Directions (1
– 5): Choose the appropriate phrase/connector/conjunction from the given three
options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences
given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.
1. Georgia
gathered the pictures. She could arrange them in a special album for her
(i) And
(ii) So
(iii) For
a) (i), (ii) & (iii)
b) Only (iii)
c) Only (ii)
d) (ii) & (iii)
e) Only (i)
Meriwether Lewis is justly famous for his expedition into the territory of the
Louisiana Purchase and beyond. Few people know of his contributions to natural
(i) But
(ii) In fact
(iii) While
a) (i) & (ii)
b) Only (iii)
c) Only (ii)
d) Only (i)
e) (i), (ii) and (iii)
President Jefferson believed that the headwaters of the Missouri might reach
all the way to the Canadian border. He also believed that meant he could claim
all that land for the United States.
(i) Although
(ii) But also
(iii) And that
a) (i), (ii) & (iii)
b) (i) & (ii)
c) Only (i)
d) (ii) & (iii)
e) Only (iii)
4. He
studied the biological and natural sciences. He learned how to categorize and
draw animals accurately.
(i) But
(ii) And
(iii) Or else
a) (i) & (ii)
b) Only (ii)
c) Only (i)
d) Only (iii)
e) (i), (ii) and (iii)
5. William
Clark was not officially granted the rank of captain prior to the expedition's
departure. Captain Lawrence more or less ignored this technicality and treated
Clark as his equal in authority and rank.
(i) When
(ii) Nevertheless
(iii) Although
a) Only (iii)
b) (i) & (ii)
c) Only (ii)
d) (ii) & (iii)
e) (i), (ii) & (iii)
Directions (6 – 10): Five statements are given
below, labeled a, b, c, d and e. Among these, four statements are in logical
order and form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the
option that does not fit into the theme of the passage.
6. A.Electricity from water also requires enormous river valley projects
involving huge expenditure.
B.In contrast,
electricity from atomic power stations will result in a tremendous saving in
C.The power from atomic
plants could help supply power even to the remote areas of the nation.
D.The main source of
power in industrial undertaking is electricity. But the production of
electricity needs huge quantities of coal.
E.The installation of
atomic plants is costly initially but is economic in the long run.
7. A.When the acquaintance with ripens into intimacy, we are
likely to become very keenly aware of defects and imperfections.
B.In the beginning, we
may feel greatly attracted by someone but on closer acquaintance we will begin
to perceive his faults and shortcomings.
C.Human experience tends
to show that the more we mix with a man, the more we come to dislike him.
D.The truth is that
nobody is free from faults and weaknesses.
E.These defects and
imperfections make a person more vulnerable to dangers associated with being
8. A.Foreign trade increased as a result of the New Economic
Policy, which India followed after the disintegration of Soviet Union.
B.A young India, some
years after independence fashioning her foreign policy of nonalignment,found it
prudent to stay close to the former Soviet Union.
C.Once upon a time there
was a super power named Soviet Union that attracted nations apprehensive of the
global aspirations of the other superpower, the U.S.A.
D.One way of doing this
was to evolve a bilateral relation in trade that could be called upon to
provide a buffer against the arm-twisting by the U.S.A.
E.Trade protocols were
signed, the dollar as the medium of exchange was ignored, trade was denominated
in rupees and the exchange rate between the two countries was to be fixed
outside the ambit of free markets.
9. A.In 1947, India was undoubtedly an under – developed country
with one of the lowest per capitain comes in the world.
B.Economic growth has
been just limited to the a small group of population, with benefits yet to
percolate to the masses.
C.India’s experience of
economic growth is characteristic of the difficulties faced by a newly
independent developing country.
D.Today India ranks fifth
in the international comity of nations if measured in terms of purchas in
E.It was made possible
with the help of a conscious deliberate policy of growth by an indigenous
political elite.
10. A.The thrust of the new policy was towards creating a more
competitive environment as a means to improving the productivity and efficiency
of the economy.
B.The objective was
simple – to improve the efficiency of the system.
C.The regulator mechanism
involving multitude of controls enhanced the capacity and increased competition
even in the public sector.
