Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 13)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 13)
1. Apparel of different (1)/ types are worn by (2)/ people of different (3)/ parts of the country. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
2. Rishabh spent a long time (1)/ searching online for advise on how to (2)/ best treat his migraine headache (3)/ using natural herbs. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
3. My brother has (1)/ a good many (2)/friend who often keep (3)/ calling him at odd hours. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
4. It’s hard to (1)/ imagine a (2)/ more miscasted (3)/ version of ‘Julius Caesar (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
5. He was (1)/ happy have been (2)/ asked to deliver (3)/ the inaugural speech. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
6. You could take (1)/ a second opinion (2)/ on your (3)/ mother’s medical reports. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
7. I could (1)/ always beat you (2)/ in Cricket when (3)/ we were kid. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
8. Several people were killed (1)/ by lightning strikes, having been caught in the open (2)/ or having ignored warnings (3)/ to stay clear from electricity transmission lines. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
9. Vinita was feeling (1)/a bit below the weather today, (2)so she chose to (3)/ take the day off. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
10. Pune girl Muskan Abdullah Pathan who emerged (1)/ as the national topper at the (2)/ Indian Certificate for Secondary Education (ICSE) Class 10 examinations says the news (3)/ has taken her on complete surprise. (4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) No Error
1. B)  2. B)  3. C)  4. C)  5. B)  6. E)  7. D)  8. D)  9. B)  10. D)  
1. Some amount out of Rs.7000 was lent at 6% per annum and the remaining was lent at 4% per annum. If the total simple interest from both the fractions in 5 years was Rs.1600, the sum lent at 6% per annum was
a) Rs. 2400
b) Rs. 2200
c) Rs. 2000
d) Rs. 1800
e) None of these
2. The speed of a boat in still water is 30 kmph. If it can travel 10 km upstream in 1 hr, what time it would take to travel the same distance downstream?
a) 22 minutes         
b) 30 minutes
c) 40 minutes         
d) 12 minutes
e) None of these
3. A Pen was sold for Rs. 28.50 with a profit of 10%. If it was sold for Rs. 26.75, what would have been the percentage of profit or loss?
a) 3%          
b) 2%
c) 4%
d) 5%
e) None of these
4. A sum of money amounts to Rs.9850 after 5 years and Rs.12010 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is
a) 15%
b) 12%
c) 11.5%
d) 11%
e) None of these
5. Assume that 20 Horses and 40 goats can be kept for 10 days for Rs.460. If the cost of keeping 5 goats is the same as the cost of keeping 1 Horse, what will be the cost for keeping 50 Horses and 30 goats for 12 days?
a) Rs.1104
b) Rs.1000
c) Rs.934
d) Rs.1210
e) None of these
6. Walking 6/7th of his usual speed, a man is 15 minutes too late. What is the usual time taken by him to cover that distance?
a) 1 hr 42 min        
b) 1 hr 30 min
c) 2 hr         
d) 1 hr 12 min
e) None of these
7. The ages of two persons differ by 15 years. 7 years ago, the elder one was 4 times as old as the younger one. What are their present ages of the elder person?
a) 19
b) 27
c) 32
d) 40
e) None of these
8. What is the percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20%?
a) 45%        
b) 44%
c) 40%        
d) 42%
e) None of these
9. Two pipes A and B can fill a cistern in 10 hours and 20 hours respectively. If they are opened simultaneously. Sometimes later, tap B was closed, then it takes total 8 hours to fill up the whole tank. After how many hours B was closed?
a) 4 hours
b) 5 hours
c) 2 hours
d) 6 hours
e) None of the Above
10. Rohan got 75% in English and 55% in Biology and the maximum marks of both papers is 100. What percent does he score in Maths, if he scores 60% marks in all the three subjects? Maximum Marks of Maths paper is 200.
a) 30%
b) 40%
c) 45%
d) 25%
e) 55%
1. C) Total simple interest received, I = Rs.1600
Principal, p = 7000
period, n = 5 years
Rate of interest, r = ?
