Reasoning Input – Output Practice Questions | IBPS | Insurance Exams

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Reasoning Input – Output Practice Questions
Directions (1 – 5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
A word arrangement machine, when given an input line of words rearranges it by following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement.
Input : pull the cover and then push into
Step I : pull the then and cover push into
Step II : then the pull into push cover and
Step III : into pull the then and cover push
Step IV : into pull and then the cover push and so on.
1. Input: Try your best until you get goal. Which of the following steps would be ‘get goal try until you your best’?
a) Step II
b) Step III
c) Step V
d) Step VI
e) None of these
2. If Step VI of an input is ‘deep gutter ball into the has fallen’. Which of the following would definitely be the input?
a) has the ball fallen into deep gutter
b) ball has fallen into the deep gutter
c) deep gutter has fallen into the ball
d) gutter has deep ball fallen into the
e) None of these
3. If Step IV of an input is “we can't measure the depth without scale” what would be step VII?
a) scale we the measure can't depth without
b) the we scale without depth can't measure
c) without we scale the can't measure depth
d) the we depth without scale can't measure
e) None of these
4. Input: standing hard always is impossible for all. Which of the following will be step VIII for this input?
a) hard all standing is impossible for always
b) hard all impossible is standing for always
c) impossible all hard always for standing is
d) impossible all for always hard standing is
e) None of these
5. If step I of an input is ‘play and jump until you tired fully’, what would be step VI of the input given above?
a) jump fully tired you and play until
b) tired fully jump until play and you
c) tired fully play until jump and you
d) play fully tired you and jump until
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information to answer the given questions: A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: Yolanda Lexie Yesenia Yoogita Kennath Yokitha Budog Yonhari Kennadi Emma
Step I: Yesenia Yolanda Yoogita Kennath Yokitha Budog Yonhari Kennadi Emma Lexie
Step II: Yokitha Yesenia Yolanda Yoogita Kennath Budog Yonhari Emma Lexie Kennadi
Step III: Yolanda Yokitha Yesenia Yoogita Kennath Budog Yonhari Lexie Kennadi Emma
Step IV: Yonhari Yolanda Yokitha Yesenia Yoogita Budog Lexie Kennadi Emma Kennath
Step V: Yoogita Yonhari Yolanda Yokitha Yesenia Lexie Kennadi Emma Kennath Budog
And step V is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Note: [The above ten members are living in ten different floors such that the person in the left end of the final step lives in floor numbered one till the right most person lives in tenth floor]
Input: Zachary Laci Zaina Zachariah Jessica Zakai Malik Zamir Judah Adam
6. In step IV how many persons are there between one who lives in 5th floor and 6th floor?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
e) None
7. What is the difference between the floor numbers in which Zachariah and Judah live?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
e) None of these
8. If the person lives in 1st and 7th floor and those who live in 2nd and 5th floors interchange their floors respectively then who among the following is living immediately above zachary?
a) Jessica
b) Judah
c) Zaina
d) Zachariah
e) None of these
9. In Step III of the given input Zaina is related to Zachary then Zamir is related to who among the following?
a) Adam
b) Judah
c) Jessica
d) Laci
e) None of these
10. Who among the following will be replaced by Adani such that the final arrangement of the other members is not changed?
a) Zakai
b) Zaina
c) Adam
d) Malik
e) None of these
Directions (11 – 15): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input : 51 pour 32 start now 23 46 house
Step I : 23 51 pour 32 start now 46 house
Step II : 23 start 51 pour 32 now 46 house
Step III : 23 start 32 51 pour now 46 house
Step IV : 23 start 32 pour 51 now 46 house
Step V : 23 start 32 pour 46 51 now house
Step VI : 23 start 32 pour 46 now 51 house
and step VI is the last step of the rearrangement
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
11. Step II of an input is : 18 task bear cold dish 81 63 31
How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six
e) None of these
12. Input : 72 59 37 go for picnic 24 journey
How many steps will it take to complete the rearrangement?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six
e) None of these
13. Input : nice flower 24 12 costly height 41 56
Which of the following will be step III ?
a) 12 nice 34 height flower costly 41 56
b) 12 nice 34 height 41 flower costly 56
c) 12 nice 34 flower costly height 41 56
d) 12 nice flower 34 costly height 41 56
e) None of these
14. Step II of an input is : 16 victory 19 36 53 store lake town.
Which of the following will be step V ?
