Directions (1
– 5): Five statements are given below, labelled a, b, c, d and e. Among these,
four statements are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph/passage.
From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of
the passage.
1. A.
The decentralisation of public administration and the introduction of local
elected bodies produces systems of governance that will be better able to meet
the needs of the citizens.
B. The local governments in rural India,
which, though also limited in their functionality, have significantly more
power than their urban counterparts.
C. If it works well, citizens in small
communities will have the power to hold their elected representatives
accountable for policy decisions.
D. Behind India’s decentralisation
policy was the motive of the broadening of the political spectrum.
E. It can also help in yielding policy
outcomes more uniquely tailored to the needs of these communities.
2. A. These changes in the law are praiseworthy except that they do not go far
enough or are not wide enough to cover the women and families who really need
these benefits.
B. One of the amendments to the
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, passed in the Lok Sabha grants women 26 weeks of
fully paid maternity leave as opposed to the earlier 12 weeks.
C. At a time when amendments to labour
laws are invariably curtailing worker rights, the Maternity Benefit (Amendment)
Act (MBA), 2017 passed earlier this year is certainly welcome.
D. This obviously enforces the
patriarchal belief that childcare is entirely the woman’s job.
E. The MBA leaves out 90% to 97% of the
total female workforce in the country which works in the unorganised sector
like domestic workers, agricultural labourers and home-based ones.
3. A.
In the light of this definition, the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)
Amendment Act, 2016, passed last month in Parliament, seems progressive.
B. The list of hazardous occupations for
children has been slashed from 83 to include just mining, explosives, and
occupations mentioned in the Factory Act.
C. It prohibits the engagement of
children in all occupations and of adolescents in hazardous occupations and
processes, wherein adolescents refers to those under 18 years; children to
those under 14.
D. It deters people from employing
children by imposing a fine on anyone who employs or permits adolescents to
E. According to UNICEF, a child is
involved in child labour if he or she, does at least one hour of economic
activity, or at least 28 hours of domestic work in a week.
4. A. There are still areas of immense natural beauty and biodiversity that
have changed little.
B. It has emerged as a symbol of the
resurgent influence of a landowning class in Brazil who, are cashing in on the
destruction of the wild.
C. The cattle raised here are then
sold – in contravention of pledges to prosecutors and international consumers –
to JBS, the world’s biggest meat-packing company,
D. Brazil reported an alarming 29%
increase of deforestation, raising doubts that the country will be able to meet
its global commitments to reduce carbon emissions.
E. On the banks of the Rio Verde,
fishing lines were tangled on the rocks despite signs declaring ‘Strictly no
fishing or hunting’.
5. A.
The European Commission and national governments mostly attempt to regulate the
companies through competition, by assuming that the states’ functions should be
to provide a “level playing field” for local companies.
B. The US government sees them as
pillars of post-industrial American power, and as an immense national security
intelligence resource. It is therefore their strategic ally.
C. Proponents of “digital sovereignty”
have chosen to build national search engines and social media structures,
favouring domestic private market entrants – as has happened in Russia and
D. The European Union has attempted to
control the companies’ behaviour by regulation and litigation
E. The world’s major societies are now
wrestling with the enormous social power wielded by the internet’s platform
companies – “GAFA”: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon.
Directions (6 – 10): The given sentences, when
properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a
letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the five
given choices to construct a coherent paragraph keeping 1 and 6 as the first
and the last line respectively.
6. 1) When a young girl is pushed into marriage, the damage can last long
after her wedding day.
A) face a higher risk of
domestic abuse, and suffer a lifetime of adverse effects on their physical and
mental wellbeing.
B) Yet child marriage
continues to be a common practice in the developing world.
C) According to UNICEF,
there are more than 700 million women alive today who were married before they
turned 18.
D) Research shows that
girls who marry before the age of 18 receive less schooling than those who
marry later,
6) One in three women
aged 20-24 were married or in a union while still a child.what can be done to
end this harmful practice?
7. 1) Bangladesh has the world’s highest rate of marriage among
girls under 15, and violence against Bangladeshi women is on the rise.
A) Unfortunately, legal
efforts to protect women and girls by criminalizing aspects of child marriage
face significant obstacles,
B) The existing law
penalizing aspects of child marriage – the Child Marriage Restraint Act (CMRA)
of 1929 – dates to the British colonial period.
C) due to the prevailing
political culture, the accommodation of religious extremists, and the
persistence of gender bias.
D) The law stipulates
terms of imprisonment or a fine for anyone who “contracts,” “solemnizes,” or
arranges a marriage with a girl under 18.
6) But, with some recent
exceptions, it is frequently ignored and rarely enforced.
8. 1) Global business leaders and investors are largely
transfixed by two kinds of risk: macroeconomic and geopolitical.
A) In the near term, this
means a focus on the US Federal Reserve’s impending rate hikes and the upcoming
elections in France and Germany.
B) But there is a third,
arguably more pernicious, risk lurking below most decision-makers’ radar:
infectious diseases.
C) Over the longer term,
it means awareness of structural risks like high sovereign debt, demographic
shifts, and natural-resource scarcity.
