Direction (1
– 5): In each of the following questions, a short passage is given with one of
the lines in the passage is missing and represented by a blank. Select the best
out of the five answer choices given to make the passage complete and coherent.
1. The
destruction of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August 1945, by
the use of atomic bombs shocked and horrified mankind beyond measure. Man had
discovered a new energy of tremendous power but it was extremely
tragic to use it for the destruction of human beings.
___________________________. The World War ended, but experiments with atomic
energy continued. Most of them were confined to the production of better and
more powerful atomic weapons such as hydrogen bombs, cobalt bombs, transcontinental
ballistic missiles, etc.
a) A very large section of the people
of the world stood against the mad race for nuclear armament.
b) They demanded an immediate and
complete ban on all kinds of nuclear tests and experiments for the purpose of
c) The soundness of this view point
has appealed to reasonable people and all lovers of peace.
d) He also advocated the use of
nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, betterment of the poor, and enhancement
of the total wealth of the world.
e) The conscience of all right
thinking persons was awakened and the problem of the proper use of the new
energy became a subject for serious consideration.
2. What is
immediately needed today is the establishment of a World Government or an
International Federation of Mankind. It is the utmost necessity of the world
today, and all those persons who wish to see all human beings happy and
prosperous naturally feel it keenly. ____________. Travelers, businessmen,
seekers of knowledge and teachers of righteousness know very well that great
impediments and obstructions are faced by them when they pass from one country
to another, exchange goods, get information, and make an effort to spread their
good gospel among their fellow-men.
a) But today when philosophical
light has exploded the darkness that was created by religious differences, and
when scientific knowledge has falsified the theory of social superiority, it is
the governments of various countries that keep people of one country apart from
those of another.
b) Of course, at times, we all
feel that many of our problems of our political, social and cultural life would
come to an end if there were one Government all over the world.
c) But all these evils would
cease to exist if there were one Government all over the world.
d) In the past religious sects
divided one set of people against another, colour of the skin or construction
of the body set one against the other.
e) They create artificial
barriers, unnatural distinctions, unhealthy isolation, unnecessary fears and dangers
in the minds of the common men who by their nature want to live in friendship
with their fellow-men.
___________________. But India's record GDP growth of 8.49% per year in the
five-year period 2004-09 is a case of improved productivity and growth in
customarily poor states trickling up and aggregating into rapid growth at the
national level. Nobody should call this a success of trickle-down economics.
Trickle-down assumes that fast growth can be had simply by changing a few
policies that benefit the rich, after which some benefits trickle down to the
a) The growth bonanza itself was
sparked by state-level political and policy changes that accelerated local
growth, which then trickled up to the national level.
b) Miracle growth and record revenues
enabled the Central government to finance social welfare schemes, farm loan
waivers and enormous oil subsidies.
c) Once a country grows fast,
government revenues will boom, and can be used to accelerate spending in social
sectors and welfare.
d) In the past, the richest states
often grew the fastest and the poor ones the slowest.
e) When productivity improvement is
widespread is there enough productivity improvement from all regions and people
to add up to fast growth.
4. Born out
of the forces of globalisation, India's IT sector is undertaking some
globalisation of its own. In search of new sources of rapid growth, the
country's outsourcing giants are aggressively expanding beyond their usual
stomping grounds into the developing world; setting up programming centres,
chasing new clients and hiring local talent. _________________. This shift is
being driven by a global economy in which the US is no longer the undisputed
engine of growth.
a) Through geographic
diversification, Indian companies hope to regain some momentum after the
b) If successful, the future of
India's outsourcing sector could prove as bright as its past.
c) Cultural conflicts arise at times
while training new recruits.
d) To adapt, Indian companies which
are relatively unknown in these emerging nations are establishing major local
operations around the world, in the process hiring thousands of locals.
e) In addition, IT firms also have to
work extra hard to woo business from emerging-market companies still
unaccustomed to the concept of outsourcing.
5. Women
all over the world in general and Indian women in particular have been facing
different problems. A recent report titled 'Women and children in India' and a
nearly simultaneous report on ‘Indian women their
Health and Economic productivity' highlight the international importance bring
given to the problems of the Indian women. ________________. The former is
because the reports restrict themselves to old statistics.
a) It is very unfortunate that these
reports have become superficial and do not delve sufficiently deep into the
real problems.
b) We are told, for example, that the
ratio of women to men remains below its natural level and that it is related to
other parameters, such as the level of literacy and the availability
of primary health care.
c) Unfortunately, both the reports
fail to either convey a fresh understanding of the issues or to suggest
innovative and workable approaches for women’s development.
d) The failure to suggest a fresh
approach is less understandable given that a variety of approaches to women’s
development has been tried out all over the world.
e) Is the report saying then, that
Indians do not love their children, as a matter a cultural practice? Both
the reports are likely to be highly influential on opinion leaders and policy
Directions (6
– 10): Which of the words/phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should
replace the words/phrases given in bold in the following sentences to make it
meaningful and grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No improvement required’, mark (e)
as the answer.