Simple Interest, I=pnr/100
By rule of alligation,
Part1 : Part2 =4/7:1/07=4:10=2:5
Given that total amount is Rs.7000. Therefore, the amount lent at 6% per annum (part1 amount) = 7000 × (2/7) = Rs. 2000
2. D) Speed of boat in still water = 30 km/hr
Speed upstream =10/1 = 10 km/hr
Speed of the stream = (30-10) = 20 km/hr
Speed downstream = (30+20) = 50 km/hr
Time taken to travel 10 km downstream = 10/50 hours = (10×60) / 50 = 12 minutes
3. A) 28.5 =110%  of cost price
26.75=(110×26.75) / 28.5 % = 103 % of cost price.
Therefore, required profit percentage = 3%
4. C) Simple Interest for 3 years = (Rs.12010 - Rs.9850) = Rs.2160
Simple Interest for 5 years = (2160/3) × 5 = Rs.3600
Principal(P) = (Rs.9850 - Rs.3600) = Rs.6250
R = (100×SI)/PT=(100×3600) / (6125×5)=11.5%
5. A) Assume that cost of keeping a Horse for 1 day = h ,
cost of keeping a goat for 1 day = g
Cost of keeping 20 Horses and 40 goats for 10 days = 460
Cost of keeping 20 Horses and 40 goats for 1 day = 460/10 = 46
=> 20h + 40g = 46
=> 10h + 20g = 23 ---(1)
Given that 5g = h
Hence equation (1) can be written as 10h + 4h = 23 => 14h =23
=> h=23/14
cost of keeping 50 Horses and 30 goats for 1 day
= 50h + 30g
= 50h + 6c (substituted 5g = c)
= 56 h = 56×23/14 = 92
Cost of keeping 50 Horses and 30 goats for 12 days = 12×92 = 1104
6. B) New speed = 6/7 of usual speed
Speed and time are inversely proportional.
Hence new time =7/6 of usual time
Hence, 7/6 of usual time - usual time =15 minutes
1/6 of usual time =15 minutes
Therefore, usual time =15×6 = 90 minutes
=1 hour 30 minutes
7. B) Let present age of the elder person = x and
present age of the younger person = x−15
(x - 7) = 4 (x – 15 - 7)
x – 7 = 4x – 88
3x = 81
x = 27
8. B) Let original length =l
original breadth =b
Then original area =lb
Length is increased by 20%
New length =l×(120/100)=1.2l
Breadth is increased by 20%
New breadth =b×(120/100)=1.2b
New area =1.2l×1.2b=1.44lb
Increase in area = new area - original area
=1.44lb – lb = 0.44lb
Percentage increase in area
= (increase in area / original area) × 100
= (0.44 lb / lb)×100 = 44%
9. A) Pipe A Efficiency = 100/10 = 10%
Pipe B Efficiency = 100/20 = 5%
Net Efficiency = 15%
15x + 10(8-x) = 100
x = 4
10. E) 75 + 55 + x = 60% of all three subjects
75 + 55 + x = 60% of 400
x = 240 – 130 = 110
% = (110/200) * 100 = 55%
Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.
Input: menu artwork 16 eagle 53 45 upper heading 94 cost 52 77
Step 1: 96 menu artwork 16 eagle 53 upper heading cost 52 77 43
Step 2: 54 96 menu artwork 16 eagle upper heading cost 77 43 51
Step 3: 18 54 96 menu artwork eagle upper heading cost 43 51 75
Step 4: menu 18 54 96 eagle upper heading cost 43 51 75 artwork
Step 5: heading menu 18 54 96 upper cost 43 51 75 artwork eagle
Step 6: cost heading menu 18 54 96 43 51 75 artwork eagle upper
This is the final arrangement and step 6 is the last step for this input.
