Reasoning quiz on Coding and Decoding for SBI PO Mains

Mentor for Bank Exams
Reasoning quiz on Coding and Decoding for SBI PO Mains
Directions (1 – 5): In a certain code language,
‘Enjoy The Movie’ is written as 20H5, 5N25, 13O5
‘Keep Spirit High’ is written as 8I8, 11E16, 19P20
‘Let Him Dance’ is written as 12E20, 4A5, 8I13
‘Enjoy High Volume’ is written as 5N25, 22O5, 8I8
1. The code for the word ‘Dance’ is
a) 12E20
b) 8I12
c) 4E6
d) 4A5
e) None of these
2. The code for the word ‘Studio’ is
a) 20T6
b) 19T15
c) 4Y18
d) 15Y21
e) None of these
3. The code ‘19T20’ denotes which of the following word?
a) Street
b) Smart
c) Boxed
d) Keep
e) Spirit
4. ‘6’ denotes which letter of the word?
a) E
b) F
c) R
d) T
e) B
5. What will be the code for ‘Let Parcel Arrive’?
a) 13RT 16A12 4RT
b) 12T5 4T6 23T5
c) 1R5 16 A12 5R20
d) 12E20 16A12 1R5
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Study the information and answer the following questions.
‘Student shouted in the class’ is written as ‘lye pr vin ce vx’.
‘Teacher shouted for silence’ is written as ‘ce lo jer pt ’.
‘It is the fifth class’ is written as ‘vx ti  mn lye no’.
‘Silence is necessary for student’ is written as’ jer pt ti bv vin’.
6. In the given code language, what is the code used for ‘Student shouted’?
A) ‘vin ce’
B) Either ‘vin ce’ or ‘pr vin’
C) Both ‘ce vin’ and ‘lye pr’
D) Cannot be determined
E) None of these
7. In the given code language, what is the possible code for ‘silence is maintained’?
A) pt mn lye
B) ti pt vx
C) ze pt ti
D) ti no mn
E) jer pt lo
8. In the given code language, ‘necessary’ coded as?
A) pt
B) ti
C) vin
D) bv
E) jer
9. In the given code language, what does the code ‘lo ti pr vx lye’ stands for?
A) Students shouted for the teacher.
B) Teacher shouted for the students.
C) Teacher is in the class.
D) Silence in the fifth class.
E) Cannot be determined
10. In the given code language, what does the code ‘mn’ stand for?
A) Either In or class
B) Either It or fifth
C) class
D) It
E) teacher
(1 – 5): First number for the face value of the first letter of the word.
Second letter of the word
Last number for the face value of the last letter of the word.
For example,
ENJOY = 5N25 (E=5, N- Second Letter, Y= 25)
1. D)   2. B)   3. A)   4. B)   5. D)  
(6 – 10): The given information can be analysed as follows,
Student – vin; shouted – ce; in – pr; the – vx; class – lye; teacher – lo; for – jer; silence – jer; it-no; is – ti; it/fifth – mn/no; necessary – bv;
6. A)   7. C)   8. D)   9. C)   10. B)