6. The recent sharp rise in risk premium
on long-term bonds issued by several industrial countries suggests that markets no
longer consider sovereign debt low risk.
a) Current, given, proposes, take
b) Modern, provided, advises, get
c) Present, offered, recommends,
d) Contemporary, granted, implies,
e) No improvement required
7. When she secured our coasts, she battled for her customers,
and grouped our ships loaded with wealth, which we had purchased for her by our industry.
a) Protected, combated, assembled,
b) Shielded, struggled, amassed,
c) Defended, fought, convoyed,
d) Fortified, conflicted, gathered,
e) No improvement required
8. Since then, the stock markets have restrained, as it came to be felt
that this huge package will only offer a breather and not tackle the basic causes
that fetched about the crisis in the first place.
a) Moderated, provide, address,
b) Released, present, deal with,
c) Controlled, affords, concentrate
on, took
d) Restricted, grant, focus on,
e) No improvement required
9. The Prime Minister is eager to execute the Right to Education Act
and the HRD ministry has been granted with adequate
budgetary distribution to meet the demand.
a) Fanatical, carry out, permitted,
b) Intense, accomplish, allowed,
c) Dedicated, bring, contributed,
d) Keen, implement, provided,
e) No improvement required
10. When you are losing and out, that is when you
need others to whip up your spirits, you need a few words of support with the help of which you
will be in a better position to reclaim your lost self-confidence.
a) Behind, lash, confidence, retrieve
b) Down, lift, encouragement, regain
c) Downward, boost, hope, recover
d) Sliding, haul, assurance, pick up
e) No improvement required
Answers with Explanations:
1. E) Option e) is correct answer since in
the passage it is explaining about the destruction of two Japanese cities, atom
bombs, atom energy and its way of use in the environment. So, option e) will
give a coherent passage since it explains about proper usage of atomic energy;
while others are describing about various factors like nuclear armament, nuclear
tests and the use of nuclear energy.
2. B) Option
b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the importance of
world government when compared to International federation of mankind. So,
option b) is opt for the blank since it explains how we can solve our problems
in political, social and cultural life with help of the world government.
3. D) Option
d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the GDP growth,
trickledown economics and benefits with respect to poor and rich. So, option d)
is explaining about the states of rich and poor people.
4. A) Option
a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the born out into
globalisation of IT sector and its rapid growth and also about chasing new
clients and agents. So, option a) is explaining about regain after the
recession; while others are explaining about Cultural conflicts,
emerging-market companies, future of India's outsourcing sector and
establishment of major local operations.
5. C) Option
c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the problems
which are faced by Indian women and reports which express the health of Indian
women and state of children in India. So, option c) is fit to the blank and
makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about the failure of the
reports which failed in understanding the issue.
6. E) Recent – having happened, begun, or
been done not long ago or not long before; belonging to a past period of time
comparatively close to the present.
Issued – supply or
distribute (something.
Suggests – put forward
for consideration.
Consider – think
carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
7. C) Defended
– resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger.
Fought – take part in a
violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of
Convoyed – (of a warship
or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.
Acquired – buy or obtain
(an object or asset) for oneself.
8. A) Moderated
– make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent.
Provide – make available
for use; supply.
Address – think about and
begin to deal with (an issue or problem.
Brought – come to a place
with (someone or something.
9. D) Keen
– having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm.
Implement – put (a
decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.
Provided – make adequate
preparation for (a possible event.
Allocation – the action
or process of allocating or distributing something.
10. B) Down
– toward or in a lower place or position, especially to or on the ground or
another surface.
Lift – raise to a higher
position or level.
Encouragement – the
action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.
Regain – obtain
possession or use of (something) again after losing it.
Directions (1
– 5): What value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following
1. 166.5 x
1612.25 =1621-?
a) 2.20
b) 2.25
c) 2.5
d) 3
e) None of these
2. 272.5 × ((243)3)? = 323.5
a) 4.15
b) 3
c) 2.05
d) 1.06
e) None of these
3. 3√175616
× √1936 + (36)2 = ?
a) 3760
b) 3860
c) 3764
d) 3770
e) None of these
4. [(64)1/2]4.2 × 84.2 × 78.4 × (56)4.3 = (56)?
a) 11.9
b) 12.7
c) 11.7
d) 12.8
e) None of these
5. √33124 ×√2601− 832 = ?2 +372
a) 37
b) 33
c) 28
d) 29
e) None
(6 – 10): Study the given table carefully to answer the following
The table shows the
time (in days) taken by five men who do different types of work.
