Quantitative Aptitude Practice Questions | IBPS 2017

Mentor for Bank Exams
Quantitative Aptitude Practice Questions | IBPS 2017
Dear Aspirants,
Welcome to Mentor for Bank Exams Quantitative Aptitude Quiz section. The following quiz covers Number Series (5 Questions), Simplifications (5 Questions), Data Interpretation (5 Questions), Word Problems (5 Questions). All the best for upcoming IBPS Exams 2017.
Directions (1 – 5): What will come in place of question mark (?) in the given series:
1. 119     166     221      284     ?     434
a) 355
b) 304
c) 329
d) 325
e) 314
2. 95     110     215     530    ?     2510
a) 1322
b) 1223
c) 1423
d) 1324
e) 1224
3. 4    5    13    40    104    ?    445
a) 157
b) 227
c) 231
d) 229
e) 193
4. 15     21     39     78     145     ?
a) 243
b) 240
c) 253
d) 245
e) 254
5. 942     942     917     1017     792     1192     ?
a) 497
b) 702
c) 594
d) 567
e) 482
Directions (6 – 10): What value will come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
6. 107% of 559.88 – 152% of 164.02 = ?
a) 290
b) 280
c) 300
d) 349
e) 381
7. 28.95 * 7.26 + (34/16) – (23/12) * 2 + (2 5/11) – (0.34 * 2.11) = ?
a) 310
b) 322
c) 290
d) 125
e) 210
8. √79 + √81 - √15 + √16 + (35.07 * 3.21) = ? + 5.91
a) 124
b) 140
c) 110
d) 130
e) 150
9. 3969 × 63 – √4225 – 2746251/3 + 35 – 38.042 – 0.981 + 0.63 = ?
a) 215354
b) 292769
c) 250013
d) 249914
e) 285412
10. √783 ÷ ? × 11.982 = 252
a) 26
b) 12
c) 8
d) 4
e) 16
Directions (11 – 15): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions.
The following table shows the unduplicated (unique) readership figures (in lakh) of five newspapers A, B, C, D and E, in six states 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, as per a readership survey done by an independent agency.
11. In state 1, 15% people read sports page of the newspaper, 11% in state 2 read editorial page, 9% in state 3 read economics page, while 7% in state 5 read international events page. Which among these segments accounts for the least number of people?
a) Sports page readers in state 1
b) Economics page in state 3
c) International events page readers in state 5
d) Editorial page readers in state 2
e) All are same
12. Which newspaper has the maximum percentage difference in total readership in state 1, 2 and 3 taken together, as compared to its total readership in states 4, 5 and 6 taken together?
a) A
b) C
c) D
d) E
e) Can’t be determined
13. The population of state 2 is 21 lakh, while that of state 4 is 27 lakh. By how much is the percentage of newspaper reading population in state 4 more/less than the percentage of the newspaper reading population in state 2?
a) 15.14% more
b) 5.3% more
c) 5.3% less
d) 15.14% less
e) None of these
14. In state 3, 11% readers of newspaper B decided to switch to newspaper E. What per cent of readers of newspaper C, if they switch over to reading newspaper B, would restore its readership to the original figure?
a) 11%
b) 4.7%
c) 6.37%
d) 5.88%
e) None of these
15. How much increase/decrease in readership of newspaper A will make its ratio to the total readership of newspaper C in states 1, 3 and 5 taken together, equal to 9:10?
a) 51600 increase
b) 51600 decrease
c) 189667 increase
d) 189667 decrease
e) None of these
16. In an alloy, zinc and copper are in the ratio 1:2.In the second alloy, the same elements are in the ratio 2:3. If these two alloys be mixed to form a new alloy in which two elements are in the ratio 5:8, in  what  ratio of these two alloys in the new alloys?
a) 2:15
b) 3:10
c) 3:7
d) 4:9
e) 2:4
17. In a certain year, the average monthly income of a person was Rs. 18,000. For the first 8 months of the year, his monthly income was Rs. 22,000 and for the last 5 months, it was Rs.25,000. What is the income in  the 8th month of the year?
a) 17000
b) 20000
c) 15000
d) 10000
e) 85000
18. The respective ratio between the total number of students studying in College A and College B is 5:8 . In College B, out of the total number of students, (5/8)th are boys, out of which 60% study Commerce and the remaining 800 boys study in other streams. What is the total number of students in College A?
a) 2400
b) 3000
c) 3500
d) 2500
e) 2000
19. In a market research project 20% opted for Tide detergent whereas 60% opted for Surf Blue detergent. The rest were unsure. If the difference between those who opted for Surf Blue and those who were uncertain is 720. How many respondents were covered in the survey?
a) 2400
b) 2000
c) 1800
d) 1500
e) 2100
20. Two equal sum of money are lent at the same time at 8% and 7% per annum simple interest. The former is recovered in 6 months earlier than the latter and the amount in each case is Rs. 2560. Find the sum and the time for which the sum of money are lent out.
A)  Rs.3500, 2.5 yrs. and 3 yrs.
B) Rs.3000, 3 yrs. and 5 yrs.
C) Rs.2000, 2 yrs. and 4 yrs.
D) Rs.2000, 3.5yrs. and 4 yrs.
E) Rs.2500, 2yrs. and 6yrs.

