English Sentence Completion Quiz | IBPS | RBI | NICL | SBI

Mentor for Bank Exams
English Sentence Completion Quiz for IBPS, RBI, SBI, NICL and other bank and insurance exams
Directions (1 – 10): In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank. Select the best out of the five answer choices given, to make the passage complete and coherent (Coherent means logically complete and sound.)
1. In a concerted drive against corruption, black money, money laundering, and terrorism among others, the Government of India initiated a massive demonitisation drive from the midnight of 8th November 2016. (____________________). This decision was also, in fact aimed at curbing financing of terrorism through the proceeds of Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) and use of such funds for subversive activities such as espionage, smuggling of arms, drugs and other contrabands into India, and for eliminating Black Money which cast a long shadow of parallel economy on our real/formal economy.
A) The government accepted the recommendations of RBI to issue the Two Thousand and Five Hundred Rupee Notes.
B) No restriction was placed on any kind of non-cash payments by cheques/demand drafts, debit or credit cards and electronic fund transfer etc.
C) To ensure welfare of farmers, steps were taken to provide sufficient funds to the farmers to buy inputs such as good quality seeds, fertilizers and pesticides etc for sowing of Rabi crops.
D) Firstly, five hundred and one thousand rupee notes ceased to be legal tender from the midnight of 8th novermber 2016.
E) Similarly, steps were taken to provide funds to traders to pay wages to daily wagers.
2. Today, India enjoys a pride of place in the international arena not only as a fast emerging economy but also as a vast pool of powerful human resource consisting of suitable and educated personnel. Highly educated, tech-savvy and scientifically trained Indian citizens are engaged in a variety of employments in every nook and corner of the world doing India proud. One of the note-wothy achievements over the years has been the increased literacy level. (_____________________). today, as per 2011, census, our literacy rate come to 74.4 per cent. Kerala with 93.91 and Mizoram with 91.58 per cent lead and inspire other states to achieve further heights.
A) There have been challenges and shortcoming in this journey too.
B) At the time of attaining freedom, Indian's literacy rate was just12 per cent.
C) Access to education is still a dream for many especially in the remote and rural areas.
D) Equitable educational access to tribals, marginalised, SCs and STs is a major point of concern with- policy makers trying to bring than, into the nation building process.
E) In accessible schools become safety concerns as also lack of toilets for girls in rural areas resulting in alarming levles of drop outs.
3. As per the World Economic and Social Outlook Report, 2016, 12 per cent of the workforce in the developed countries and 46 per cent of the workforce in the developing countries are in informal employment. Of this two thirds of the informal employment is in South Asia comprising about 72 per cent workers of the workforce. (__________________________). In fact a major worrisome trend is the relentless informalisation of work in the formal sector.
A) In India this proportion is much larger with more than 90 per cent of workers being in vulnerable informal employment relations.
B) In this context of India's policy makers face the challenges of designing and implementing a floor of labour rights, with a comprehensive vision of a 'national labour market'.
C) For workers in informal employment, there is an urgent need to ensure universal social protection that improves their conditions of work and helps them live a life with dignity.
D) This was accompanied by the fact that over 80 per cent of the new jobs created in recent years have been casusal in nature.
E) As has been noted earlier only a inenuscule proportion of the total workforce, which is part of the organised sector enjoy some protective coverage.
4. The Crisil Report says that 'the demonetisation move could change the face of the Indian economy'. According to Mauro F Guillen 'the move could stifle some business that are legal and clean, if they use cash payment. But everyone will adjust. (_______________________).
A) Demonetisation and cash less economy in the long run will have negative impact on black money.
B) Income earned through demonetisation, if spent on various developmental activities, will enhance development and raise the quality of life of the people.
C) And while it can hurt some small business and individual it is better to do it than not.
D) The self help groups (SHGs) can be of great help to the people in the promotion of digital banking system in the rural areas.
E) India big one of the emerging economics in the world must try to achieve high 'transparent and distributive growth rate.
5. The mission of Swach Bharat will be successful only if rural areas are covered. Incentivising Swachh villages by providing them piped water will induce other nearby villages to adopt clean. hygienic habits. (_________________________). What is more important is, that a lot of funds will be saved if rural areas are healthy, lesser medical expenditure will be required. Villagers will spend on better food and clothing if their money is saved.
A) Village level understanding of soil and research work will be an enabler to maximise produce from farms.
B) A combination of local knowledge and agriculture expertise is very good for rural economy.
C) Horticulture funds will help in creating new openings for farmers who can sow alternative seeds.
D) Open defecation free villages and now big given priority for piped water supply.
E) In this way, India will have clean villages as well as availability of potable water for all.