D.This was to be achieved
by removing the bans and restrictions on the entry and growth of foreign
E.The New Economic Policy
comprises the various policy measures and changes introduced since July 1991.
1. C) Georgia gathered the pictures so she could arrange them in a special
album for her family.
2. D) Meriwether
Lewis is justly famous for his expedition into the territory of the Louisiana
Purchase and beyond, but few people know of his contributions
to natural science.
3. E) President
Jefferson believed that the headwaters of the Missouri might reach all the way
to the Canadian border and that he could claim all that land
for the United States.
4. B) He
studied the biological and natural sciences and learned how to
categorize and draw animals accurately.
5. A) Although William
Clark was not officially granted the rank of captain prior to the expedition's
departure, Captain Lawrence more or less ignored this technicality and treated
Clark as his equal in authority and rank.
6. C) A
talks of problems in hydro power – huge expenditure
D talks of problems in
thermal power – huge coal (hence huge expenditure)
B & E introduce
another way of generating electricity and see it as solution to the problems
discussed in A and D – tremendous savings, economical in the long run.
All the sentences are
related except C.
7. E)
8. A) D
must follow C, and E provides how the bilateral relation between India and the
USSR evolved, It discusses D in detail. B and C are related too. All these
sentences discuss how the geo-politics was taking shape.
Focus of A is on
advantages of New Economic Policy.
9. B) We
need to use some concepts of Parajumbles in this. ADE, form a trio. E begins
with ‘it was made possible’. what was
made possible? – ‘the transition of India from lowest per capita to 5th rank’
was made possible.
Between B and C, we would
choose B as our answer as C connects with A. ‘Newly developing independent
country’ obviously refers to India being independent in 1947. B does not
connect with the theme of the passage.
10. D) E
is the obvious starting choice – B tells about the objective of Policy – A
further builds upon B and tells in detail how the objective is to be achieved:
by providing competitive environment. C tells about steps taken to improve the
D is the odd one out. It
talks about ‘Foreign Investments’, which cannot be related to increasing the
Directions (1 – 5): In each of the following
questions, a question is followed by two statements numbered I and II. Read
both the statements and answer accordingly.
1. What is the probability of getting two black
socks from a drawer containing only black and red socks?
Statement I: There are total 36 socks in the drawer.
Statement II: The probability of the first sock being black is 1/6.
A) If the data in statement I alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
B) If the data in statement II alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
C) If the data either in statement I
alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
D) If the data given in both I and II
together are not sufficient to answer the question.
E) If the data in both the statements
I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
2. In a concert in school, amount gathered by
selling the tickets was Rs 60000 when all were of equal value. Each student got
1 ticket. What was the cost of 1 such ticket?
Statement I: If the price of each ticket had been Rs 50 less, the total
amount gathered would have been 15000 less.
Statement II: If the price of each ticket had been Rs 50 more, the
total amount gathered would have increased by 25%.
A) If the data in statement I alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
B) If the data in statement II alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
C) If the data either in statement I
alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
D) If the data given in both I and II
together are not sufficient to answer the question.
E) If the data in both the statements
I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
3. A, B and C invested Rs 52000 in a business in
ratio 6 : 3 : 4 respectively. What is the profit % earned by them after a year?
Statement I: C got Rs 8000 as his share of profit.
Statement II: The difference in profits earned by A and B is Rs
A) If the data in statement I alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
B) If the data in statement II alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
C) If the data either in statement I alone
or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
D) If the data given in both I and II
together are not sufficient to answer the question.
E) If the data in both the statements
I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
4. How much money did Yami borrow?
Statement I: If borrowed for 6 years at 6% rate of interest per annum, she
has to give double interest as earlier.
Statement II: If the rate of interest per annum increases from 6% to
8% then she could borrow 25% less to give same amount of interest.
A) If the data in statement I alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
B) If the data in statement II alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
C) If the data either in statement I
alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
D) If the data given in both I and II
together are not sufficient to answer the question.
E) If the data in both the statements
I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
5. What is the profit earned by selling an article
for Rs. 900?
Statement I: 25% of profit would have been earned if it had been sold for
Rs. 750.
Statement II: Selling price is 300% of the profit earned.
