English Practice Questions for Bank/Insurance Exams (02 – 04 – 2018)

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English Practice Questions for Bank/Insurance Exams (02 – 04 – 2018)
Directions (1 – 5): The following questions consist of a sentence which is divided into three parts, with grammatical errors in one or more parts. You need to find if there is an error in any fragment and then replace the fragment with one of the options given below. If none of the options given are correct to replace that part, choose (D). If there is no error and the sentence requires no correction, choose (E).
1. In the event of US Congressional hostile to ratifying the Havana Charter of March 1948, signed (I) / by 53 countries, to establish a proposed International Trade Organization to oversee (II) / international trade, the GATT remained in operation until it replaced the WTO in January 1995. (III)
I. In the event of US Congressional hostility to ratifying the Havana Charter of March 1948, signed
II. for 53 countries, to establish a proposed International Trade Organization to oversee
III. international trade, the GATT remained in operation until it was replaced by the WTO in January 1995.
a) Only II
b) Only I and III
c) All I, II and III
d) None of these options are correct
e) No correction required
2. The Trump administration is not out to wreck this profoundly unequal system but (I) / just want to reset the rules governing it, in order to offset the relative economic decline of American (II) / capitalism and re-establish the US as the disputed top dog in the global economy. (III)
I. The Trump administration is not out to wreck this profound unequal system but
II. just wants to reset the rules governing it, in order to offset the relative economic decline of American
III. capitalism and re-establish the US as the undisputed top dog in the global economy.
a) Only II and III
b) Only I and III
c) Only I and II
d) None of the options are correct
e) No correction required
3. Society may be better able to deal with difference (I)/ if individuals held their values lightly and think of morality (II)/ not as a set of ideas, but attitude and process.(III)
I. Society may be better able to deal with differences
II. if individuals hold their values lightly and think of morality
III. not as a set of ideas, but attitudes and processes.
a) Only II
b) Only I and II
c) All I, II and III
d) None of the options are correct
e) No correction required
4. The central government’s contribution to old-age pensions (I) / under the National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS) scheme was remained at a (II) / measly Rs 200 per month since 2006 which is extraordinarily stingy. (III)
I. The central government contribution to old-age pensions
II. under the National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS) scheme has remained at a
III. measly Rs 200 per month since 2006 that is extraordinarily stingy.
a) Only II
b) Only II and III
c) Only III
d) None of the options are correct
e) No correction required
5. India has changed as a nation with the destruction of the Babri Masjid on 6 December 1992 (I) / with the events not only permeated the social and political fabric of the (II) / country but unfurling a series of events that have lead to the creation of a new normal. (III)
I. India changed as a nation with the destruction of the Babri Masjid at 6 December 1992
II. with the events not only permeating the social and political fabric of the
III. country but unfurling a series of events that have led to the creation of a new normal.
a) Only I
b) Only III
c) Only II and III
d) None of the options are correct
e) No correction required
Directions (6 – 10): In the passage given below there are 5 blanks. You have to tell which choice best suit(s) the respective blank.
Hundreds of Iranians have ___ (6)  ___ since December 28 across several cities of the country. The protests initially ___ (7) ___ to target the struggling economy and the resultant price rise, but quickly turned against the Hassan Rouhani regime.  The first demonstrations began at Mashhad, the country’s second-largest city and a Shia holy site, on December 28. The next day, protests were reported from Qom, the world’s foremost centre for learning on Shia Islam and home to a major Shia shrine. The protests have ___ (8) ___ spread to several cities of the Islamic Republic including Rasht, Hamedan, Kermanshah, and Qazvin. The police responded with water cannons, and dozens of ___ (9) ___ have also been arrested. __ (10) __. Ironically the protests began days after the Tehran police said they would no longer arrest women for failing to observe the dress code in place since the 1979 revolution.

