Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 11)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Sectional Test for Bank Exams (Set - 11)
Directions (1 – 10): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
The Modi government's hit on black money may go down as one of India's biggest economic blunders __ or greatest achievements. Whether one agrees with the move or not, its implementation has been bungled and the collateral damage is likely to be heavy. Where did this idea originate? Surely the PM's key economic advisors would not have recommended it.
Demonetisation is usually associated with decrepit economies and hyperinflation, such as Zimbabwe recently and Argentina in the past. The Argentine government demonetised several times in the last century; it even changed its currency's name from peso to austral, then back to peso -- each time, it further reduced confidence in the currency. Myanmar, Ghana, the former Soviet Union, Nigeria  and Zaire also demonetised, leading to devastating economic consequences. In all cases, often done by military dictatorships, demonetisation eroded confidence in the currency. It is therefore surprising that a reform-minded, popular, democratically elected prime minister has resorted to demonetisation. Even Arthakranti, the Pune NGO from where the idea ostensibly emanated, is distancing itself from a ham-handed plan to withdraw 85 per cent of the country's currency overnight.
There is likely to be a one-time stock effect on those who held black wealth or kala dhan in cash. But much of it sits in gold, real estate or is offshore. Estimates of kala dhan vary; the most commonly accepted is around 25 per cent of GDP. Demonetisation only affects black money not kala dhan. Estimates from previous raids show cash is 5-6 per cent of kala dhan. Cash is easily transactable but because it's bulky, it's hard to hoard too much kale dhan in cash. So, about 1-1.5 per cent of GDP is held in black money. If the government nets half of it through demonetisation, it's around 0.5-0.75 per cent of GDP. This still leaves the bulk of kala dhan untouched. The flow of resources into kala dhan is unlikely to be affected by demonetisation. In fact, over time, even less will be held in cash, more in gold. real estate or shifted offshore.
The collateral damage from this move could be huge. economically and politically. The poor are already suffering, especially those without easy access to banks, post offices, even information on what to do. More long-lasting damage could be to trade in sectors where much business is conducted in cash especially the informal sector and rural areas comprising about 40 per cent of GDP. The non-bank financial sector, on which many SMEs rely for short-term finance, has also been hit. As a result, the effect on economic growth in 2016-17 could be as high as one per cent ofGDP which will neutralise the one-time gain from demonetisation.
It is claimed India's cash-to-GDP ratio, at around 11-12 per cent of GDP, is too high. But comparisons are made with countries at much higher levels of development, with much smaller, rural, unbanked populations. China has a cash-to-GDP ratio of around 9.5 per cent of GDP, Germany at 8 per cent of GDP and the US at around 7.5 per cent of GDP. There appears no correlation between corruption and the cash-to-GDP deposit ratio. Nigeria, widely regarded as one of the most corrupt countries, has a cash-to-GDP ratio of only 3 per cent of GDP as faith in the currency has eroded.
To weed out black money, more comprehensive reform is needed. It might have been better to go after real-estate transactions, the movie industry, gold, weddings, election financing and benami transactions. Without tackling the reasons for black wealth, just demonetising won't address corruption or eliminate the black economy. The Modi government should focus on achieving genuine economic recovery and ensuring job creation. More poorly conceptualised, badly implemented and moralistic policy prescriptions will take us back to the Hindu growth rate of 3-4 per cent of the 1970s and 1980s. We thought we were done with that.
1. Why has the author cited the examples of several countries where demonetisation was implemented earlier?
a) To suggest that those countries had strong economies
b) To suggest that those countries had to face serious economic consequences of demonetisation
c) To suggest that India is not the only county in the world which has demonetised the high denomination currency ,
d) Only a) and b)
e) All a), b) and c)
2. The cash to GDP ratio is minimum (only 3%) in Nigeria Why?
a) Because Nigeria is the most corrupt country
b) Because Nigeria is a small country
c) Because people have lost faith in the currency
d) Because people over there use mostly plastic money
e) Because Nigeria is the only country in the world where no counterfeit currency is in circulation
3. The author of the passage is of the opinion that
(A) the implementation of the demonetisation of high denomination currency has been messed up an there is a possibility of heavy collateral damage.
(B) the government's move to demonetise notes may go down either as one of India's biggest economic blunders or greatest achievements.
(C) demonetisation is usually associated with fragile economies and hyperinflation.
a) Only (A)
b) Only (A) and (B)  
c) Only (B)
d) All (A), (B) and (C)
e) Only (B) and (C)
4. Find the incorrect statement on the basis of the given passage.
a) The idea of demonetisation is supposed to have emanated from an NGO based in Pune.
b) The idea of demonetisation was recommended by PM's key economic advisors and announced by PM Modi himself.
c) There is a wide difference between ‘kala dhan’ and 'black money' according to the author.
d) Kala dhan amounts to nearly 25 per cent of GDP.
e) None of the above
5. According to the author, there are several impacts of demonetisation of currency. Which is not one of them?
(A) There will be huge economic and political damage from demonetisation.
(B) There could be more long-lasting damage to trade, especially in cash-intensive sectors.