Types of work
6. How many
days would Rituraj, Amarkant and Prithusen take to construct a building when
they work together?
a) 5 (4/5)days
b) 4 (1/3) days
c) 8 (1/2) days
d) 7 (53/181) days
e) 6 (2/3) days
7. How many
days would Vishwamohan, Latiteshwar and Rituraj take to install 10 towers when
they work together?
a) 90 days
b) 88.13 days
c) 92.92 days
d) 87 days
e) 85.41 days
bridge construction work is initiated by Rituraj, Prithusen and Latiteshwar
together. After four days Laliteshwar leaves the work and Amarkant joins them.
In how many days will the work be completed?
a) 7 (13/25) days
b) 5 (72/143) days
c) 10 (68/138) days
d) 4 (24/65) days
e) 12 (12/65) days
would be the time taken to construct 5 buildings and 4 different roads when
Rituraj, Prithusen and Vishwamohan work together?
a) 65.61 days
b) 61.53 days
c) 64.45 days
d) 62.63 days
e) 68.32 days
10. Rituraj
and Amarkant got Rs 50000 for building construction. What is the share of
a) Rs 25000
b) Rs 26190.47
c) Rs 24130.5
d) Rs 22990.7
e) Rs 28970.5
1. B) (16)21-? =
166.5 x 1612.25
or, (16)21-? =
or, 21 - ? = 18.75
or, ? = 2.25
2. D) 272.5 × ((243)3)? = 323.5
or, (33)2.5 × ((35)3)? = 323.5
or, 33×2.5 × 35×3×? = 323.5
or 15×?
= 23.5 – 7.5 = 16
? = 16 /15 = 1.0667
3. A) ?
= 3√175616 × √1936
+ (36)2
56 ×
44 + 1296 = 2464 + 1296 = 3760
4. B) (56)? = (8)4.2 × 84.2 × 78.4 × (56)4.3
= (88.4 × 78.4) × (56)4.3 =
(56)8.4 × (56)4.3
= (56)(8.4+4.3) =
? = 12.7
5. D) √33124 × √2601− 832 = ?2 +
= 182 x 51 - 6889 = ?2 +
= 2393=?2 +
= ?2 =
2393 −1369 =1024
? = √1024
= 32
6. D) Part
of building construction by Rituraj in one day = 1/20 by Amarkant = 1/22 and by
Prithusen = 1/24
Work of building
construction done in 1 day by all three together= (1/20 + 1/22 + 1/24) =
ie, they construct a
building in 1320/181 = 7 (53/181) days
7. B) The
part of work of tower installation done by Vishwamohan in one day = 1/24, that
Laliteshwar in one day = 1/30 and that by Rituraj in one day = 1/26
The part work of tower
installation done by all three together in one day
=1/24 + 1/30 + 1/26 =
Therefore, 1 tower
installation work is done in 1560 /177 days
Therefore, 10 tower
installation work is done in (1560 ×10)/177 = 88.13 days
8. D) The
part of work of bridge construction done by Rituraj, Prithusen and
Laliteshwar in 4 days
= (1/24 + 1/30 + 1/26) ×
4 = (177 × 4) / 1560 = 708/1560 =59 / 130
The part of work of
bridge construction done by Rituraj, Prithusen and Amarkant in one day
= (1/24 + 1/30+ 1/20) =
(5 + 4 + 6)/120 = 1/8
After 4 days the
remaining work = 1- (59/130) = (130 – 59)/130 = 71/130
Now, 71/130 work is done
by Rituraj, Prithusen and Amarkant in
(71/130) / (1/8) = (71 ×
8)/130= 568/130 = 4 (24/65) days
9. D) When
Rituraj, Prithusen and Vishwamohan work together, the work of building
construction done by them =
(1/20 + 1/24 + 1/18) =
Per day work of road
construction =
(1/18 + 1/22 +1/26) =
53/360 part of building
construction work is done in 1 day.
5 buildings are
constructed in [360/53) × 5] = 33.96 days
359/2574 part of road
construction is done in 1 day.
4 roads are constructed
in [2574/359) × 4] = 28.67 days
Therefore, Total time
taken = (33.96 + 28.67) = 62.63 days
10. B) Ratio
of work done by Rituraj to that by Amarkant in one day in building construction
Or, Rituraj: Amarkant = 1/20: 1/22 = 11: 10
Total wage = 500000
Therefore, Share of
Rituraj = 50000 × (11/21) = Rs 26190.47
(1 – 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given
There are 7 pairs of
husband- wife among the following V, D, C, S, B, K, M, F, Z, A, X, G, N, H.
