Reasoning Practice Quiz for IBPS, SBI and other Bank Exams

Reasoning Practice Quiz for IBPS, SBI and other Bank Exams
Directions (1 – 5): Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language, 
‘My mother is beautiful’ is written as 20%R, 16!S, 9*L, 20!Y
‘Dad loves my brother’ is written as 19#S, 20!Y, 9^R, 11@D
‘Chinese food is the best’ is written as 13$D, 16!S, 10^E, 1@E, 9$T
‘Everybody loves to shop’ is written as 19#S, 12*Y, 1!O, 26$P
1. The code 10^E belongs to the word:
A) Chinese
B) food
C) best
D) the
E) is
2. Find the code for the word ‘Everybody’?
A) 19#S
B) 12*Y
C) 1!O
D) 26$P
E) 13$D
3. By using the given code word, find the code word for ‘You are surely in trouble’?
A) 8@E, 6@U, 26%Y, 1^E, 16!N
B) 17&O, 13#R, 15@U, 23!N, 8@R
C) 8^E, 6#U, 26$Y, 1*E, 16&N
D) 18%O, 6#R, 7@U, 3#N, 12^R
E) 16*O, 18^R, 10%U, 26@N, 11&R
4. According to the given code, what is the code for ‘X’?
A) 3
B) 12
C) 20
D) 2
E) None of the above
5. Find the code for the word ‘Tangerine’?
A) 1#E
B) 2&G
C) 7*A
D) 1*E
E) 16@R
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. A Machine arranges the given input in the following way.
Input: 270 486 228 119 167 83 512 675 120 453
Step 1: 120 270 486 228 119 167 83 512 675 453
Step 2: 120 83 270 486 228 119 167 512 675 453
Step 3: 120 83 228 270 486 119 167 512 675 453
Step 4: 120 83 228 119 270 486 167 512 675 453
Step 5: 120 83 228 119 270 167 486 512 675 453
Step 6: 120 83 228 119 270 167 486 453 512 675
Step 6 is the last step of the given input.
Answer the question for the below input:
Input: 288 420 67 123 154 143 44 291 403 84
6. Which of the following is 5th step of the given input?
A) 44 67 84 123 154 288 420 143 291 403
B) 44 67 84 123 288 420 154 143 291 403
C) 44 67 84 123 154 143 288 420 291 403
D) 44 67 84 123 154 143 288 291 420 403
E) None of these
7. How many steps are needed to arrange the given input?
A) Four
B) Five
C) Six
D) Seven
E) Eight
8. How many numbers are there between 123 and 143 in step 4 of the given input?
A) Four
B) One
C) Three
D) Two
E) None
9. In how many of the given steps of the input 420 and 143 will be consecutive terms?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
E) None of these
10. Which of the following steps comes just before the following step?
“44 67 84 123 154 143 288 291 420 403”
A) 44 67 84 123 154 420 288 143 291 403
B) 44 67 84 123 288 420 154 143 291 403
C) 44 67 84 123 154 288 420 143 291 403
D) 44 67 84 123 154 143 288 420 291 403
E) None of these
(1 – 5):
1) 1st element represents position of first letter of word in modified English alphabet.
2) 2nd element is a symbol that represents number of letter in word.
3) 3rdelement is a letter which represents the last letter of word.
Example: (1 → T position of first letter in modified English alphabet.
@ → 3 letter word
E → the last letter of the word)
Hence, “The” is coded as “1@E”
Symbols: number of letters:
! -> 2; @ -> 3; $ -> 4; # -> 5; % -> 6; ^ -> 7; & -> 8; * -> 9
1. A)   2. B)   3. A)   4. E)   5. D)  
(6 – 10): If we observe the given input carefully then we can see that even and odd numbers are arranged in increasing order in alternate fashion.
By using same logic, we will arrange the given input.
Input: 288 420 67 123 154 143 44 291 403 84
Step 1: 44 288 420 67 123 154 143 291 403 84
Step 2: 44 67 288 420 123 154 143 291 403 84
Step 3: 44 67 84 288 420 123 154 143 291 403
Step 4: 44 67 84 123 288 420 154 143 291 403
Step 5: 44 67 84 123 154 288 420 143 291 403
Step 6: 44 67 84 123 154 143 288 420 291 403
Step 7: 44 67 84 123 154 143 288 291 420 403
6. A)   7. D)   8. C)   9. A)   10. D)