1. A)
  Series Pattern   
Given Series
112 = 121 – 2
132 = 169 – 3
152 = 225 – 4
172 = 289 – 5
192 = 361 – 6
 212 = 441 – 7
Hence, there should be 355 in place of question mark (?).
2. B)
Series Pattern
Given Series
95 + 15 (=1×3×5) = 110
110 + 105 (=3×5×7) = 215
215 + 315 (=5×7×9) = 530
530 + 693 (=7×9×11) = 1223
1223 + 1287 (=9×11×13) = 2510
Hence, there should be 1223 in place of question mark (?).
3. D) The series is +13, +23, +33, +43 ...
Hence, there should be 229 in place of question mark (?)
4. D)
Series I




Series II






Series III





Series IV






Clearly, the pattern in series III is +9, +7, +5.
So, the missing term in series III = 28 + 5 = 33;
  missing term in series II = 67 + 33 = 100;
   missing term in series I = 100 + 145 = 245.
Finally the series will become as follows:
Series I




Series II






Series III





Series IV






Hence, there should be 245 in place of question mark (?)
5. D)
Series Pattern
Given Series
942 + (0)2 = 942
942 – (5)2 = 917
917 + (10)2 = 1017
1017 – (15)2 = 792
792 + (20)2 = 1192
1192 – (25)2 567
Hence, there should be 567 in place of ?
6. D) 107% of 559.88 – 152% of 164.02 = ?
? ≈ (100 + 7)% of 560 – (100 + 50 + 2)% of 164
? ≈ (560 + 39.2) – (164 + 82 + 3.28) 
?  = 599.2 – 249.82  ≈ 599 – 250 = 349
7. E) 28.95 * 7.26 + (34/16) – (23/12) * 2 + (2 5/11) – (0.34 * 2.11) = ?
≈ 30 * 7 + (32/16) – (24/12) * 2 + (27/11) – (0.34 * 2.11) = ?
≈ 210 + 2 – 4 + 2.5  – 0.34 × 2.11
= 209.8 ≈ 210
8. A) √79 + √81 – √15 + √16 + (35.07 × 3.21) = ? + 5.91
≈  √81 + √81 – √16 + √16 + (35.07 × 3.21) = ? + 5.91
 or, ≈ 9 + 9 – 4 + 4 + 112 = ? +  6
  ? ≈ 9 + 9 + 112 – 6 ≈ 124.
9. D) 3969 × 63 – √4225 – 2746251/3 + 35 – 38.042 – 0.981 + 0.63 = ?
= 250047 – 65 – 65 + 35 – 38 – 1 + 0.6
= 249913.6 ≈ 249914
10. E) √783 ÷ ? × 11.982 = 252
=> √783 ÷ ? × 12 × 12= 252
=> 28/? × 12 × 12 ≈ 252
=> ? ≈ (28 * 12 * 12)/252 = 16
11. C) Number of people who read sports page = 15% of population of state 1
= 15% of (1.5 + 1.65 + 2.73 + 0.98 + 1.36) lakh = (15/100) × 8.22 lakh = 1.233 lakh
Number of people who read editorial page = 11% of population of state 2
= 11% of (1.15 + 1.82 + 1.36 + 3.15 + 0.92) lakh = (11/100) × 8.4 lakh = 0.924 lakh
Number of people who read economics page = 9% of population of state 3
= 9% of (2.3 + 1.23 + 2.85 + 0.78 + 1.62) lakh = (9/100) × 8.78 = 0.79 lakh
Number of people who read international events page = 7% of population of state 5
= 7% of (1.57 + 0.87 + 0.96 + 2.78 + 3.25) = (7/100) × 9.43 = 0.66 lakh
As we can see from the calculated numbers, the number of international events page readers in state 5 is the least among all four given numbers.
