Computer Awareness Questions for IBPS Mains Exams – Day 4

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Computer Awareness Questions for IBPS Mains Exams – Day 4
1. Digital computers use a ________ system to encode data and programs.  
(a) Semiconductor 
(b) Decimal 
(c) Binary 
(d) RAM
(e) ROM 
Answer: C)
Explanation: Digital Computers use Binary System. 
2. A main characteristic of computer system is ______, that can perform different types of tasks at the same time.  
(a) Diligence 
(b) Versatility 
(c) Accuracy 
(d) Speed 
(e) No IQ 
Answer: B)
Explanation: Versatility is the characteristic of a computer that attributes to its multitasking and multiprogramming capabilities.
3. Something which has easily-understood instructions is said to be: 
(a) Information 
(b) Word processing 
(c) Icon
(d) User friendly 
(e) None of these 
Answer: D)
Explanation: User friendly instructions are easy to understand by the user.
4. Which among the following term is related to the collection of links throughout the Internet that creates an interconnected network?
(a) WWW
(b) Web
(c) World Wide Web 
(d) All of the above options
(e) Wide Area Web
Answer: D)
Explanation: except Wide Area Web all other terms are related to the given context.
5. Commands at the top of a screen such as File-Edit, Format and Tools to operate and change things are incorporated in __________________.
(a) Menu bar
(b) Tool bar
(c) User friendly
(d) Word processor
(e) None of these
Answer: A)
Explanation: Those commands, options are available in menu bar.
6. The first electronic digital computer contained _________?
(a) Electronic valves 
(b) Neural Networks 
(c) Fuzzy Logic 
(d) Semiconductor memory 
(e) None of these
Answer: A)
Explanation: The first electronic digital computer contained electronic valves.
7. A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called- 
(a) Mentor 
(b) Instructor 
(c) Compiler 
(d) Program 
(e) Debugger 
Answer: D)
Explanation: A program is a set of instructions that govern functioning of a computer.
8. Which of the following kind of devices allow the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system?
(a) System boards 
(b) Storage devices
(c) Input devices
(d) Output devices
(e) Expansion slots
Answer: E)
Explanation: Expansion slots allows user to add devices.
9. _____ is a Windows utility program that located and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges filed and unused to disk space to optimize operations.
(a) Backup  
(b) Disk cleanup 
(c) Disk defragmenter 
(d) Restore 
(e) Disk restorer 
Answer: C)
Explanation: Disk defragmenter is a Windows utility program that located and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges filed and unused to disk space to optimize operations.
10. Which of the following extension refers to System files?
(a) .COM
(b) .EXE
(c) .SYS
(d) .PRG
(e) None of these
Answer: C)
Explanation: ‘.SYS’ extension refers to System files
11. The term ‘time sharing’ has been replaced by:
(a) multi-tasking system
(b) multi-programming system
(c) multi-processing system
(d) multi-execution system
(e) None of the above
Answer: A)
Explanation: In computing, multitasking is a concept of performing multiple tasks (also known as processes) over a certain period of time by executing them concurrently. They’ve replaced time sharing terminology.
12. Press __________ to open ‘Find’ dialog box.
(a) Ctrl + F
(b) Alt + F
(c) Tab + F
(d) Ctrl + Alt + F
(e) None of these
Answer: A)
Explanation: Ctrl + F is the short cut key combination to open find dialogue box.
13. What is an intranet?  
(a) A LAN of an organization 
(b) A wide Area Network connecting all branches of an organization  
(c) A corporate computer network 
(d) A network connecting all computers of an organization and using the internet protocol  
(e) None of these 
Answer: D)
Explanation: An intranet is a private network, operated by a large company or other organization, which uses internet technologies, but is insulated from the global internet.
14. Specialized program(s) designed to allow particular input or output device(s) to communicate with the rest of the computer system is called _______.
(a) Computer 
(b) Device drivers 
(c) Interpreters 
(d) Operating system 
(e) None of these 
Answer: B)
Explanation: A device driver is a program that controls a particular type of device that is attached to your computer. There are device drivers for printers, displays, CD-ROM readers, diskette drives, and so on. When you buy an operating system, many device drivers are built into the product.
15. Which of the following scrambles a message by applying a secret code?
(a) Encryption 
(b) Audits
(c) UPS
(d) Firewalls
(e) None of the above
Answer: A)
Explanation: encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it.