D) According to the
former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tom
Frieden, the world is at greater risk than ever from global health threats.
6) People travel farther
and more often, Supply chains, including for food and medicines, extend across
the world.
9. 1) The Finance Ministry’s unequivocal missive to 10
state-owned lenders to submit time-bound turnaround plans, or forsake any
further capital infusion from the government, is a small yet timely step in the
right direction.
A) That the Ministry has
identified 10 of these PSBs to administer a dose of tough love suggests they
are the ones most in need of urgent corrective action.
B) As the Reserve Bank of
India had flagged in its last Financial Stability Report, risks to the banking
sector remain worryingly “high”.
C) The continuous
deterioration in asset quality, especially at the public sector banks (PSBs),
has led to low profitability and substantial value erosion to the principal
shareholder — the government.
D) As the RBI’s report
pointed out, PSBs saw the proportion of their gross non-performing assets to
total advances almost double in the 12 months through September 2016 to 11.8%.
6) In fact, RBI Deputy
Governor Viral Acharya told bankers in a speech last month that the problem of
bad loans has come to such a pass that, “we simply don’t as a society have any
excuse or moral liberty to let the banking sector wounds fester and result in
amputation of healthier parts of the economy.”
10. 1) Ever since it was announced in 2005, the Indo-U.S. civil
nuclear agreement has faced one obstacle after another.
A) So this week’s news
that its operationalisation may be further delayed owing to Westinghouse’s
financial difficulties and Japan’s procedural issues in ratifying the deal with
India should come as no surprise.
B) This sets back “work
toward finalising the contractual arrangements by June 2017” for six reactors
to be built in Andhra Pradesh by Toshiba-owned Westinghouse and the Nuclear
Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL).
C) But India has little
control over both circumstances, and rather than seeing them as a setback, the
government and officials should use this as an opportunity to re-examine the
country’s engagement with nuclear energy for future needs.
D) Westinghouse’s
near-bankruptcy is part of a larger pattern of worldwide cost overruns and
delivery delays across the nuclear energy industry.
6) Nuclear manufacturer
Areva (in partnership with Mitsubishi) has a similarly precarious position
despite hopes of a bailout by the French government.
1. B) 2. D) 3. B)
4. A) 5. B) 6. D)
7. B) 8. B) 9. A)
10. C)
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following table and
answer the questions followed:
A company manufactures
six products - A, B, C, D, E and F. A part of each product is exported and the
remaining units are sold inside the country. The table shows the units
produced, the percentage of units exported. The ratio of sold and unsold units
of the part of products sold inside the country along with the tax required to
be paid by the company for respective products is mentioned in the table. Now
answer the following questions as per the information provided.
Units Produced
Sold : Unsold
% of tax on sold
7 : 9
11 : 2
3 : 2
1 : 11
9 : 2
5 : 8
1. What is the difference between the in-country
tax paid by D and A?
a) Rs.8900
b) Rs.1300
c) Rs.8000
d) Rs.900
e) Rs.24676
2. Highest Tax on in country sold units is paid by
which of the following:
a) A
b) F
c) D
d) C
e) A and C
3. If product E needs to pay 31 % tax on exported
units. Find the total amount of tax paid by the company for product E in the
whole year of 1990?
a) Rs.361890
b) Rs.784444
c) Rs.190988
d) Rs.67345
e) None of these
4. If the warehouse of the company stores only the
in-country saleable unsold units of each product, then what is the relation
between the current warehouse storage of product A and product C.
a) A is 27334 units larger than C
b) C’s storage is 2.14 % of A
c) C is 87.95 % less than A
d) Both a and b
e) Both b and c
5. If the government imposes an agricultural tax
of 17% on the unsold units of the in-country saleable units of product D only,
then the agricultural tax paid by the company for D is:
a) Rs.64243
b) Rs.23411
c) Rs.89788
d) Rs.90000
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): What should come in place of
question mark (?) in the following number series?
6. 3 14 83 254 627 ?
A) 1292
B) 1294
C) 1296
D) 1298
E) 1300
7. 18 31 83 317 1565 ?
A) 9365
B) 9375
C) 9385
D) 9395
E) 9405
8. 43 145 381 841 1639 ?
A) 2911
B) 2913
C) 2915
D) 2917
E) 2919
9. 27 38 64 86 125 ?
A) 152
B) 154
C) 156
D) 158
E) 160
10. 12 39 120 363 1092 ?
A) 3275
B) 3279
C) 3284
D) 3287
E) 3291
1. E) A=763992x0.83x(7/16)x0.11=30516
2. A) A=Rs.30516
Thus A has highest tax
3. E) Total
tax=tax on In-country sold units + Tax
on export units
= Rs.366750
4. B) Unsold
A stored in warehouse=763992x0.83x9/16=356688
Unsold C stored in
7650/356688 x 100 =2.14 %
Hence option b holds true
5. A) the
agricultural tax paid by the company for D = 654372x0.63x(11/12)x0.17= Rs.64243
6. B) (1)4 +
2, (2)4 – 2, (3)4 + 2, (4)4 –
2, .............
7. A) ×2
– 5, ×3 – 10, ×4 – 15, ........