(C) There will be little impact on GDP for FY 2016-17,
a) Only (A)
b) Only (B)
c) Only (A) and (C)
d) All (A), (B) and (C)
e) Only (C)
6. According to the author, the government should have gone after which of the following instead of resorting to demonetiation of high-denomination currency?
a) Real-estate transactions
b) Benami transactions
c) Election financing and movie industry
d) Only a) and b)
e) All a), b) and c)
Directions (7 – 8): Choose the word which is MOST SIIMILAR in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
7. Devastating
a) favourable
b) salubrious
c) beneficial
d) constructive
e) disastrous
8. Eroded
a) fixed
b) rebuilt
c) softened
d) crumbled
e) appreciated
Directions (9 – 10): choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
9. Decrepit
a) Crippled
b) Weak
c) Healthy
d) Deteriorating
e) Infirm
10. Ostensibly
a) Apparently
b) Unlikely
c) Evidently
d) Seemingly
e) Sensibly
Answer Key: 
1. B) 2. C) 3. D) 4. B)  5. E)  6. E)  7. E)  8. D)  9. C)  10. B)
Directions (1 – 5): A question is given followed by the information in three statements. You have to decide the information in which of the statements is necessary and sufficient to answer the question and mark answer accordingly. 
1. Who among men, women or boys will complete same piece of work the fastest?
I. 9 men and 8 women can complete the piece of work in 18 days.
II. 12 men and 9 boys can complete the same piece of work in 24 days.
III. 10 women and 9 girls can complete the same piece of work 15 days.   
a) Any two of the three
b) All I, II and III
c) Both I and II
d) Both II and III
e) Question cannot be answered even with the information given in all three statements
2. How much profit did the company earn in the year 2002?
I. The company earned 40% more profit in the year 2003 than that in the year 2001.
II. The company earned a total profit of Rs. 20 crores in the years 2001 and 2002 taken together.
III. In the year 2003, the company earned 80% profit of that in 2002. 
a) Any two of I and II or III are sufficient
b) Either I and II or II and III are sufficient
c) I and II or III are sufficient 
d) All I, II and III are necessary to answer the question
e) None of the above
3. What is the speed of the train? 
I. Length of the platform is 150% of the length of the train.
II. The train crosses the platform in 25 s.
III. The train crosses the signal pole in 10 s.
a) All I, II and III
b) I and either II or III
c) Both II and III
d) Any two of the three
e) Question cannot be answered even with the information given in all three statements
4. What is the area of the hall?
I. Material cost of flooring per sq metre is Rs. 250.
II. Labour cost of flooring the hall is Rs. 3500.
III. Total cost of flooring the hall is Rs. 14500.
a) Both I and II
b) Both II and III
c) All I, II and III
d) Any two of the three
e) None of these
5. What the selling price of the T.V. set if no discount is offered?
I. Profit earned was 20%.
II. Had 10% discount been offered price the profit would have been Rs. 1200.
III. Cost price is Rs. 15000. 
a) Any two of the three
b) Both I and II
c) Both I and III
d) Both II and III
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10):  In each of the following questions two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and give answer if
a) x = y or No relation
b) x > y
c) x < y
d) x ≥ y
e) x ≤ y
6. I. x - 7 = 0; II. 3y2 - l0y + 7 = 0
7. I. 4y2 + 8y = 4y + 8; II. x2 + 9x = 2x - 12
8. I. 2x2 + 40 = 18x; II. y2 = 13y + 42
9. I. 2x2 = 128; II. y2 – 10y + 25 = 0
10. I. x2 – 5x + 6 = 0; II. y2 + 24 = 10y
1. E) There is no comparison of work capacity among men, women and boys. Hence, questions cannot be answered even with the information in all three statements.
2. D)
3. E)
4. C) Let the area of the hall be x sq m.
Then, total material cost = Rs. 250x
Labour cost = 3500 250x + 3500 = Rs. 14500 (total cost)
By this equation, we can find area = x
Hence, all three are required.
5. A)
6. B) From I, x - 7 = 0 x= 7 ..(1)
From II, 3y2 - 10y + 7 = 0
3y2 - 3y - 7y + 7 = 0
(3y - 7)(y - 1) = 0 Ã  y = 1 or y = 7/3 ....(2)
From (1) and (2), we have x > y
7. C) From I, 4y2 + 8y = 4y + 8
y2 + 2y = y + 2
y2 + 2y – y – 2 = 0
(y- 1) (y + 2) = 0
y= 1 or y = -2 ...(1)
From II, x2 + 9x = 2x - 12
x2 + 7x +12 = 0
(x + 4) (x + 3) = 0
x = -4 or -3 ....(2)
From (1) and (2), we have y > x
8. C) From I, 2x2 + 40 = 18x
2x2  + 40 - 18x = 0
x2 - 9x - 20 = 0
(x - 4)(x - 5) = 0
x= 4 or 5 ...(1)
From II, y2 = 13y + 42
y2  - 13y - 42 = 0
(y - 7)(y - 6) = 0
y = 7 or y = 6 ...(2)
From (1) and (2), we have y > x
9. A) From I, 2x2 =128
x2  = 64
x = √64 = 8 or -8 …....(1)
From II, y2 - 10y + 25 = 0
y2 - 5y - 5y + 25 = 0
(y 5) (y - 5) = 0
y = 5 …..(2)
From 1 and 2 no relation
10. C) x2 - 3x 2x + 6 = 0
x (x - 3) - 2(x - 3) = 0
(x - 3)(x - 2) = 0
 x = 3, x = 2
y2  -10y + 24 = 0
y2  - 6y 4y + 24 = 0
 y (y - 6) - 4(y - 6) = 0
(y - 6) (y - 4) = 0
y = 6, y = 4
Therefore, x < y
Directions (1 – 5): Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions:
Ten Persons belongs to different states i.e. Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Nagaland, Sikkim and Manipur are sitting in two parallel rows containing five persons each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 Rajesh, Vidya, Surya, Prakash and Deepika are seated (not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south. In row-2 Sanjay, Dinesh, Balaram, Janani and Kaushik are seated (not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each member seated in row faces another member of the other row. All of them have relation with each other.