A) If the data in statement I alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
B) If the data in statement II alone
is sufficient to answer the question.
C) If the data either in statement I
alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
D) If the data given in both I and II
together are not sufficient to answer the question.
E) If the data in both the statements
I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Directions (6 – 10): Each question below contains a
statement followed by Quantity I and Quantity II. Find both to find the
relationship among them. Mark your answer accordingly.
6. If x and y are natural numbers and 5 > x
> y > 0.
Quantity I: 3x2y
Quantity II: 4xy2
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≤ Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or
Relation cannot be established
7. A and B started a business with Rs 10,000 and
Rs 15,000 respectively. After 6 months C joined them with Rs 20,000.
Quantity I: B′s share in total profit of Rs 4,00,000 at the end of 2 years.
Quantity II: Annual Salary of Rohit after tax deduction if he earns
Rs 20,000 per month and pays a tax of 20% each month.
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≤ Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or
Relation cannot be established
8. The price of item X is marked at Rs 10,000.
After giving a discount of 4%, a gain of 20% is achieved.
Quantity I: Cost Price of an article if it is sold making a loss of 10% given that if
the cost price was 20% less, a profit of Rs 12 could be made.
Quantity II: Labeled Price of an article if a discount of 30% is
given on it and then sold for Rs 105 at
a loss of 20%
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or
Relation cannot be established
9. Quantity I: Time taken by A to complete 1/5th of work if B takes 6 days
to complete 3/5th of work and together they take 5 days to complete 3/4th of
Quantity II:
Time taken by
a train to cross a platform of length 60 km given that it crosses a pole in two
and a half hours running at 60 km/hr
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or
Relation cannot be established
10. Quantity I: Number of days required by A to complete work alone, if A and
B together can complete work in 20 days. Given that after they start work
together, A leaves work after 10 days and B completed the remaining work in 20
Quantity II: Number of days required by A to complete work alone,
if A and B together can complete work in 15 days. Given that after they start
work together, A leaves work after 5 days and B completed the remaining work in
30 days.
A) Quantity I > Quantity II
B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
C) Quantity II > Quantity I
D) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
E) Quantity I = Quantity II or
Relation cannot be established
1. E) From statement II, prob of second
sock being black cannot be known.
If we use both
statements: Since total 36 socks are there and prob of first being black is
1/6, it can happen only when there are 6 black socks in the drawer to make the
first prob as 6/36 = 1/36. So we can know that prob of second sock being black
is 5/35. And then the prob. can be found.
2. C) Let
cost of 1 ticket = Rs x. So total students who got tickets is 60000/x
From statement I,
(x – 50) × 60000/x =
60000 – 15000
Solving we get cost of 1
ticket, x = Rs 200
Similarly from statement
(x + 50) × 60000/x =
(125/100) × 60000
Solving we get cost of 1
ticket, x = Rs 200
3. C) From
I, C got 8000 so 4x = 8000
So x = 2000
So total profit = 6x + 3x
+ 4x = 13x = 13×2000 = 26,000
So profit% = 26000/52000
* 100 = 50%From II, 6x – 3x = 6000
So x = 2000
Further same as in I.
4. D) From
I: 2I = P*6*6/100
From II: I = P*6*1/100
And also I = 3P/4 *
So cannot be determined
from any statement or both.