(a) 16 victory 19 town store 36 53 lake
(b) 16 victory 19 town 36 store 53 lake
(c) 16 victory 19 town 36 53 store lake
(d) There will be no such step
(e) None of these
15. Step III of an input is : 15 yes 29 ask for soap 42 37
Which of the following is definitely the input?
a) ask yes 29 15 for soap 42 37
b) yes ask 15 29 for soap 42 37
c) 29 15 yes ask for soap 42 37
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
(1 – 5):
In a 3-step type shifting, the change in going from Input to step I differs from the change from step I to step II and step II to step III. The change from Input to step I matches with the change from step III to step IV; the change from step I to step II matches with the change from step IV to step V; and the change from step II to step III matches with the change from step V to step VI. Let us replace the word of input by letters pull = A, the = B, cover = C, and = D, then = E, push = F, into = G
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Input : A B C D E F G
Step I : A B E D C F G
Step II: E B A G F C D
Step III: G A B E D C F
Step IV: G A D E B C F
Step V: D A G F C B E
Step VI: F G A D E B C
Step VII: F G E D A B C
Step VIII: E G F C B A D
1. D) Input: Try(A) your(B) best(C) until(D) you(E) get(F) goal(G)
get(F) goal(G) try(A) until(D) you(E) your(B) best(C)
Now, see the chart. You get FGADEBC in step VI.
(6 – 10):
Five names started with ‘Z’ and all are in odd count. Names started with Z arranged in alphabetical order.
Consider all middle letters in the name started with Z.
Zachariah-‘a’ middle letter, the name ended with ‘a’ should placed in the right side and so on.
Input: Zachary laci zaina Zachariah jessica zakai Malik zamir Judah Adam
Step I: Zachariah Zachary laci zaina zakai Malik zamir Judah Adam Jessica
Step II: Zachary Zachariah laci zaina zakai Malik zamir Adam Jessica Judah
Step III: Zaina Zachary Zachariah zakai Malik zamir Adam Jessica Judah Laci
Step IV: Zakai Zaina Zachary Zachariah zamir Adam Jessica Judah Laci Malik
Step V: Zamir Zakai Zaina Zachary Zachariah Jessica Judah Laci Malik Adam
6. A)   7. A)   8. C)   9. A)   10. E)  
(11 – 15):
In step I the least number comes to the left most position, pushing the rest of the line rightward. In step II the word that comes last in the alphabetical order shifts to second from left, pushing again the rest of the line rightward. Similarly, in step III the second least number shifts to third from left. In step IV the second from last in the alphabetical order comes to the fourth position. And this goes on alternately till all the numbers are arranged in ascending order and the words in reverse alphabetical order.
11. C) Step II : 18 task bear cold dish 81 63 31
Step III : 18 task 31 bear cold dish 81 63
Step IV : 18 task 31 dish bear cold 81 63
Step V : 18 task 31 dish 63 bear cold 81
Step VI : 18 task 31 dish 63 cold bear 81
Step VII : 18 task 31 dish 63 cold 81 bear
12. D) Input : 72 59 37 go for picnic 24 journey
Step I : 24 72 59 37 go for picnic journey
Step II : 24 picnic 72 59 37 go for journey
Step III : 24 picnic 37 72 59 go for journey
Step IV : 24 picnic 37 journey 72 59 go for
Step V : 24 picnic 37 journey 59 72 go for
Step VI : 24 picnic 37 journey 59 go 72 for
13. A) Input : nice flower 34 12 costly height 41 56
Step I : 12 nice flower 34 costly height 41 56
Step II : 12 nice 34 flower costly height 41 56
Step III : 12 nice 34 height flower costly 41 56
14. D) Step II : 16 victory 19 36 53 store lake town
Step III : 16 victory 19 town 36 53 store lake
Step IV : 16 victory 19 town 36 store 53 lake
Since the line is already arranged, there will be no fifth step.
15. D) We can't work out backward.