Important Indian History Questions for SSC/Railway Exams (Set – 1)

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Important Indian History Questions for SSC/Railway Exams (Set – 1)
Dear Aspirants,
Railway Exam is the next target for the aspirants which is going to be held in the month of April and May. General science is an important part of this exam.We are providing some important questions specially for Railway Exam. Read the questions and prepare yourself flawlessly. We wish you good luck for the upcoming Exams.
1. ______ is the earliest of four Vedas.
a) Rig Veda
b) Yajur Veda
c) Sam Veda
d) Athervana Veda
2. The oldest Brahmanic literature is_____.
a) Aranyak
b) Upanishad
c) Smriti
d) Veda
3. Which of the following pair is matching one?
a) Taranath – Mahavamsh
b) Fa-hein – Rehla
c) Alberuni – Kitab-ul-hind
d) Bihan – Rajatarangini
4. Which of the following works of Kalidas gives information about history of Sunga dynasty?
a) Maghdoot
b) Abhigyanshakuntalam
c) Kumarsambhav
d) Malvikagnimitram
5. Who has Written the Famous work  ‘Historica’?
a) Shylak
b) Justin
c) Herodotus
d) Arrian
6. Which veda has 10 mandal 1028 Sakta and 10,580 Richas?
a) Rig Veda
b) Yajur Veda
c) Sam Veda
d) Athervana Veda
7. Which is the rich source of information about Gupta age?
a) Develsmriti
b) Manusmriti
c) Naradsmriti
d) Arthashatra
8. The author of “Natural History” is________.
a) Herodotus
b) Aristrobulus
c) Arrion
d) None of the above

9. ‘Indica’ a reliable source for the history of Chandragupta Maurya was written by________.
a) Shylak
b) Seleucus
c) Megasthanes
d) Plutarch
10. Which Veda is lyrical composition?
a) Rig Veda
b) Yajur Veda
c) Sam Veda
d) Athervana Veda
11. Tripitakas was written______.
a) Before Gautam Buddha
b) During Buddha’s lifetime
c) After Buddha’s death
d) Both b) and c)
12.  Manu Smriti is standard work written during______.
a) Sunga age
b) Mauryan Age
c) Gupta age
d) Later vedic period
13. Of the following Chinese travelers who did not visit India in the 7th Century A.D.?
a) Fa-hien
b) Yuan-Chwang
c) Itsing
d) None of the above
14. Where is the prehistoric grain producing site of Mehrgarh located?
a) On the bak of Ghaggar
b) In eastern Rann of kutch
c) On the edge of bolan river
d) In Western Baluchistan
15.  Sixteen Mahajanapadas are referred to in_________.
a) Anguttat Nikay
b) Khuddak Nikay
c) Sanyukta Nikay
d) Deegh Nikay
16. Greek invasion of North India is described in_______.
a) Milindapanho
b) Gargisamhita
c) Gaudvaho
d) Harshacharit

17. Who authored ‘Rajtarangini’ the famous history of Kashmir?
a) Bilhan
b) kalhan
c) Jaganik
d) Atharvana veda
18. Kathak, Kapisthak, maitrayani, Taittriya and Vajsaneyi are the branches of _____.
a) Rig Veda
b) Yajur Veda
c) Sama Veda
d) Atharvana Veda
19. An account of Gupta emperors from Buddhist angle is given_____.
a) Nandi Sutra
b) MOOL Sutra
c) Chhed Sutra
d) Arya Manjushri Moolkalpa
20. Who has written about India at the time of Mahmud’s invasion?
a) Taranath
b) Sulaiman
c) Alberuni
d) Ibnbatuta

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