They work in one of the seven banks namely IOB, KVB, IDBI, ING VYSYA, LVB, DENA
BANK, and YES BANK. The husband and wife live together in the same city. The
following information is known about them:
- F is a female who lives in
Nagpur and her husband works in ING VYSYA
- There's only one pair who work
in the same bank and they live in Agra.
- M is a male whose wife works in
LVB bank.
- N is the husband of the one
working in IOB in Indore
- C & X are males who live in
Coimbatore & Surat respectively and are married to S & A. but not
necessarily in the same order.
- Z, a male works with the IOB in
Ahmedabad and the female with the LVB works in Hyderabad.
- D & H are females and B is
the husband of G
- Z's wife and X work in KVB
- K's husband works in YES BANK
- X's wife and H's husband work in
Dena Bank
- A works in ING VYSYA.
1. N is
working in which of the following banks?
c) KVB
e) Can’t be
2. Which of
the following is correctly framed?
a) Surat – X – A(ING VYSYA)
b) C (LVB) –
Coimbatore – A
c) Hyderabad –
M (YES BANK) – S (Dena Bank)
d) Ahmedabad –
S (Dena Bank) – C (LVB)
e) None of these
3. D lives
in which of the following cities?
a) Ahmedabad
b) Hyderabad
c) Indore
d) Agra
e) Can’t be
4. Who
among the following works in IOB?
a) F
b) H
c) K
d) Either b) or c)
e) Either a) or b)
5. Z and A
are working in which of the banks respectively?
d) Dena Bank & KVB
e) None
Direction (6
– 10): In the following questions, only one Conclusion is given and five
statements are given as a), b), c), d) and e. From this you have to take the
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known
facts and then decide which of the given statement logically follows.
Conclusions: I. Some sweats are not pastry. II. All pastries being cake is a
possibility. III. Some cakes are not sweat. IV. Some circles are not pastry
a) Statements: No cakes are pastries; No pastry is
sweat; Some sweats are circle
b) Statements: Some cakes are pastries; All pastry
is sweat; Some sweats are circle
c) Statements: Some cakes are pastries; No pastry is
sweat; Some sweats are circle
d) Statements: All cakes are pastries; All pastry is
sweat; Some sweats are circle
e) Statements: Some cakes are pastries; Some pastry
is sweat; Some sweats are circle
Conclusions: Some
black are not tables; Some notes are chairs is a possibility; Some black are
chairs; Some notes are blacks
a) Statements: No table are chairs; All chairs are
black; Some blacks are notes;
b) Statements: Some table are chairs; All chairs are
black; Some blacks are notes
c) Statements: No table are chairs; Some chairs are
black; No blacks are notes
d) Statements: All table are chairs; All chairs are
black; All blacks are notes
e) Statements: No table are chairs; No chairs are
black; Some blacks are notes
8. Conclusion: Some goats that are not dogs being
cats is a possibility. Some animals are goats Some cats are not goats. Some
animals are not dogs
a) Statements: Some cats are dogs; Some dog is a
goat; All goats are animals
b) Statements: Some cats are dogs; All dog is a goat;
All goats are animals
c) Statements: All cats are dogs; All dog is a goat;
All goats are animals
d) Statements: Some cats are dogs; No dog is a goat;
All goats are animals
e) Statements: Some cats are dogs; Some dog is a
goat; Some goats are animals
Conclusions: All
diamonds being black is a possibility. No stone is precious. Some black are
diamonds. Some stones are not precious
a) Statements: All stones are diamonds; All diamonds
are black; Some black is precious
b) Statements: Some stones are diamonds; Some stones
are black; No black is precious
c) Statements: All diamonds are stones; All stones
are black; All black is precious
d) Statements: No stones are diamonds; No stones are
black; No black is precious
e) Statements: Some stones are diamonds; All stones
are black; No black is precious
Conclusions: All
roses being flowers is a possibility. All roses being buds is a possibility. Some
buds are roses. Some buds are beautiful is a possibility
a) Statements: Some roses are beautiful; No flowers
are roses; No buds are flowers
b) Statements: No roses are beautiful; All flowers
are roses; No buds are flowers
c) Statements: Some roses are beautiful; Some
flowers are roses; Some buds are flowers
d) Statements: Some roses are buds; No flowers are
roses; No beautiful are flowers
e) Statements: some roses are beautiful; All flowers
are roses; All buds are flowers
(1 – 5):
Male (Bank)
Female (Bank)
S (Dena Bank)
1. E) 2. B) 3. A)
4. D) 5. C)
6. C)

7. A)

8. D)

10. E)