IBPS SO IT Officer Practice Questions – Set 4 (DBMS)

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IBPS SO IT Officer Practice Questions – Set 4 (DBMS)
1. Data security threats include
A) hardware failure
B) privacy invasion
C) fraudulent manipulation of data
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
2. In SQL, which command is used to changes data in a table?
E) None of the above
3. A _____ means that one record in a particular record type may be related to more than one record of another record type.
A) One-to-one relationship
B) One-to-many relationship
C) Many-to-one relationship
D) Many-to many relationship
E) None of the above
4. A database management system might consist of application programs and a software package called
E) None of the above
5. In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to create a synonym for a schema object?
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

6. In SQL, the CREATE VIEW command is used
A) to recompile view
B) to define a view of one or more tables or views
C) to recompile a table
D) to create a trigger
E) None of the above
7. A _____ means that one record in a particular record type is related to only one record of another record type.
A) One-to-one relationship
B) One-to-many relationship
C) Many-to-one relationship
D) Many-to-many relationship
E) None of the above
8. The model for a _____ resembles the hierarchical model in many respects.
A) Network database
B) Relational database
C) Distributed database
D) Hierarchical database
E) None of the above
9. The designer of a form includes
A) filed designators
B) prompts
C) data
D) both (a) and (b)
E) None of the above
10. The way a particular application views the data from the data base that the application uses is a :
A) module
B) relational model
C) schema
D) subschema
E) None of the above

11. The index consists of
A) a list of keys
B) pointers to the master list
C) both (a) and (b)
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
12. The data-base environment has all of the following components except:
A) users
B) separate files
C) data base
D) data-base administrator
E) None of the above
13. The model for a record management system might be
A) handwritten list
B) a Rolodex card file
C) a business form
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
14. With respect to data input, the most accurate description of batch control is
A) dividing documents to be entered into batches
B) controlling the input of each input clerk
C) comparing to a pre-calculated figure the total of a data item summed across a batch records put into the system
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
15. When performing a look-up operation using a form
A) you enter the search value into the form
B) you look at each form sequentially until you see the one you want
C) you type the key in an entry line, and the correct form is displayed
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

1. B)   2. A)   3. B)    4. C)   5. B)   6. B)   7. A)   8. A)   9. D)   10. D)   11. C)   12. B)   13. D)   14. C)   15. A)  

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