7. D)
 Newspaper E has the maximum percentage difference in total readership in state 1, 2 and 3 taken together, as compared to its total readership in states 4, 5 and 6 taken together
8. C) Population of state 2 = 21 lakh.
Number of readers in state 2 (in lakh) = 1.15 + 1.82 + 1.36 + 3.15 + 0.92 = 8.4
Population of state 4 = 27 lakh.
Number of readers in state 4 (in lakh) = 0.75 + 2.62 + 3.15 + 1.63 + 1.23 = 9.38
Percentage of newspaper reading population in state 2 = 8.4/21 * 100 = 40%
Percentage of newspaper reading population in state 4 = 9.38/27 * 100 = 34.74%
difference between percentage of newspaper reading population in state 2 to that of state 4 = (40 – 34.74)% = 5.26% ≈ 5.3%
9. A) In state 3, 11% readers of newspaper B decided to switch to newspaper E, i.e.
11% of readers of newspaper B in state 3 = 11/100 * 123000 = 13530
Let the percentage of readers of newspaper C in state 3 who switch to newspaper B be x.
After x% of readers of newspaper C in state 3 switch to newspaper B, the readership of newspaper B gets restored to its original figure.
x% of 285000 = 13530
(x/100) × 285000 = 13530
x = 13530 × 100/285000 = 4.7%
10. A) Suppose there is increase in readership of A and that is x (in lakh).
Total readership of newspaper A (in lakh) in state 1, 3 and 5 = 1.5 + 2.3 + 1.57 + x = 5.37 + x
Total readership of newspaper C (in lakh) in state 1, 3 and 5 = 2.73 + 2.85 + 0.96 = 6.54
Thus, ratio of total readership of newspaper A to total readership of newspaper C in states 1, 3 and 5 taken together = (5.37 + x)/6.54
According to the question, this ratio should be 9 : 10
(5.37 + x)/6.54 = 9/10
10 × (5.37 + x) = 9 × 6.54
53.7 + 10x = 58.86
10x = (58.86 53.7)
x = (5.16/10)
x = 0.516 (in lakh)
value of x is positive, increase in readership = x = 0.516 lakh = 51600
16. B)
Qty. of zinc in both the alloys ,
Required ratio = 3 : 10
17. E) Person’s income in the 8th month
= (8*22000 + 5*25000 -12*18000) = 85000
18. E) Total number of students in College A and College B be 5x and 8x resp.
In college B , Boys = (5/8)*8x = 5x
Boys who study commerce = (5x*60)/100 = 3x
Boys in other streams = 5x – 3x = 2x
Therefore , 2x = 2 *800 = 400
Total number  of students in college A = 5x = 5*400 = 2000
19. C) Unsure persons = (100 -60-20)% = 20%
If the number of persons included in the survey be x , then
x* (60 – 20)% = 720
=>( x*40)/100 = 720
=> x = 1800
20. D) Let each amount be Rs. x and time be t yr.
x + (t –(1/2))*x*(8/100) = x + [( x+ t + 7)/100]
=>  2xt/25 – x/25  = 7xt/100
=> t = 4 yrs.
First money was lent for 4- (1/2) =3.5 yrs.
Therefore, Amount = x + (3.5*x*8)/100 = 2560
=> x = Rs.2000