Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 6)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 6)
Directions (1 – 5): Four statements are given below, labeled A, B, C and D. Among these, some statements are in logical order and form coherent paragraph. From the given options a), b), c), d) and e), choose the option the does not fit into the theme of the paragraph.
1. A.  Cognitive science, however, tells us that students need to develop these different ways of thinking by means of extended, focused mental effort.
B.  No matter what happens in the relatively brief period students spend in the classroom, there is not enough time to develop the long-term memory structures required for subject mastery.
C. A traditional science instructor concentrates on teaching factual knowledge, with the implicit assumption that expert-like ways of thinking about the subject are already present.
D. To ensure that the necessary extended effort is made, teachers need to engage students in thinking deeply about the subject at an appropriate level, monitor that thinking and guide it to be more expert-like.
a) D 
b) B 
c) A 
d) C 
e) All fits to paragraph
2. A. Besides generating buzz, a season-based reality show does as well as a top-five show in terms of viewership.
B. The key, then, is for channels to find bankable reality formats and milk them till the cows come home.
C. Then again, they have realized that the easier way to gain ad revenue to cover costs is by luring advertisers to a fail-proof, steady-TRP format like reality TV.
D. The nearly 15% year-on-year rise in production cost levels for reality shows has networks rattled.
a) D  
b) A 
c) C 
d) B 
e) All fits to paragraph
3. A. In 400 BC, Leonidas' 300 Spartans died at Thermopylae in Greece while their countrymen vied at Olympia.
B. Troops were forbidden to enter the sacred Olympic precinct; but they were there in 420 B.C. when a Spartan attack was feared. Spartans had been banned from competing.
C. And yet, Spartan-like, America was represented at the Games while she was still fighting in Vietnam.
D. Civilization has advanced since then andcommendably Olympiads of 1916, 1940 and 1944 were cancelled due to worldwide conflagration.
a) D   
b) B   
c) A   
d) C 
e) All fits to paragraph
4. A. Since birds are the modern descendants of dinosaurs, they are likely to have once had teeth instead of beaks.
B. However, 100 million years ago a diverse range of non-avian dinosaurs spouted all manner of plumage, and like modern birds, doubtless made a great deal of use of them, even if they could not fly.
C. This fact became known way back in 1861 when paleontologists discovered a bird fossil, about 150 million years old, now classified as Archaeopteryx, which had teeth.
D. Researchers have now published details of how avian edentulous occurred in one common bird ancestor more than 100 million years ago.
a) D  
b) A   
c) B   
d) C 
e) None of these
5. A. If we are not to make grievous mistakes in the name of good things such as fighting corruption or tackling crime, then we, the people, must reflect.
B. The problem is not of manipulation or political ambition; it is the willingness with which otherwise sensible citizens allow themselves to follow the Piper.
C. If we realize that it is our sentiments that are disturbed, not our security, perhaps we will see the issue with greater equanimity.
D. It is in the nature of democratic politics for ambitious politicians to use emotions to climb up the ladder of power.
a) D   
b) B  
c) A   
d) C 
e) All fits to paragraph
Directions (6 – 10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are four words denoted by numbers a), b), c) and d. Find out ONE word that to be fitted in both the sentences I and II and another word that fit to the sentence III and to make it meaningfully complete. In case no word is fit to these sentences, option 'e' is the answer.
6. I. Karen’s parents were serious people who did not seem to appreciate her acts of ___________ during church service.
II. As a student, I really liked Mrs. Walters because she was not too stern and always used ________ in her lessons to make the class less formal.
III. Many agree that replacing typewriters with computers is a ____________ idea because computers make typing, editing, and proofreading easier.
a) Frivolity, perceptive
b) Flippancy, clever
c) Lightness, smart
d) Merriment, witty
e) Levity, sagacious
7. I. Although Alan would like to participate in the challenge, his religious _________ will not allow him to participate in a drinking event.
II. Since the swindler had no __________, he was not concerned about selling the old woman a worthless life insurance policy.
III. We waited until after our parents went to sleep to have our __________ meeting about their surprise party.
a) Doctrines, furtive
b) Ethics, stealthy
c) Morals, sneaky
d) Scruples, clandestine
e) Beliefs, devious
8. I. Because of the __________ of the veteran congressmen, the political rookies found it hard to get a bill on the docket.
II. Although the principal has __________ status over the students, she is a kind woman who treats all of the children as if they were her own.