5. C) From
I : Find CP using SP and Profit %. Get profit
From II : Given SP
=300/100 * profit => 900=300/100* profit =>Profit = Rs 300
6. B) Divide
both equations. So
I/II = 3x/4y
Or I = 3x/4y * II
Now y has to be > 0
and x has to be > y
If x = 2, y = 1, I >
If x = 3, y = 1, I >
Similarly we will get I
> II in all cases
Now x has to be < 5,
So check If x = 4, y = 3,
then I = II
So final we get I ≥ II
7. C) I:
A:B:C = 10000*24 : 15000*24 : 20000*18=2:3:3
B=3/8 *4,00,000= Rs
II: Salary after
deducation = 20,000*12*80/100 = Rs 1,92,000
Hence I < II
8. E) I:
Let CP = Rs 100, then at 10% loss, SP = Rs 90
Now if CP is 20% less,
means CP = Rs 80, then profit is = 90 – 80 = Rs 10
but given profit is Rs 12
So if profit is Rs 10,
then CP = Rs100
If profit is Rs 12, then
CP is 100/10 * 12 = Rs 120
II: Use formula MP =
(100-loss%)/(100-dicount%) * CPS
So MP = (100-20)/(100-30)
* 105 = Rs 120
Hence I = II
9. A) I:
A and B completes 3/4th work in 5 days, so complete 1 work in 4/3 * 5 = 20/3
B complete 3/5 work in 6
days, so complete work in 5/3 * 6 = 10
So in 1 day A completes =
3/20 – 1/10 = 1/20
So to complete 1/5th work
= 1/5 * 20 = 4 days
II: length of train = 2.5
* 60 = 150 km
So time taken to cross
platform of length 60 km with speed 60 km/hr = (150+60)/60 = 3.5 hrs
Hence I > II
10. A) I:
1/20 * 10 + 1/B * 20 = 1
B= 40
So 1/A = 1/20 – 1/40
So A in 40 days
II: 1/15 * 5 + 1/B * 30 =
B= 45
So 1/A = 1/15 – 1/45
So B in 22.5 days
Hence I > II
Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the
basis of the information given below.
There are nine members in
a family – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X. They all are sitting in a straight line
from left to right. All of them have a relationship with P. Some of them are
facing North and others are facing South. The following information is known
about them:
T who is the father of P
is sitting to the immediate of V’s wife. S is neither P’s mother nor V’s wife.
P’s wife is sitting immediately left of Q who is sitting at 5th position from
left end of row. R is sitting fourth to the right of P’s father. P is sitting
3rd to the right of S. Mother and brother of P are facing the same direction.
Both of them are sitting together with one of them at an extreme end of the
There is one person
sitting between P and V and they both are facing opposite directions. W who is
P’s sister is sitting at third position from the right end. She is sitting
facing North direction. Daughter of P is sitting 2nd to the right of the mother
of P. X is sitting facing south direction which is opposite of what P’s
daughter is facing. The immediate neighbors of P’s daughter are facing same
direction as X. Neither P’s brother nor his sister is sitting to the immediate
side of P’s daughter. From nine members, one is son of P.
1. Who is sitting second to right of R’s father?
A) Q’s mother
B) U
C) W’s brother
D) R’s brother
E) T’s grandson
2. Who is sitting third to left of P’s son?
A) P’s mother
B) R’s brother
C) P’s daughter
D) V’s father
E) P’s sister-in-law
3. Who are the immediate neighbors of P’s father?
A) S, V’s father
B) P’s sister, X
C) P’s wife, W
D) V’s wife, S
E) None of the above
4. Which of the following relates the true
relationship with Q?
A) Q is P’s wife
B) Q is V’s niece
C) Q is W’s grandson
D) Q is R’s sister
E) None of these
5. Who are sitting at an extreme end of line?
A) P’s wife, P’s sister-in-law
B) T, W’s mother
C) R’s father, X
D) P’s brother, W’s sister-in-law
E) Cannot be determined
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following
arrangement and answer questions given:
B 6 U & R 1 P 5 # F D @ I 2 Q 8 ©
K M % W 3 E A 4 * H 9 T
6. If all the numbers are dropped from the
arrangement, then which of the following is the 6th letter to the right of the
20th letter from the right end?
A) F
B) @
C) D
D) ©
E) P
7. How many such numbers are there in the above
arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol and immediately
followed by a letter ?
A) None
B) One
C) Two
D) Three
E) More than three
8. Complete the series: F@# 28I K%© ?
B) W3A
C) 3AW
D) 3EW
E) None of these
9. How many such consonants are there each of
which is immediately preceded by a number?
A) None
B) One
C) Two
D) Three
E) More than three
10. Four of the five are alike in a certain way
based on arrangement, which does not belong to the group?
B) MW©
C) @2F
D) 6&U
E) *9A
(1 – 5):

1. C) 2. D) 3. B)
4. E) 5. D)
6. C) The series becomes: B U & R P # F
D @ I Q © K M % W E A * H T
7. A) 8. C) 9. C)
10. D)