Quantitative Aptitude Practice Questions for Bank Exams, RBI Assistants

Mentor for Bank Exams

Quantitative Aptitude Practice Questions for Bank Exams, RBI Assistants

Directions (1 – 5): What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions?
1. 0.501×10.011×52.83 = ?
a) 205
b) 225
c) 245
d) 285
e) 265
2. 25.05% of 2845 + 14.95 × 2400
a) 36700
b) 36500
c) 35800
d) 35600
e) 36200
a) 9500
b) 10000
c) 9700
d) 10200
e) 9800
a) 9.5
b) 10.5
c) 10
d) 8.2
e) 8
5. 4005.33 ÷ 19.89 × 1.9 = ?
a) 470
b) 300
c) 400
d) 600
e) 500
Directions (6 - 10): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions?
6. 18.5 × 22.5 × ? = 5161.5
a) 13.5
b) 11.4
c) 16.5
d) 12.4
e) None of these
a) 21
b) 15
c) 25
d) 18
e) None of these
a) 33.12
b) 31.22
c) 22.33
d) 23.33
e) None of these
a) 22
b) 24
c) 20
d) 32
e) None of these
a) 48
b) 124
c) 142
d) 151
e) None of these
1. E) ≈0.5×10×53=265
2. A) ≈25% of 2850+15×2400≈36700
3. B) 

4. A) ≈(16×15×20)÷(20×27)≈9
5. C) ≈4000÷20×2=400
6. D)

7. D)

8. E)

9. A)

10. E) 1764÷12=147

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