6. China’s birth rate was roughly the same in the 1990s, and significantly higher around its 1980s peak. Unfortunately, it will take more than ending legal restrictions for the country to accelerate the recent improvement. A survey conducted in 2015 found that three-quarters of Chinese said they did not want a second child mainly because of the expense and lack of support. ________
A) The commission suggests that the government introduce child-friendly measures like tax breaks and prolonged maternity leave for families with two children.
B) A previous version of this story said that the National Health and Family Planning Commission announced a figure of almost 18m births in 2016.
C) By 2050, pensioners will number around 370m and account for more than one-quarter of the population.
D) Government officials now eagerly project that the rising birth rate could add 30m more people to the workforce by 2050.
E) None of these
7. Ms Elson and her colleagues argue that, once you break down public spending, the opportunities stand out. For instance, if the British government diverted investment worth 2% of GDP from construction to the care sector, it could create 1.5m jobs instead of 750,000._______
A) When Uganda first looked at its budget through a gender lens, it discovered that little of the spending on agriculture was going to support women farmers, though they did most of the work.
B) Many governments treat spending on physical infrastructure as an investment, but spending on social infrastructure, such as child care, as a cost yet such spending also increases productivity and growth—partly by increasing the number of women in the workforce.
C) Gender budgeting identifies policies that are unequal as well as opportunities to spend money on helping women and which have a high return culture was going to support women farmers, though they did most of the work.
D) In Rwanda spending aimed at keeping girls in school—such as providing basic sanitation—has led to higher enrolment > culture was going to support women farmers, though they did most of the work.
E) None of these
8. Not everything has gone well for gender budgeting, however. Some initiatives have proved half-hearted, short-lived or prey to party politics. Egypt introduced the concept in 2009, encouraged by international donors; when the donors left, it petered out. Australia was the first country to have gender budgeting._________
A) Other countries have issued sexual-equality statements and begun tracking data, but have not changed budget allocations
B) Gender budgeting has won the backing of international financial institutions.
C) But today’s conservative government saw it as left-leaning and anti-austerity and dropped it in 2014, the year after it took office.
D) Professing loyalty to an idea is easier than acting on its implications.
E) None of these
9. CHINA is the most populous country in the world, but is also one of the fastest-ageing. So it was with some fanfare that the National Health and Family Planning Commission announced on January 22nd that the country’s birth rate shot up in 2016._________
A) The National Bureau of Statistics also announced its own figures around the same time.
B) At first glance, this sum sounds enormous: it is roughly the entire population of Peru.
C) This places a bigger financial burden on the dwindling share of workers who must support them.
D) Almost 18.5m babies were born last year, an annual jump of 11.5%.
E) None of these
10. The unpleasant sensations of the start were less poignant now. They merged at last into a kind of hysterical exhilaration. I remarked indeed a clumsy swaying of the machine, for which I was unable to account. _________________
A) There were others coming, and presently a little group of perhaps eight or ten of these exquisite creatures were about me.
B) The stained-glass windows, which displayed only a geometrical pattern, were broken in many places, and the curtains that hung across the lower end were thick with dust.
C) But my mind was too confused to attend to it, so with a kind of madness growing upon me, I flung myself into futurity.
D) Indeed, I found afterwards that horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, had followed the Ichthyosaurus into extinction.
E) None of these
Answers with Explanations:
1. D)   2. B)   3. A)   4. C)   5. E)  
6. A) The passage ends on this note that people themselves do not want a second child in China. Therefore option (A) is the best fit here as it mentions ways to encourage people to have a second child. The rest of the options fail to convey any meaning here. Option (B) is irrelevant. Option (C) does not mention any solution to the problem. Option (D) is not appropriate here.
7. B) The last sentence in the passage states that investment on the care sector would create more jobs. Thus option (B) is the best fit as it explains the process and how it happens. The rest of the statements do not convey any meaning here. 
8. C) Since the last line of the passage is about Australia adopting gender budgeting. Thus option (C) is the best fit here as it mentions the current state of the country. The rest of them do not fit here.
9. D) The last line in the passage mentions the increase in the growth rate of population. Thus option (D) is the best fit here which mentions the statistics. The rest of the options fail to convey any meaning and cannot be placed here. Option (B) is incomplete and can be clearly understood that it is wrong.
10. C) The passage describes a situation where someone is doing something with a machine. The last line of the passage mentions some response in the machine. Option (A) seems a situation that is not connected here. Option (B) describes the condition of windows and curtains which is irrelevant here. Option (D) does not fit here as well. Option (C) mentions the state of the mind of the protagonist which can fit here as it states the reaction of the person as the machine showed some activity. Thus option (C) is the correct answer.