Current Affairs Daily Updates: 02nd DEC 2017

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Current Affairs Daily Updates: 02nd DEC 2017
1. Cabinet approval for setting up National Nutrition Mission:
  • The Union Cabinet has given approval for establishing National Nutrition Mission (NNM) for improving the nutritional status of children (0-6 years), pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • The Mission, under the Ministry of Women and Child Development will monitor various schemes which have been framed for reducing malnutrition.
2. Kolkata among safest cities for women but Bengal tops country in domestic violence
  • The latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics for 2016 shows Kolkata was one of the safest cities for women in the country.
  • But the state recorded the highest number of cases of domestic violence.
  • NCRB said the rate of crime against women has significantly reduced in Kolkata over the past couple of years.
  • Kolkata, ranked 17th, has recorded only 4% of cases of crime against women among the 19 megacities in the country.
3. PNB increases bulk deposit rate by 0.5%.
  • Punjab National bank (PNB) has raised the interest rate on bulk deposit of over Rs 1 crore by 0.5 percent.
  • The new rates will be effective from 1st December.
  • Earlier, State Bank of India (SBI) has announced raising interest rate on bulk deposits by 1 percentage point across select maturities.
4. International Storytellers Festival- Kathakar inaugurated in New Delhi:
  • The 7th edition of the 3 day long ‘Kathakar-International Storytellers Festival’ has been inaugurated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs KirenRijiju in New Delhi.
  • It is the only oral storytelling festival in India and is a part of GhummakkadNarain- the Travelling Literature Festival which was started under UNESCO in 2010.
  • The festival will be hosted in Delhi, Gurugram, Noida and Mumbai this year.
5. BJP’s Rishikesh Upadhayay elected as the first mayor of Ayodhya.
  • Rishikesh Upadhyay of the BJP won a tightly fought election in Ayodhya, becoming the first mayor to represent the temple town.
  • The election for the Ayodhya mayor’s post seat witnessed a close fight between Mr Upadhyay and Gulshan Bindu of the Samajwadi Party.
  • The BJP won big in mayoral elections in 14 of 16 municipal corporations in Uttar Pradesh.

6. Agri-Business Consortium held in New Delhi:
  • The 22nd meeting of the Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) was recently held in New Delhi.
  • It was chaired by Union Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh.
  • SFAC was established in 1994 under the Societies Registration Act 1860 for small farmer’s welfare by linking them to agricultural value chain.
7. Japan’s Emperor Akihito to abdicate in 2019, will be succeeded by Prince Naruhito.
  • Emperor Akihito, who has spent much of his nearly three decades on Japan’s throne will step down on April 30, 2019.
  • Akihito, who turns 84 on Dec. 23 and has had heart surgery and treatment for prostate cancer.
  • He will be succeeded by his heir, 57-year-old Crown Prince Naruhito.
8. Suryaprakash is re-appointed as Prasar Bharati Chairman
  • Prasar Bharati Board Chairman A Suryaprakash was on Friday re-appointed to the post till February 2020.
  • Suryaprakash takes the appointment as the chairman of the Prasar Bharati after the BJP came to power in 2014.
9. Nagaland Statehood Day:
  • Nagaland has celebrated its 54th Statehood Day on 1stDecember at the Naga Heritage Village.
  • The 10 day long 18th Hornbill festival was also inaugurated by President Ram NathKovind on the same day.
10. Former CJI A S Anand passes away
  • Former Chief Justice of India Justice Adarsh Sein Anand died of a cardiac arrest.
  • Justice Anand occupied the top-most judicial post from October 10, 1998, till November 1, 2001.
  • Anand, who was also the Chairman of National Human Rights Commission from 2003 to 2006.

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