English Practice Questions for Bank/Insurance Exams (28 – 02 – 2018)

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English Practice Questions for Bank/Insurance Exams (28 – 02 – 2018)
Directions (1 – 10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
While several discoveries in science ever since people started engaging in organised research activity have led to a better life for the average human being. It cannot be gainsaid that some have been used to cause untold misery to vast sections. The developments in science and technology have proved to be a mixed blessing-marvellous medical discoveries like penicillin and antibiotics have cured diseases whereas the fabrication of the atom bomb has resulted in wiping out entire towns and populations. It all goes to show that science is a double-edged weapon because it can be used both for good and evil purposes. Herein comes the crucial question of ethics. Is it not possible for scientist to say "no" when asked to take up research that may one day lead to destruction? This poser has been troubling the participants in research activity for decades. Noelle Lenoir, who has served as a chairperson on the international Bioethics Committee of UNESC0 and is know heading the European Commission's group of advisers on the Ethical impllication of Biotechnology, has done well to highlight several issues in the World Science Report.
While bitter disputes followed the dropping of the atom bombs over the two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, there was no organised reaction as such. But the developments in biology like Genetic engineering, which is nothing but a process of modifying living organisms, led to an ethics movement even three decades ago. Significantly enough, a conference of geneticists meeting at Azilomar in the U.S. declared a moratorium on research for one year, providing a pause for understanding the possible risks to human health and the environment as a result of using genetically-modied organisms. During the I960s, ethics panels were setup in several countries but France was the first country to establish a national consultative committee for ethics in the life and health sciences. A survey made three years a go by the UNESCO Bioethics Unit pointed to the functioning of more than 200 national ethics committees all over the world. It is interesting to learn that there is now a discerniblemovement from ethics to law with the aim of protecting human rights laced with the challenge of science and technology. Again, it is worth noting that the Uber Parliamentary Union placed the issue of the links between bioethics and human rights on its agenda. Essentially, the objective of these efforts is to a form that the human being is not a mere object for science.
1. Why are developments in science a double-edged weapon?
a) they have resulted in both harmless and harmful things
b) they have been beneficial and destructive
c) they have developed without ethics
d) As human being is a mere object for science.
e) none of the above
2. Why did the scientists declare a moratorium on research for one year?
I. to study the risks to human health
II. to study the risks to environment
III. to debate about ethical issues
a) I and II
b) I and Ill
c) II and Ill
d) I, II and Ill
e) Only II
3. The article is most probably written by a:
a) scientist
b) social activist
c) newspaper reporter
d) Politician
e) cannot say
4. Based on the above passage, we can say that the author feels that:
a) scientists should refuse to do research on destructive things
b) ethics committees should be established
c) human beings are not objects for science
d) Genetic engineering should be banned.
e) None of the above.
5. The tone of the article is:
a) analytical
b) critical
c) descriptive
d) judgmental
e) None of these.
6. Why was there no organised reaction to the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima, according to the writer?
a) people did not feel strongly against them
b) there were no ethics commitment tees established at that time
c) the world was too shocked to respond.
d) Countries in the west are inconsiderate towards the plight of the other countries.
e) none of the above.
7. Which of the following statement is not true?
a) there are more than 200 national ethics committees all over the world.
b) scientists have declared a moratorium on research for one year.
c) bitter disputes followed the dropping of the atom bombs.
d) There is a movement for protecting human rights.
e) All are correct
8. What is the title of the passage?
a) Ethics and scientific research
b) Human beings and scientific research
c) Science is a double-edged weapon
d) Protection of human rights
e) The developments in science and technology

9. This passage basically explains
a) The similarities and differences among several ancient societies
b) The influuence of river settlements on the growth of early civilizations
c) How climatic changes led to the founding of the earliest recorded cities.
d) The development of primitive technologies in the ancient Middle East
e) None of the above
10. According to the passage, the increasing aridity of formally fertile grasslands in Egypt and Mesopotamia caused the settlement patterns in those regions to become
a) Less nomadic
b) Less stable
c) More concentrated
d) More sparse
e) None of the above
Directions (11 – 15): Four statements with blanks have been given. These statements are followed by four alternatives. Choose the one which fits into the set of statements the maximum number of times.
11. A. Professional studies has become the _______ of the rich.
B. Every citizen has the _______ to speak, travel and live as he pleases.
C. He has a definite ________ over all his rivals.
D. Sheron no longer has the ________ of the company’s bungalow and car.
a) advantage
b) privilege
c) right
d) concession
e) Laxity
12. A. People sensed _________.
B. A bad ________ case had come in – a person with a smashed arm.
C. And then, without warning, ________ struck.
D. The dogs were the first to recognize the signs of oncoming ________.
a) tragedy
b) accident
c) disaster
d) calamity
e) misfortunes
13. A. The men there have fought _________ and emotional withdrawal, and were more capable of helping Jim.
B. But ______ does occasionally inflict all the adults.
C. A person who is deeply hurt feels very __________.
D. It is hard to survive this feeling of _______.
a) dejection
b) lonely
c) trouble
d) depression
e) Home sick
14. A. I have had a small power of _________.
B. Down with a very high fever, he suffers from frequents fits of _________.
C. They are now bitter enemies – all because of a small ________.
D. Her __________ is the most creative thing she has ever possessed.
a) illusion
b) imagination
c) hallucination
d) misunderstanding
e) Desperation
15. A. Communism states that every individual must live for the _________.
B. The _________ of the affairs of the nation is deplorable.
C. _________ have been laid down by the United States : states The Statesman.
D. No _________ has succeeded in gaining complete autonomy from the Federal government.
a) state
b) nation
c) government
d) condition
e) Hegemony

Answers with Explanations:
1. B) Refer to the 5th line of the 1st para of the passage, “The developments in science and technology have proved to be a mixed blessing -marvellous medical discoveries……………………………… has resulted in wiping out entire towns and populations.”
2. A) Given in the 3rd sentence of the 2nd paragraph.
3. E) We cannot figure out the profession with which the author might be associated with by reading the passage.
4. A) He presents it in the form of question and calls it ‘crucial’. (First paragraph)
5. A) He analyses the use of science and the question of ethics.
6. E) The possible reason for this can’t be inferred from the passage.
7. B) Not scientists in general but a particular group of geneticists.
8. A) The author has discussed about the value of ethics while carrying out a scientific research throughout the passage.
9. B)
10. C) Refer the last two sentences of the first paragraph.
11. B) Privilege can be used in A, B. and D.
Laxity means lack of strictness.
12. C) Disaster can fit in A., C. and D.
Calamity: A calamity is an event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction.
Disaster: A disaster is a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.
13. D) Depression fits in A., B. and D.
14. B) Imagination fits in A. and D.
Hallucination means an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.
15. A) State fits in A, B and D.

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