III. My manager is a _____________ who goes out of her way to make my workday unpleasant.
a) Supremacy, termagant
b) Ascendancy, tartar
c) Pre-eminence, hag,
d) Incomparability, virago
e) Hegemony, shrew
9. I. The ____________ gentleman held up the checkout line as he rambled on to the cashier about his pet squirrel.
II. While I was in labor, my best friend and I had a _______________ discussion about the uses of thumb tacks.
III. Jack realized he was having a ____________ day when he saw the four flat tires on his truck.
a) Voluble, fortunate
b) Taciturn, miserable
c) Reticent, despondent
d) Garrulous, hapless
e) Aloof, wretched
10. I. If you think the weather is bad now, see how __________ conditions will be when the hurricane makes landfall.
II. Choosing between closing my business or laying off employees puts me in a ___________ position.
III. The new head of the foster care system is going to reduce the _______________ that deters foster parents from adopting.
a) Wobbly, administration
b) Stable, organization
c) Precarious, bureaucracy
d) Trembling, group
e) Rickety, society
1. B) Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the Cognitive science which is used in developing ways of thinking of students, also for extended & focused mental effort, teaching method of traditional science instructor in improving way of thinking and the necessary of extended effort. But option b) has to be eliminated as it talks of “long term memory structure” which is not explained by any of the other sentences.
2. B) Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the year-on-year increase in production costs for reality shows which has rattled networks, realizing the easy way to gain ad revenue by luring advertisers to reality TV and also about bankable reality formats for channels. But option b) talks about generation of buzz and how well a reality show does in terms of viewership.
3. B) Option b) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it explains about troops which were not allowed in the Olympic precinct as war with Sparta was thought to be imminent and also provides an example of an exception made to the Olympic rules at a time war was expected; while others are explaining about warring countries that still competing at the Olympic Games and compares America to Sparta and cancellation of Olympiads in 1926, 1940 and 1944 due to world wars and also about Spartans who were at war with Greece and dying, some of their countrymen were competing at that time at the Olympia.
4. C) Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the birds in modern descendants of dinosaurs, about their teeth which became known in 1861 with the discovery of Archaeopteryx, also about the fact of birds once had teeth and about researchers who have discovered that avian edentulous, or loss of teeth, occurred in one common bird ancestor 100 million years ago. But option c) does not fit since it explains about the non-avian dinosaurs which sprouted feathers 100 million years ago.
5. D) Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the specific “issue” that the rest of the sentences cannot explain i.e, about our sentiments and the issue of greater equanimity; while others refer to the grievous mistakes in the name of good things such as fighting corruption or tackling crime, willingness with sensible citizens in case of manipulation or political ambition and also about nature of democratic politics.
6. E) Levity – the treatment of a serious matter with humour or lack of due respect.
Sagacious – having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.
7. D) Scruples – a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.
Clandestine – kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.
8. E) Hegemony – leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.
Shrew – a bad-tempered or aggressively assertive woman.
9. D) Garrulous excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
Hapless (especially of a person) unfortunate.
10. C) Precarious – not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
Bureaucracy – excessively complicated administrative procedure or system.
Direction (1 – 5): The table shows the Number of banks in different sector in various years and the pie-chart shows the percentage of employees in various types of banks in 2016. Study the following table and pie-chart carefully and answer the questions given below.

1. What is the percentage increase in the total number of Banks during 2013-16?
a) 125.5%
b) 123.8%
c) 122.3%
d) 127.7%
e) 131.5%
2. What is the percentage increase in the number of Reserve Bank of India and Regional Rural Banks together from 2015 to 2016?
a) 37.63%
b) 35.87%
c) 32.72%
d) 33.32%
e) 30.76%
3. What is ratio of the total number of Reserve Bank of India, Regional Rural Banks and Public Sector Banks in the year 2013 to the total number of Reserve Bank of India in the year 2016?
a) 11:7
b) 12:9
c) 12:7
d) 11:9
e) 13:5
4. In which of the following years is the increase in the number of banks the minimum in comparison to the previous year?
a) 2013
b) 2016
c) 2015
d) 2014
e) None of these
5. The average of the number of employees working in Reserve Bank of India, Regional Rural Banks and Public Sector Banks in the year 2016 is what percentage more or less than the number of employees working in Private Banks in the same year?
a) 59.25% less
b) 61.27% more
c) 57.48% less
d) 63.37% more
e) 54.21% less
Directions (6 – 10): what approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? [you are not expected to calculate exact value]
6. (2914.01 ÷ 31.1) ÷ (1.99 ÷ 3.01) × 510.01 ÷ 169.99 = ?
