Practice Questions for IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, IBPS RRB
(1 – 5): Read the following comprehension and answer
the questions that follow:
There are seven people – Ashi, Barkha, Chinky, David, Ekul, Farhan and
Gaurav lives on seven different floors of the building but not necessarily in
the same order. The lower most floor is numbered 1 and so on till the topmost
floor is numbered 7. Each one of them likes different Colours i.e. Green,
Black, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue and Purple but not necessarily in the same
order. They also have different age i.e. 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 35 and 40 years
old but not necessarily in the same order.
i. Farhan is 22 years old and lives immediately above Chinky. Only two
people live between Ashi and the one who is 22 years old.
ii. Only three people live between Chinky and the one who is 28 years
old. The one who is 28 years old lives on one of the odd numbered floors above
iii. The one who likes Green lives immediately above the one who likes
Orange. The person, who likes Blue, lives in middle floor exactly.
iv. The one who is 20 years old lives immediately above the one who is
40 years old.
v. The one who likes Red lives on odd numbered floor but not on the
third floor. Chinky lives on lower most floors.
vi. Neither Chinky nor Ashi is 25 years old. Ashi lives on an odd
numbered floor but not on the floor number 3. The one who is 30 years old lives
immediately above Ashi.
vii. The person who likes Orange does not live in the floor 5 but lives
one of the floors above Purple while the person who likes Yellow does not live
in the floor 2 but lives immediately below the one who likes Purple.
viii. Only one person lives between Barkha and Ekul and Barkha lives
above Ekul.
1. Which of
the following combination is true as per the given arrangement?
a) Barkha – 35 – Black
b) Chinky – 30 – Orange
c) Ashi – 25 – Red
d) David – 40 – Black
e) None of these
2. Who
among the following lives in floor number five?
a) Ekul
b) Ashi
c) David
d) Barkha
e) Farhan
3. Which of
the following is the age of Chinky?
a) 22
b) 30
c) 35
d) 28
e) None of these
4. Four
among of the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following
does not belong to group?
a) Barkha – 25
b) Ekul – 28
c) Farhan – 40
d) Ashi – 30
e) Gaurav – 30
5. Farhan
lives on which floor?
a) 6
b) 4
c) 1
d) 2
e) 5
(6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given
When a word and number arrangement machine is
given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a
particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
(All the numbers are two-digit numbers).
Input: alas 34 ability abash 97 21 age 64
absorb 57 as 76
Step I: 79 alas 34 ability abash 21 age 64
absorb 57 76 as
Step II: 67 79 alas 34 ability abash 21 64
absorb 57 as age
Step III: 46 67 79 34 ability abash 21 absorb
57 as age alas
Step IV: 75 46 67 79 34 ability 21 absorb as
age alas abash
Step V: 43 75 46 67 79 ability 21 as age alas
abash absorb
Step VI: 12 43 75 46 67 79 as age alas abash
absorb ability
Step VI is the last step of the above
arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps,
find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: debt 71 dacron 59 day 82 13 dashing do 68 depth 46
6. Which of
the following combinations represents the third and the ninth element in second
last step of the given input from the left end?
a) 95 and day
b) depth and 86
c) 17 and do
d) 86 and day
e) debt and 17
7. Which
element comes exactly between ‘59’ and ‘dashing’ in step II of the given input?
a) 13
b) 46
c) dacron
d) depth
e) 68
8. Which
element is third to the right of the one which is eighth from the right end in
step IV?
a) 13
b) day
c) dashing
d) do
e) 46
9. If in
the last step, ‘1’ is added to each of the odd numbers and ‘2’ is subtracted
from each of the even numbers, then how many numbers multiple of ‘4’ will be
a) Two
b) Three
c) More than three
d) None
e) One
10. If in
step III, ‘28’ interchanges its position with ‘depth’ and ‘59’ also
interchanges its position with ‘day’ then which of the elements will be to the
immediate left of ‘46’?
a) 28
b) do
c) depth
d) day
e) 59
Solutions (1 – 5):
Seven people: Ashi, Barkha, Chinky, David,
Ekul, Farhan and Gaurav.
Age: 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 35 and 40.
Colour: Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Yellow,
Black and Purple.
Chinky lives on lowermost floor → Hence,
Chinky lives on floor 1.
1) Farhan is 22 years old.
2) The one who is 22 years old lives
immediately above Chinky → Hence, Farhan lives immediately above Chinky i.e.
floor number 2.
3) Only two people live between Ashi and the
one who is 22 years old → hence, two people live between Ashi and Farhan. Ashi
lives on floor number 5.
4) Only three people live between Chinky and
the one who is 28 years old → hence, Ashi will be 28 years old.
5) The one who is 30 years old lives
immediately above Ashi → hence, the one who is 30 years old lives on floor 6.
6) The person who likes Blue lives in middle
floor exactly → hence, lives on floor number 4.
7) The one who is 20 years old lives
immediately above the one who is 40 years old → therefore, the person of 20
years old lives above the 40 years old person’s floor. Hence, the person who is
40 years old lives on the floor 3 and the person who is 20 years old and who
likes Blue Colour, lives in the floor 4.
8) Only one person lives between Barkha and
Ekul and Barkha lives above Ekul → hence, Ekul lives on floor 4 and Barkha
lives on floor 6.
9) Neither Chinky nor Ashi is 25 years old →
Ashi is 28 years old. Chinky is not 25 years old. So, Chinky will be 35 years
old and the one who lives on floor 7, will be 25 years old.
10) The one who is 28 years old lives on one
of the odd numbered floors above David → hence, David will be live on floor 3
and rest Gaurav will be live on top most floor 7.
11) The person, who likes Orange, does not
live in the floor 5. He lives one of the floors above Purple.
12) The one who likes Green lives immediately
above the one who likes Orange → hence, the person who likes orange, will be on
floor 6 and the one who likes Green will be on floor 7. Therefore, Gaurav likes
Green Colour and Barkha likes Orange Colour.
13) The person, who likes Yellow, lives
immediately below the one, who likes Purple and does not live on the floor 2 →
hence, the person who likes Purple, will be on floor 2 and the one who likes
Yellow will be on floor 1. Therefore, Farhan likes Purple and Chinky likes
14) The one, who likes Red Colour lives on odd
numbered floor but does not live on floor 3 → hence, the one, who likes Red Colour
lives on floor 5.
1. D) 2. B)
3. C) 4. E) 5. D)
(6 – 10): The
logic followed is as follows,
a) Words are arranged in ascending order of
number of letters in it, from the right end one at a time in each step.
b) The first word with least number of letters
in it is placed at right end followed by next word with least number of letters
in it again placing it at the right end shifting the previously placed word
towards left.
c) The largest number is reversed and placed
at the left end one at a time in each step, moving the previously placed
reversed number towards right.
Applying the same rule on the given input we
Input: debt 71 dacron 59 day 82 13
dashing do 68 depth 46
Step I: 28 debt 71 dacron
59 day 13 dashing 68 depth 46 do
Step II: 17 28 debt dacron
59 13 dashing 68 depth 46 do day
Step III: 86 17 28
dacron 59 13 dashing depth 46 do day debt
Step IV: 95 86 17 28 dacron 13
dashing 46 do day debt depth
Step V: 64 95 86 17
28 13 dashing do day debt
depth dacron
Step VI: 31 64 95 86
17 28 do day debt depth dacron dashing
Step VI is the last step of the above
arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.
6. D) 7. A)
8. E) 9. B) 10. A)