General Awareness for NIACL and SBI PO Mains Day - 15

Mentor for Bank Exams
General Awareness for NIACL and SBI PO Mains Day - 15
1. Name the veteran journalist and seasoned political commentator, who had brought out a journal of political opinion called Point of View passed away in January 2017?
a) Devdutt
b) Dileep Padgaonka
c) Howard Bingham
d) Joe Marquette
2. The North East Seed Biodiversity Festival cum Workshop of Traditional Crops 2017 held in .........
a) Agartala
b) Kailashahar
c) Belonia
d) Teliamura
3. Name the acting US Attorney General sacked by the US President Donald Trump after she questioned the legality of US President Donald Trump immigration ban.
a) Sally Yates
b) Kevin Haugrud
c) Ed Hugler
d) Norris Cochran
4. Name the former Minister of State for External Affairs in the Manmohan Singh government.
a) T.R. Baalu
b) Shivraj Patil
c) E. Ahamed
d) S. Jaipal Reddy
5. An appeal has been launched by UN children's agency UNICEF to help 48 million children caught up in crises worldwide amid fears of a funding cut from top donor the United States. The amount of the appeal is .......
a) 3.3 billion US Dollar
b) 3.5 billion US Dollar
c) 4.0 billion US Dollar
d) 4.5 billion US Dollar
6. In which district the All India Radio has launched a special FM radio station in Maharashtra?
a) Nagpur
b) Kolhapur
c) Solapur
d) Ahmadnagar
7. Who has been appointed the United Nations (UN) in India Goodwill Ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
a) Sharmila Tagore
b) Ashok Amritraj
c) Priyanka Chopra
d) None
8. Union Govt. has constituted a task force to prepare the action plan for next three Olympic. Who among the following is/are there in the task force?
a) Pulella Gopichand
b) Rajesh Kalra
c) Viren Rasquinha
d) All of the above
9. In how many cities the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has decided to set up weather stations by 2019?
a) 600 districts
b) 610 districts
c) 650 districts
d) 660 districts
10. Which among the following is the most impacted Natural World Heritage Sites (NWHS) in Asia by the anthropogenic activities?
a) Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
b) Chitwan National Park
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
11. Israeli Prime Minister has sanctioned building of 3,000 new settlements in the territory of the West Bank in addition to the recently approved 2,500 units. Name the Prime minister.
a) Ehud Olmert
b) Benjamin Netanyahu
c) Ariel Sharon
d) Shimon Peres
12. In which of the states the Defence Ministry has announced to set up its new unit of national importance?
a) Andhra Pradesh
b) Chhattisgarh
c) Maharashtra
d) Madhya Pradesh
13. Which of the following states have emerged as the winners of the CSI - Nihilent eGovernance Awards this year?
a) Odisha
b) Rajasthan
c) Telangana
d) Both (b) and (c)
14. Researchers have discovered the earliest known ancestor of humans - along with a vast range of other species. Name the primitive animal species.
a) Saccorhytus coronarius
b) Sahelanthropus tchadensis
c) Paranthropus boisei
d) Australopithecus sediba
15. The 31st edition of Surajkund International Crafts Mela held in .......
a) Faridabad
b) Karnal
c) Hisar
d) Sonipat
16. Who has been appointed as new African Union (AU) head?
a) Frederik Willem de Klerk
b) Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma
c) Moussa Faki
d) Baleka Mbete
17. What amount has been allocated towards recapitalization of public sector banks in FY2017 - 18 by the Union Budget this year?
a) Rs.10,000 crore
b) Rs.15,000 crore
c) Rs.17,000 crore
d) Rs.19,000 crore
18. Which country has become the first in the world to stop investing in fossil fuels?
a) Ireland
b) Russia
c) France
d) Germany
19. Lakshmi Vilas Bank has launched 'FINFIT' to offer 'Smart Investment solutions' to its customers. It is launched in association with the startup firm ......
a) SupportBee
b) Fisdom
c) HackerEarth
d) CodeLearn
20. A 16 member committee of experts has been constituted by Ministry of AYUSH to prepare a Yoga Protocol for Diabetes Control. The committee is headed by ....
a) Dr. H.R. Nagendra
b) Dr. Subhash Chandra Verma
c) Dr. Basant Kumar Singh
d) None of the above

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