a) 405
b) 423
c) 340
d) 452
e) 567
7. (4810 / √2310) × 22.678 + 130.13 = ?
a) 2300
b) 2500
c) 2700
d) 2400
e) 2250
8. 11.25% of 175 + 8.72% of 763 + 38% of 380 = ?
a) 230
b) 295
c) 267
d) 195
e) 182
9. (26.89 × 168.98 + 4317 – 6336.98) / √230 = ?
a) 105
b) 195
c) 167
d) 325
e) 266
10. √(1087.9996) + (5.1961)2 = ? ÷ (2 / 10.7960)
a) 44
b) 48
c) 30
d) 68
e) 11
1. B) Total number of Banks in 2013 = 50 + 100 + 150 + 225 = 525
Total number of Banks in 2016 = 175 + 250 + 325 + 425 = 1175
Increase = 1175 - 525 = 650
Percentage increase = 650/525 × 100 = 123.8%
2. E) Number of Reserve Bank of India and Regional Rural Banks in 2014 = 125 + 200 = 325
Number of Reserve Bank of India and Regional Rural Banks in 2016 = 175 + 250 = 425
Percentage increase = (425 – 325)/325 × 100% = 100/325 × 100 = 30.76%
3. C) Total number of (Reserve Bank of India + Regional Rural Banks + Public Sector Banks) in 2013 = 50 + 100 + 150 = 300
Number of Reserve Bank of India in 2016 = 175
Required ratio = 300: 175 = 12: 7
4. D) Total number of banks in 2013 = 525
Total number of banks in 2014 = 75 + 150 + 175 + 250 = 650
Percentage increase = increase/525 × 100 = 125/525 × 100 = 23.8%
Total number of banks in 2015 = 125 + 200 + 250 + 275 = 825
Percentage increase = (825 – 650)/650 × 100 = 175/650 × 100 = 26.92%
Total number of banks in 2016 = 1175
Percentage increase = (1175 – 825)/825 × 100 = 350/825 × 100 = 42.42%
5. A) Total number of employees working in (Reserve Bank of India + Regional Rural Banks + Public Sector Banks) in 2016 = 200000 × (10/100 + 15/100 + 30/100) = 55 × 2000 = 110000
Average of the number of employees working in (Reserve Bank of India + Regional Rural Banks + Public Sector Banks) = 110000/3 = 36666.7
Employees working in Private Banks in 2016 = 200000 × 45/100 = 90000
Required% = (90000 - 36666.7)/90000 × 100 = 59.25%
6. B)
 ? = (2914.01 ÷ 31.1) ÷ (1.99 ÷ 3.01) x 510.01 ÷ 169.99
? =  (2914 ÷ 31) ÷ (2/3) × (510/170)
= (2914/31) × (3/2) × (510/170) = (2914x3x3) / (31 × 2)
= 47 x 9 = 423
7. D)
 ? = (4810 / 2310) × 22.678 + 130.13
= (4810/48) × 22.7 + 130
= 100 × 22.7 + 130 = 2270 + 130 = 2400
8. A)
? = [11.25 / 100] × 175 + (8.72 / 100)×763 + (38/100)×380
= 20 + 66 + 144 = 230
9. C)
? = (26.89 x 168.98 + 4317- 6339.98) / 230
 = (27 x 169 + 4317 6340) / 230
=( 4563 + 4317 6340) / 15
=  (8880 6340) / 15 = 2540/15 = 167
10. E)
(1087.9996) + (5.1961)2 = ? ÷ (2 / 10.7960)
? = [(1089) + (5)2] × (2/11)
= (33 + 25) x (2/11) = (58 × 2) / 11 = 11
Directions (1 – 5): In the following questions, only one Conclusion is given and five statements are given as a), b), c), d) and e. From this you have to take the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given statement logically follows.