a) taken to the streets
b) took to the roads
c) gone off the road
d) went up protesting
e) None of the above
a) Looked
b) Appeared
c) Seemed
d) Both B and C
e) Both A and B
a) For
b) While
c) Since
d) As
e) Then
a) Demonstrations
b) Riots
c) Demonstrators
d) Citizens
e) Victims
a) On December 28, students gathered in front of Tehran University and hurled rocks at police.
b) Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi dismissed Mr. Trump’s comments as “irrelevant” and “opportunistic”.
c) Some of the protests were also directed against financial scandals linked to unauthorised lending institutions.
d) The regime has also turned media focus towards with pro-government rallies to mark the defeat of the 2009 movement, which the hardliners call sedition.
e) The demonstrations have been termed the largest to strike Iran since the 2009 Green Movement sparked by hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s re-election.

Answers with Detailed Explanations:
1. B) Fragment I is incorrect as what is needed is a noun hostility instead of the adjective hostile.
Fragment II is correct.
Fragment III is incorrect as the GATT was replaced by the WTO and not the other way around as the fragment seems to suggest.
Since fragments I and III are incorrect, option B is correct.
2. A) Fragment I is correct.
Fragment II is incorrect as the Trump Administration here is one single whole and thus with the use of ‘want’, there is a subject-verb disagreement. The correct form would be wants.
Fragment III is incorrect as it tries to convey that US wants to be the undoubted leader. Use of disputed conveys the opposite and must be replaced with undisputed.
Since fragments II and III are incorrect, Option A is correct.
3. C) Fragment I is incorrect as no particular difference is being talked about and the correct way would be its plural form- differences.
Fragment II is incorrect due to incorrect tense usage. Held is in the past while think in the present in the same sentence. This is incorrect and the correct form of held should be hold.
Fragment III is incorrect due to singular form of process whereas the entire statement uses plural forms of nouns.
Since all the fragments need to be replaced, option C is correct.
4. A) Fragments I and III are correct in their original forms respectively.
Fragment II is incorrect and needs to be replaced. Instead of was which means to exist and does not make sense at all, we need a word which is correct in terms of meaning as well as tense usage. The tense needed here is the present perfect. Has is the only word that satisfies all conditions and is correct contextually as well as grammatically.
Hence, option A is correct.
5. C) Fragment I is correct in the original statement.
Fragment II is incorrect and needs to be replaced.  Here, the present participle form of permeate i.e. permeating is needed rather than the past participle form. The events had permeated or spread through the social fabric and had not been permeated themselves.
Fragment III is incorrect and needs to be replaced. The events led to some changes which have led to the creation of a new normal. Since the events have already transpired and the new normal already established and its effect felt in the present, the correct form would be present perfect.
Both fragments II and III need to be replaced.
Hence, option C is correct.

6. A) Take to the streets refers to holding protests.
In term of the sentence structure, the correct form is “taken to the streets” as the event is in present perfect form.
Hence, option A is correct.
7. D) It was thought that the protests were due to the struggling economy.
Although all the words depict the correct meaning, grammatically, Only appeared and seemed are correct.
Looked does not go with the use of the preposition to.
Hence, option D is correct.
8. C) The statement conveys that the protests have spread to other places since the time they started.
The other options do not fit in with the sentence structure.
Hence, option C is correct.
9. C) Victims refer to injured parties and the police would not arrest innocent people.
Riots is absurd here.
Citizens in general will not be arrested by the police unless they indulge in illegal activities.
Only Demonstrators makes sense which means people who engage in riots/demonstrations.
Hence, option C is correct.
10. E) Option A has already occurred and cannot be the correct answer.
Option B is irrelevant as Mr Trump has not been mentioned before.
Option C introduces a new element which is not followed up in the following statement. This makes it illogical.
Option D is incorrect as it talks about the steps taken by the regime to curb the protests. This does not match with the subsequent statement which talks about the situation and timing being ironical.
Option E is correct as it goes well with the general theme and also maintains the continuity. The fact that these protests are the largest since 2009 is ironic as just recently, the Tehran police had taken some positive steps to make the regime less authoritative.
Hence, option E is correct.

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