Physics Quiz for SSC CGL Exams (Set - 1)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Physics Quiz for SSC CGL Exams Set - 1
1. The time period of a pendulum depends on
(a) the mass
(b) the length
(c) the time
(d) both (a) and (b)
2. Scent sprayer is based on
(a) Charles’s law
(b) Boyle’s law
(c) Archimedes’ principle
(d) Bernoulli’s principle
3. White light is made up of seven colours. What is the method of separating the colours ?
(a) By passing it through a prism
(b) By filteration
(c) Can’t be separated
(d) Both (a) and (b)
4. Cooling is not done by
(a) flow of water
(b) release of compressed gas
(c) burning cooking gas
(d) melting the solid
5. At which temperature the centigrade and Fahrenheit scales are equal?
(a) 40°
(b) – 40°
(c) 37°
(d) 94.6°
6. The magnetic needle always points in _______ direction.
(a) East – West
(b) West – South
(c) North – South
(d) North – East
7. Who was the inventor of Radar ?
(a) Robert Watson
(b) Fleming
(c) Bush Wall
(d) Austin
8. Which of the following instruments measures blood pressure?
(a) Spherometer
(b) Stethoscope
(c) Sphygmomanometer
(d) Ammeter
9. Retina of the eye is comparable to which of the following parts of a traditional camera ?
(a) Film
(b) Lens
(c) Shutter
(d) Cover
10. Refrigeration helps in food preservation by
(a) killing the germs
(b) reducing the rate of biochemical reactions
(c) destroying enzyme action
(d) sealing the food with a layer of ice
11. The filament of an electric bulb is made of
(a) copper
(b) aluminium
(c) lead
(d) tungsten
12. Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in the vehicles ?
(a) Plane
(b) Convex
(c) Concave
(d) Plano concave
13. The reason of mirage is
(a) interference of light
(b) diffraction of light
(c) polarisation of light
(d) total internal reflection of light
14. The colour of light is determined by its
(a) amplitude
(b) wavelength
(c) intensity
(d) velocity
15. Ultrasonics are sound waves of frequency
(a) greater than 20,000 Hz
(b) less than 10,000 Hz
(c) equal to 1000 Hz
(d) None of these
16. Laser is a device for producing
(a) spontaneous radiation
(b) dispersed radiation
(c) scattered radiation
(d) stimulated radiation
17. MRI stands for ?
(a) Magnetic Record of Intestines
(b) Magnetic Recording of Investigations
(c) Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(d) Magnetic Resonance in Intestines
18. When ice melts, then the
(a) volume increases
(b) volume decreases
(c) mass increases
(d) mass decreases
19. What type of electromagnetic radiation is used in the remote control of a television ?
(a) Infrared
(b) Ultraviolet
(c) Visible
(d) None of these
20. A 100 watt bulb is kept switched ON for four hours. The units of electrical energy consumed is
(a) 400 unit
(b) 25 unit
(c) 4 unit
(d) 0.4 unit
Answers with Explanations:
1. (b) Time period T = 2П √(l/g) The time period of a pendulum depends on its length l and acceleration due to gravity g.
2. (d) Scent sprayer is based on Bernoulli’s principle.
3. (a) When a white ray of light passes through a prism it breaks into 7 colours VIBGYOR.
4. (c) While compressed gas is released by absorbing surroundings heat or temperature lowers the temperature of surrounding. Hence, causes cooling.
5. (b)

6. (c) The magnetic needle always points North-South direction. Magnetic north towards geographic south and magnetic south pole towards geographic north pole.
7. (a) Robert Watson was the inventor of Radar.
8. (c) The instrument Sphygmomanometer measures the blood pressure.
9. (a) Retina of the eye is comparable to the film of a traditional camera. Retina is a film of nerve fibres. Image of the object is formed at retina just like camera film is used to see the images.
10. (b) Refrigeration lowers the temperature which helps in food preservation by reducing the rate of bio-chemical reactions.
11. (d) Electric bulb filament is made of tungsten.
12. (b) Convex mirror is a diverging mirror used as a rear view mirror in the vehicles as it covers wide range of vehicles coming behind.
13. (d) Mirage is an optical illusion. The reason of mirage is total internal reflection of light. In summer air near the ground is hotter and hence rarer than the air above which is responsible for TIR, hence, mirage.
14. (b) The colour of light is determined by its wavelength. Among seven constituent colours VIBGYOR wavelength of red light is maximum and of violet light is minimum.
15. (a) Ultrasonics are sound waves of frequency greater than 20,000Hz. The frequency range 20Hz to 20,000Hz is human audible range of frequency.
16. (d) Laser is a device for producing stimulated radiation. LASER stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of (electromagnetic) radiation.
17. (c) MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging.
18. (b) When ice melts, density increases so volume decreases.
Mass = volume × density
19. (a) Infrared is used in the remote control of a television.
20. (d)