Reasoning Syllogism Questions for Bank Exams

Mentor for Bank Exams
Reasoning Syllogism Questions for Bank Exams
Direction (1-5): In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by four conclusions I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
1. Statements :
Some bags are trunks.
All trunks are shirts.
Some shirts are books.
All books are shops.

Conclusions :
I. All shops are bags.
II. Atleast some books are bags.
III. Some shops being shirts is a possibility.
IV. No shirt is a bags.
a) I and II follow
b) I and III follow
c) III and IV follow
d) II and IV follow
d) Only II follows
2. Statements :
All pens are chairs.
All flowers are chairs.
All chairs are trucks.
Conclusions :
I. Some trucks are definitely pens.
II. All trucks are chairs.
III. All trucks being pens is a possibility.
IV. Some trucks are not chairs.
a) I and III follow
b) I and II follow
c) III and IV follow
d) II and IV follow
e) None of these
3. Statements :
All desks are pillars.
Some pillars are towns.
All towns are benches.
Some benches are cars.
Conclusions :
I. No cars are towns.
II. Atleast some benches are desks.
III. All benches are not pillars.
IV. Some cars being pillars is a possibility.
a) None follows
b) Only I follows
c) Only II follows
d) Only III follows
e) Only IV follows
4. Statements :
All stations are houses.
No house is garden.
Some gardens are rivers.
All rivers are ponds.
Conclusions :
I. All ponds being gardens is a possibility.
II. Some ponds are stations.
III. Some ponds are definitely houses.
IV. No pond is station.
a) Only I follows
b) Either II or IV follows
c) I and II follow
d) I and IV follow
e) None of these
5. Statements :
Some towers are lanes.
Some lanes are roads.
Some roads are rivers.
Some rivers are jungles.
Conclusions :
I. Some jungles are not roads.
II. All roads being lanes is a possibility.
III. Atleast some jungles are towers.
IV. No jungle is road.
a) Only I follows
b) Only II follows
c) Either I or IV follows
d) Only IV follows
e) Either I or IV and II follow
Directions (6 – 10): In each of the following questions, two or three statements followed by two Conclusions numbered I and II are given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given Conclusions logically follows from the statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer (a) if both the Conclusion I and Conclusion II follow.
Give answer (b) if neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
Give answer (c) if only Conclusion I follows
Give answer (d) if either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows
Give answer (e) if only Conclusion II follows
(6 – 7): Statements
No cover is a shelter.
All covers are refugees.
AII shelters are veils.
6. Conclusions
I. AII covers being veils is a possibility.
II. All refugees being veils is a possibility.
7. Conclusions
I. Some shelters are refugess.
II. No shelter is a refuge.
(8 – 9) : Statements
All countries are towns.
No town is a village. .
All districts are villages.
8. Conclusions
I. No town is a district.
II. At least some towns are districts.
9. Conclusions
I. All villages being countries is a possibility.
II. No district is a country.
10. Statements
All colleges are schools.
Some schools are buses.
I. All colleges being buses is a possibility.
II. All schools are colleges.


(6 – 7): No shelter is cover.
All covers are refugees.
E + A = O1 -type of Conclusion
“Some refugees are not shelters.” (P)
No cover is shelter.
All shelters are veils.
E + A = O1 -type of Conclusion
“Some veils are not covers.”(Q)
6. C) Venn diagrams of “Some veils are not covers” :

Venn diagram II supports the Conclusion I.
7. D) Conclusion I and Conclusion II form Complementary Pair. Therefore, either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows.
(8 – 9):
All countries are towns.
No town is a village.
A + E = E -type of Conclusion
“No country is a village”. (P)
All districts are villages.
No village is a town.
A + E = E -type of Conclusion
“No district is a town”. (Q)
All districts are villages.
No village is a country.
A + E = E -type of Conclusion
“No district is country”. (R)
8. C) Conclusion I is the Converse of the Conclusion (Q).
9. E) Conclusion II is the Conclusion (R).
10. C) All colleges are schools.
Some schools are buses.
A + I = No Conclusion
Venn diagrams of “All colleges are schools”:
Venn diagrams of “Some schools are buses” :

After combining Venn diagrams II and V, we get
Venn diagram VI supports the Conclusion I.

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