Only one person sits between Surya’s wife and Rajesh’s brother. Only two persons sit between Surya’s father and Janani’s father. Dinesh’s father sits at one of the end. Neither Vidya nor Janani’s grandfather faces Janani. Dinesh belong to Haryana and Vidya is neither belongs to Assam nor Manipur. Janani’s husband, who belongs to Karnataka, sits third to the right of Janani’s uncle. Sanjay sits second to the left of Janani’s husband. Rajesh has two sons. The person facing Janani’s brother, who belongs to Gujarat, sits immediate right of Rajesh’s daughter-in-law. Deepika is the grandmother of Sanjay and Janani. Prakash is the brother-in-law of Deepika. Surya is the father of Sanjay and Husband of Vidya. Sanjay’s grandfather, who belongs to Assam, is not an immediate neighbour of Vidya. Kaushik is the husband of Janani and brother of the one, who belongs to Maharashtra. Janani belongs to Kerala and Deepika belongs to Sikkim. Surya neither belongs to Nagaland nor Bihar. Balaram belongs to Maharashtra. Prakash does not belong to Bihar.
1. Who is second to the left of the person who belongs to Sikkim?
a) The One who belongs to Manipur               
b) Rajesh                    
c) Deepika
d) The One who belongs to Bihar                                 
e) The One who belongs to Nagaland               
2. How is Sanjay related to Rajesh?
a) Son                          
b) Brother                       
c) Son in law 
d) Grand son                                           
e) None of these
3. What is the position of Kaushik with respect of Kaushik’s wife?
a) Third to the right            
b) Immediate left               
c) Second to the right
d) Immediate right                            
e) Second to the left
4. Balaram’s Brother belongs to, which of the following state?
a) Gujarat                                           
b) Manipur           
c) Assam   
d) Bihar                                           
e) Karnataka
5. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Rajesh belongs to Assam and he is the father of Prakash
b) Balaram belongs to Manipur and he is the brother of Kaushik
c) Vidya belongs to Bihar and she is the wife of Surya
d) Sanjay belongs to Kerala and he is the brother of Janani
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
In a certain code language
"The popular nation were” is written as %K08, &R15, #H05, !D01.
"Final authority are electing” is written as $U18, *L09, #O12, @X21
 "Again will enjoy addition" is written as #G04, !Q14,  &L09, %J07.
"Impossible stars observe skill" is written as *N11, @E02,  #P13, !W20.
6. What is the code for “Electing” in the given code language?
a) *L09
b) @X21
c) $U18
d) #O12
e) None of these
7. What is the code for “#P13, @X21” in the given code language?
a) stars skill
b) Final observe
c) electing skill
d) stars are
e) Impossible authority
8. What may be the possible word for “#G04,  &R15, !W20” in the given code language?
a) nation will observe
b) again the observe
c) popular addition stars
d) enjoy were impossible
e) None of these
9. What may be the possible code for “again nation” in the given code language?
a) &L09, &R15
b) %J07, !D01
c) #G04, &R15
d) !Q014, #H05
e) None of these
10. What is the code for “Final were observe” in the given code language?
a) *L09, #H05, @E02
b) #O12, !D01, #P13
c) @X21, %K08, !W20
d) $U18, #H05, *N11
e) None of these
(1 – 5):
Facing South
Rajesh (Assam)
Deepika (Sikkim)
Vidya (Bihar)
Surya (Manipur)
Prakash (Nagaland)
Facing North
Dinesh (Haryana)
Sanjay (Gujarat)
Balaram (Maharashtra)
Kaushik (Karnataka)
Janani (Kerala)
Family Tree:
1. A) 2. D) 3. B) 4. E) 5. C)
(6 – 10):
The logic for all the above code is:
The letter denotes second letter of each word + 3
Like “Final” – Second letter “i” + 3 = L
The Two digit number denotes the alphabet number of Second letter (01 - 26)
Like “The” – “H”- 08
And rest of the one symbol can be anything.
6. d)  7. e)  8. c)  9. b)  10. a)