NABARD Agriculture and Rural India MCQ’s (Set – 1)
Dear Aspirants,
to Mentor for Bank Exams. NABARD Grade A Recruitment for 2018 is
announced and Prelims Exam is scheduled on 12th May 2018. As you know that exam
is approaching, you need to be very focused on practice more and more questions
to maximize your score. The Agriculture and Rural India Section carries 40
marks. For the clear idea of NABARD Prelims Exam, go through this NABARD Agricultureand Rural India MCQ’s daily.
1. PACS, an institute
of NABARD works at the gram panchayat and village level. In PACS, A stands for?
a) Accredit
c) Asset
d) Advisory
e) Ability
Answer: B)
Explanation: PACS stand
for- Primary Agricultural Credit Society.
2. Agricultural census
is conducted in every _______
a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 4 years
d) 5 years
e) 6 years
Answer: D)
Explanation: Agricultural
Census is conducted by Ministry Of Agriculture every five years with the participation
of states and UTs since 1970 as a part of World Agriculture Census Programme. This
involves collection, compilation and tabulation of data in respect of 138
million operational holdings. It is a Central Sector Scheme under which 100% financial
assistance is given to States/Union Territories.
3. The order in which
one crops is cultivated on a piece of land over a fixed period is called as
a) Cropping
b) Cropping
e) Mixed
Answer: C)
Explanation: Mono-cropping
refers to growing only one crop on a particular land year after year. Or
Practice of growing only one crop in a piece of land year after year e.g.
growing only rabbi crops in dry lands or only said crops in diary lands (Lands
situated in river basins which often remain flooded during rainy season). This
is due to climatologically and socio economic conditions or due to
specialization of a farmer in growing a particular crop.
4. How much total
corpus has been set up for SAMPADA (Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing and Development
of Agro-Processing Clusters)?
a) Rs. 2000
b) Rs. 4000
c) Rs. 5000
d) Rs. 6000
e) Rs. 8000
Answer: D)
5. How much FDI is
allowed in trading though e-commerce with respect to food products manufactured
and produced in India ?
a) 24%
b) 49%
c) 74%
d) 76%
e) 100%
Answer: E)
Explanation: The
government allowed 100 per cent FDI in trading of food products, including
through ecommerce, to boost food processing sector in the country.
6. How much foreign
direct investment (FDI) is allowed in oil palm plantations ?
a) 24%
b) 49%
c) 51%
d) 74%
e) 100%
Answer: E)
Explanation: The Centre
allowed 100 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in five plantation crops -
coffee, rubber, cardamom, palm oil tree and olive oil tree - via the automatic
route.It also simplified certain conditions in the FDI norms for agriculture
and allied sectors.
7. Which Ministry is
nodal ministry for the implementation of Neeranchal National Watershed Project
a) Ministry
of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
b) Ministry
of Rural Development
c) Ministry
of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
d) Ministry
of Urban Development
e) Ministry
of Food Processing Industry
Answer: B)
Explanation: Ministry
of Rural Development is nodal ministry for the implementation of Neeranchal
National Watershed Project.
8. In which year
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Unnat Krishi Shiksha Scheme was launched?
a) 2008
b) 2011
c) 2014
d) 2016
e) 2017
Answer: D)
Explanation: Pandit
Deendayal Upadhyay Unnat Krishi Shiksha Scheme was launched in the year 2016 to
promote agricultural education. Under this scheme, 100 centres are being opened
with a fund of Rs.5.35 crore.
9. Under Paramparagat
Krishi Vikas Yojana, what is the minimum number of farmers required to form a
cluster ?
a) 20
b) 40
c) 50
d) 80
e) 100
Answer: C)
10. Grameen Bhandaran
Yojana (GBY) is the part of which scheme ?
a) National
Agriculture Market
b) National
Food Security Mission
Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure
d) National
Mission on Sustainable Agriculture
e) None of
the above
Answer: C)
Explanation: Under this
Gramin Bhandaran Yojana or Rural Godown Scheme, government provides supports to
an individual, a company, a farmer, local government, NGOs and various associations,
if they build or renovate rural godowns.
Read more NABARD Grade A 2018 Materials here