The word in the first two blanks is used both as a noun and as an adjective so the word ‘dissentient’ which means ‘a person who opposes a majority or official opinion’ and ‘in opposition to a majority or official opinion’ fits here. The second word 'hopeless' too fits here as it is evident the adjective for the bureaucrats must be a negative one.
2. B) The word 'persuade' makes no sense here in the second blank. The word 'aggrandize' means 'make great or greater in power, rank, honor, or wealth; increase' and conveys the correct meaning and fits in both the blanks. The word 'signing' conveys the correct meaning. The word 'perpetuate' means 'make (something) continue indefinitely' and does not fit here. The rest of the options too fail to make any sense here.
3. D) The word 'exercise' fits as a verb and the noun and conveys the correct meaning. The word 'salubrious' means 'healthy' and fits here correctly. The rest of the options do not convey any meaning. The word 'malignant' means 'deadly'. The word 'balk' means 'hesitate' and 'ubiquitous' means 'present everywhere'. The word 'hinder' means 'to prevent'. The word 'trigger' means 'cause (a device) to function'. Thus option 4 is the correct answer.
4. B) The error lies in part 2 of the sentence where the verb in simple present tense 'use' is incorrect and must be replaced with the verb in past tense 'used' to make the sentence correct. It should read as:'Insurance is a form of risk management  primarily used to hedge against the risk  of a contingent, uncertain loss and is a means of  protection from financial loss.'
5. C) The error lies in part 3 of the sentence where the adjective 'fast' in positive form is incorrect and must be replaced with the adjective 'faster' which is in comparative form. The word 'much' makes it clear that the word must be present in comparative form. It should read as: 'Appalled by the Katrina delays, Congress created three new emergency loan programs to get loans to people much faster—but the agency never implemented any of them'
6. B)   7. E)   8. A)   9. C)   10. E)   11. D)   12. A)   13. D)   14. B)   15. C)  

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