Reasoning Quiz for Bank Exams on Coding and Decoding
Directions (1 – 5): Study the information below and answer the
following question: –
In a certain code,
‘Follow tips then protect’ is written as @H4, &R7, @I4, *O6
‘People gets tired soon’ is written as %E4, &E6, $O4, @I5
‘Army serve prevent attack’is written as #T6, $E5, #R4, &R6
‘Party solved into paper’ is written as $O6, &A5, ?N4, &A5
1. The code
for the word ‘Growth’ is
a) @H4
b) %R6
c) #h6
d) %R4
e) None of these
2. The code
‘#R4’ denotes which of the following word ?
a) Ruin
b) Attack
c) Army
d) Ride
e) None of these
3. The code word of ‘Soon’ is
a) $O4
b) #N4
c) $O6
d) #N6
e) None of these
4. ‘?’ denotes which letter of the given words ?
a) T
b) P
c) I
d) S
e) A
5. According to the given code word, what will be the code for
‘Suman felt so tired’?
a) *4A @I5 @5H %6S
b) @I5 &4E *5H %6S
c) *4A &4E $U5 @I5
d) @I5 *E4 $O2 $U5
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Study the information below and answer the
following question: –
In a certain code language,
‘Facing with serious problem’ is written as @S7, !M7, ?H4, #G6
‘Eight person from India’ is written as *A5, %T5, !N6, #M4
‘Digital development program launched’ is written as !M7, &L7, $D8,
‘Dinesh likes formal pictures’ is written as $S5, !S8, &H6, #L6
6. The code for the word ‘India’ is
a) $A4
b) &A5
c) *A5
d) @A4
e) None of these
7. ‘%’ denotes which letter of the given words ?
a) L
b) W
c) E
d) D
e) S
8. The code ‘ &L7 ‘ denotes which of the following word ?
a) Facing
b) Dinesh
c) Development
d) Digital
e) None of these
9. The code word of ‘Likes’ is
a) !M5
b) %T5
c) $S5
d) *A5
e) None of these
10. According to the given code, what will be the code for ‘Parents
found dedicated students’?
a) %S7 &D4 @S9 %D5
b) &S6 *D4 $M7 !D4
c) *D7 &S4 #S9 %D6
d) &D9 !S7 @S8 #D5
e) None of these
Directions (11 – 15): Study the following information to answer
the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘Most safety high level’ is written as ‘8*Y, 7?L, 6#H, 6%T
‘Made in India project’ is written as ‘9@T, 7!A, 6%E, 4!N’
‘Set list new home’ is written as ‘5*T, 6#E, 6?T, 5&W’
‘Largesale post interval’ is written as ‘6@T, 10!L, 7?E, 6*E’
(All the codes are two-letter codes only.)
11. The code for the word ‘Person’ is
a) 8*E
b) 6*N
c) 8@N
d) 6@E
e) None of these
12. The code ‘6*E’ denotes which of the following word ?
a) Large
b) Set
c) Sale
d) Home
e) None of these
13. The code word of ‘Intend’ according to the given code is
a) 8!N
b) 6!D
c) 8!D
d) 6!N
e) None of these
14. ‘?’ denotes which letter of the given words ?
a) P
b) M
c) L
d) S
e) H
15. According to the given code word, what will be the code
for ‘Leave his much peace’ ?
a) 5@E, 3#S, 5?E, 3%H
b) 7@E, 5#S, 7?E, 6%H
c) 9@E, 7#S, 7?E, 8%H
d) 9#E, 5#S, 5@E, 5%H
e) None of these
1. B) Growth –
G – %
No of letters – 6
Second letter – R
2. C) Army – #R4’
A – #
No of letters – 4
Second letter – R
3. A) Soon– $O4
S – $
No of letters – 4
Second letter – O
4. C) ‘?’ denotes I
F=*, T=@, P=&, G=%, S=$, A=#, I=?
5. D) Suman = $U5
Felt = *E4
So = $O2
Tired = @I5
6. C) INDIA – *A5
I – *
No of letters – 5
Last letter – A
7. C) F =#, W = ?, S = @, P = !, L =$, D =
&, E = %, I = *
8. D) &L7 – Digital
D denote &
L denote Digital end with L
7 denote no of letter(Digital =>
9. C) LIKES - $S5
10. D) Parents - !S7
Found - #D5
Dedicated - %D9
Students - @S8
11. C) Person –
P – @
No of letters – 6+2 = 8
Last letter – N
12. C) 6*E’ – Sale
S denote *
E denote Sale end with A
6 denote no of letter+2 = 4+2 = 6
13. C) Intend =>8!D
I – !
D – last letter of the word D and
Total no of letter 6 + 2 = 8
14. C) I =!,M = %, L = ?,P = @, H =#, S = *,
N = &
15. B) Leave his much peace = 7@E, 5#S, 7?E,