8. B) 24 +
33, 34 + 43, 44 + 53,
54 + 63, ..........
9. D) 33,
33 + 11, 43, 43 + 22, 53,
53 + 33
10. B)
12, 12 + (12 × 2 + 3) = 12 + 27 = 39,
39 + (39 × 2 + 3) = 39 +
81 = 120
120 + (120 × 2 + 3) = 120
+ 243 = 363
Directions (1 – 5): Read the following
information carefully and answer the questions below:
Ten agents from 10 different cities i.e Lucknow, Hawrah, Kolkata,
Dehradun, Haridwar, Patiyala, Amritsar, Shimla, Kanpur & Mumbai are sitting
in two parallel rows containing five people each, in such a way that there is
an equal distance between adjacent agents. In row 1- M1, M2, N1, N2 and
O (all of them are of different age) are seated and some of them are facing
South and some of them are facing North. In row 2 – P1, P2,
Q1, Q2 and R (all of them are of different age) are
seated and some of them are facing South and some of them are facing North.
Therefore in the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row either
faces another member of the other row or seated against each other. Comparison
of ages is within the row.
The agent from Dehradun sits to the immediate right of P2,
who seated exactly in the middle of the row. P1 faces one of
the immediate neighbors of the agent from Hawrah.P2 is younger
than only one agent. N2faces one of the immediate neighbors of the
agent from kolkata. Q2 is not from kolkata. N2 is
neither from Haridwar nor from Patiyala. R is older than P1 &
Q2 but not as old as P2. P1 sits
immediate right of the agent from Kanpur. Q1 sits one of the
extreme ends of the line and from Kanpur. N1 sits third to the
right of agent from Hawrah. Only One agent sits between the agent from Kanpur
and P2. N1 sits to the immediate right of the agent
who faces Q2. M1 faces the opposite direction to the
agent from Amritsar. Only two people sit between N1 and
O. Q2 is neither from Lucknow nor from Shimla. M1 is
younger than only one agent. The agent from Haridwar sits second to the right
of the one who faces North Direction. One of the immediate neighbors of the
agent from Haridwar is against the agent from kolkata. P1 does
not face M1 and faces south direction. The agent from Lucknow
sits exactly between the agents from Mumbai and Haridwar. N2 is
older than O & M2 but not as old as M1.
The agent from Patiyala faces the agent from Mumbai. R faces North Direction
and sits immediate left of P2. Only one agent sit between the agents
from Kolkata and Dehradun.
1. Who Sits second
to the right of P2 ?
cannot be determine.
2. Who amongst the
following faces the agent from Patiyala?
The agent from Lucknow.
The agent from Mumbai.
Both c or d
3. R is from which
none of these.
4. Who sit at the
extreme end of the line.
The agent from Lucknow and Q1
M1 and the agent from Patiyala.
N2 and P1
Q1 and Q2
none of these.
5. Who amongst
following agents is second youngest in row-2?
can not determine.
Directions (6 – 10): In a certain coding system,
the following sentences are coded as shown below (irrespective of their
basils fragrance
sacred around- @81f
^36s +36a #36b
Australia tangerine
wolf- $16w %81t
Quetta basket catholic
fantasy- @49f *64c
&36q #36b
Sound task queen- %16t
^25s &25q
Church fool globe- *36c !25g
Now answer the following
questions with respect to the pattern of coding followed above:
6. What will be the code for “ tantra Britain
asparagus ”?
a) #44b -81r
b) +144r %36t
c) &36b %16t
d) +18a %30r
e) %36t #49b
7. *121c is most probably the code for?
a) Charismatic
b) Coffee
c) Comedian
d) Culprit
e) Chariot
8. What will be the code for “fantasy”?
a) @25r
b) $36f
c) +64f
d) @49f
e) Cannot be determined
9. “
-25u ~16z &25q “ will be the coding for?
a) uniform location rectangle
b) zeta bubble laptop
c) under quilt zero
d) unity tangent enthusiasm
e) wolf universe zeal
10. Given below are few words and their codes:
i) daisy- (25d
ii) copier- *36c
iii) Donald - )36d
iv) overseas- =64o
v) practical- \81p
Which of the above codes is / are wrong ?
a) All are correct
b) I and ii
c) Either I or III
d) Only v
e) Only ii
(1 – 5):

1. D) 2. E) 3. B)
4. D) 5. E)
(6 – 10): Answers with Detailed Solutions
Every code consists of
three parts- a symbol, a number, an alphabet
The symbol corresponds to
the first alphabet of every word
The alphabet is the first
alphabet of the word.
By elimination we get
F= @; A= +; B=#; C=*; W=
$; G= !; T=%
So the code for
fragrance= @81f ( 81=9^2 which is the number of alphabets in the word)
And hence the codes and
the respective words are :
Basils fragrance sacred around
#36b @81f ^36s +36a
Australia tangerine wolf
+81a %81t $16w
Quetta basket
catholic fantasy
&36q #36b *64c @49f
Sound task queen
^25s %16t &25q
Church fool globe
*36c @16f !25g
6. E) 7. A) 8. D)
9. C) 10. C)