Input: board 16 65 layout 90 orange 41 54 icing apple 22 85 review 23
1. What is the position of ‘layout’ in step 3 from left end?
A) 10th
B) 9th
C) 5th
D) 6th
E) 8th
2. In step 4, if ‘92’ is related to ‘orange’ and ‘layout’ is related to ‘apple’ in a certain way, then ‘24’ is related to which of the following?
A) 21
B) 63
C) icing
D) layout
E) None of these
3. How many steps are done to complete the output?
A) 6
B) 7
C) 8
D) 5
E) 10
4. In which of the following steps are words ‘icing apple review 21’ occur together?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 5
E) There is no such step
5. Which of the following is the last but one step of given input?
A) layout review 18 56 24 92 board orange 21 39 63 83 apple icing
B) layout review 18 24 56 92 board orange 21 39 63 83 apple icing
C) layout review 18 24 56 92 board 21 orange 39 63 83 apple icing
D) layout review 18 24 56 92 board orange 21 39 83 63 apple icing
E) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a circular fashion facing the centre. They like different people: Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Arundhati Bhattacharya, Dhoni, Sindhu, Rahul Gandhi, Aditya Birla and Amitabh not necessarily in the same order. They also have a different occupation: banker, painter, politician, doctor, businessman, teacher, musician and cricketer not necessarily in the same order. The arrangement is based on the following rules:
A is seated 3rd to the right of the teacher. One who likes Rahul Gandhi is seated opposite to the one who is a politician. A is neither the politician and neither does he likes Rahul Gandhi H is to the immediate left of the politician. The painter is seated opposite to H D is 21d to the left of F H is not the teacher and F likes Donald Trump. D's neighbours like Sindhu and Dhoni. H likes Arundhati Bhattacharya. One who likes Sindhu is 2nd to the right of E, the musician. One who likes Dhoni is not a neighbour of the painter. B is 3rd to the right of C. Cricketer is 3rd to the left of the doctor. One who like Dhoni is not the banker. G likes Aditya Birla. C does not likes Amitabh
6. Which of the following is the correct combination of, name: occupation: liking?
a) A: Businessman: Dhoni
b) D: Cricketer: Sindhu
c) G: Politician: Aditya Birla
d) H: Painter: Arundhati Bhattacharya
e) F: Teacher: Donald Trump
7. What is the position of F with respect to E?
a) Immediate left
b) Immediate right
c) Second to the left
d) Second to the right
e) Third to the left
8. Who are the immediate neighbors of the one who likes Aditya Birla?
a) Amitabh and Bill Gates
b) Amitabh and Dhoni
c) Sindhu and Dhoni
d) Amitabh and Sindhu
e) Arundhati Bhattacharya and Dhoni
9. Which of the following information is true about the person who likes Dhoni?
a) He is a neighbor of B
b) He is seated opposite to the one who likes Amitabh
c) He is seated 2nd to the left of the one who is a painter
d) He is the banker
e) None of the above is true
10. What is the occupation of the person who likes Amitabh?
a) Teacher
b) Politician
c) Doctor
d) Musician
e) Banker
(1 – 5):
Observe the last step: consonant alphabetically ascending order, then even number in ascending, then odd numbers in ascending and then vowels alphabetically ascending.
Even numbers increased by 2, and odd numbers decreased 2 when they are placed in next step.
Input: board 16 65 layout 90 orange 41 54 icing apple 22 85 review 23
Step 1: 92 board 16 65 layout orange 41 54 icing apple 22 85 review 21
Step 2: 56 92 board 16 65 layout orange icing apple 22 85 review 21 39
Step 3: 24 56 92 board 16 layout orange icing apple 85 review 21 39 63
Step 4: 18 24 56 92 board layout orange icing apple review 21 39 63 83
Step 5: review 18 24 56 92 board layout orange icing 21 39 63 83 apple
Step 6: layout review 18 24 56 92 board orange 21 39 63 83 apple icing
Step 7: board layout review 18 24 56 92 21 39 63 83 apple icing orange
1. D)   2. E)   3. B)   4. B)   5. B)  
(6 – 10):
6. A)   7. E)   8. D)   9. B)   10. D)