1. Conclusions: Some links are leaves; No leaves is a brush; No cake is a link; Some brushes are cakes
a) Statements: All leaves are links; Some link is brush; All cakes are brushes;
b) Statements: All leaves are links; All link is brush; All cakes are brushes
c) Statements: All leaves are links; No link is brush; No cakes are brushes
d) Statements: All leaves are links; No link is brush; All cakes are brushes
e) Statements: Some leaves are links; Some link is brush; Some cakes are brushes
2. Conclusions: Some machines are needles; Some boxes are machines; Some boxes are needles; Some threads are needles
a) Statements: All needles are threads; Some threads are boxes; All machines are boxes
b) Statements: Some needles are threads; Some threads are boxes; Some machines are boxes
c) Statements: All needles are threads; Some threads are boxes; Some machines are boxes
d) Statements: All needles are threads; No threads are boxes; No machines are boxes
e) Statements: All needles are threads; All threads are boxes; All machines are boxes
3. Conclusions: Some windows are tents is a possibility; Some chairs are buildings; Some chairs are tents is a possibility; Some windows are chairs
a) Statements: Some tents are buildings; Some buildings are chairs; Some chairs are windows
b) Statements: Some tents are buildings; All buildings are chairs; Some chairs are windows
c) Statements: Some tents are buildings; All buildings are chairs; All chairs are windows
d) Statements: Some tents are buildings; All buildings are chairs; No chairs are windows
e) Statements: All tents are buildings; All buildings are chairs; Some chairs are windows
4. Conclusions: Some pens are tables; Some papers are pens; Some speakers are pens; Some tables are papers is a possibility
a) Statements: All tables are speakers; No pens are speakers; No speakers are papers
b) Statements: All tables are speakers; Some pens are speakers; Some speakers are papers
c) Statements: All tables are speakers; All speakers are pens; All speakers are papers
d) Statements: Some tables are speakers; Some pens are speakers; Some speakers are papers
e) Statements: All tables are speakers; No pens are speakers; No speakers are papers
5. Conclusions: Some cycles are mirrors; Some mirrors are chains is a possibility; Some mirrors are bikes; Some bikes are chains is a possibility
a) Statements: All chains are cycles; Some cycles are bikes; Some bikes are mirrors
b) Statements: All chains are cycles; Some cycles are bikes; All bikes are mirrors
c) Statements: Some chains are cycles; Some cycles are bikes; Some bikes are mirrors
d) Statements: Some chains are cycles; No cycles are bikes; No bikes are mirrors
e) Statements: All chains are cycles; Some cycles are bikes; No bikes are mirrors
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
There are seven people Ajay, Gokul, Salman, Varun, Jagdeesh, Harish and Udaya. They like different Sports, Players and were born in different Countries and months. They all were born in the same year. One of the Sports is Rugby. One of the Countries is England. One of the Players is Lionel Messi. One of the persons was born in the month of September. The following information is known about them. Harish was born either in Bangladesh or in India. The one who was born in the month of May likes Peter Gade and Golf and is either Salman or Udaya. Varun is not the one who likes Tiger Woods. The one who likes Dan Carter likes Tennis. The one who was born in India is the youngest one and is either Gokul or Udaya. The one who likes Roger Federer was born in South Africa but is not Gokul. Jagdeesh was born in the month of February. Varun was born in New Zealand in the month of July and likes Badminton. The one who likes Manpreet Singh was born in November but is not the youngest person. Gokul likes Football. The one who likes Dan Carter was born in Sri Lanka but that person is not Salman who likes Hockey. The youngest person likes Tiger Woods and he is not Udaya. The one who was born in Australia likes Cricket but is not Jagdeesh. Harish is the second youngest person. The one who likes Sachin Tendulkar is one month younger than Jagdeesh.
6.  Which of the following player Jagdeesh like?
a) Dan Carter
b) Tiger Woods    
c) Lionel Messi
d) Manpreet Singh
e) Peter Gade
7. The one who likes Rugby born in which of the following country?
a) India
b) Sri Lanka
c) Bangladesh
d) South Africa
e) Australia
8. The one who born in Australia was born in which of the following month?
a) July       
b) March
c) February
d) May
e) September       
9. Who among the following person like Roger Federer?
a) Varun
b) Ajay
c) Harish
d) Salman
e) Udaya
10. Which of the following combinations is true?
a) Gokul - Football - India - Tiger Woods - July
b) Harish - Rugby Bangladesh Dan Carter - November
c) Varun Tennis - New Zealand - Lionel Messi - February
d) Ajay Rugby - Bangladesh - Sachin Tendulkar - March
e) Salman - Hockey - South Africa - Roger Federer - September
1. D)

2. E)

3. A)

4. C)

5. B)

(6 – 10):
Sachin Tendulkar
Tiget Woods
South Africa
Roger Federer
New Zealand
Lionel Messi
Sri Lanka
Dan Carter
Manpreet Singh
Peter Gade
6. A)   7. C)   8. B)   9. D)   10. E)