Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information to answer
the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘Crab Source Rhyme Praised’ is
written as ‘81H! 61R%
30R# 91O$’,
‘Viewers Prey Ban Appraise’ is
written as ‘10P* 20A@
22I% 61R#’,
‘Win Addict Cold Magician’ is written
as ‘30O# 32I@
10D$ 31A*’, and
‘Miser Basic Kitkat Solvent’ is
written as ‘11I$ 31I! 91O% 20A!’.
1. What is the code for ‘Sit Class Paragraph’?
A) 30M! 91I@ 63A*
B) 40L! 91I@ 61P%
C) 30L! 71M@ 62A*
D) 30L! 91I@ 61A*
E) Cannot be determined
2. What could ‘21I%’ stand for?
A) Symbols
B) Light
C) License
D) Urban
E) Cannot be determined
3. What is the code of ‘Mistake’?
A) 31I%
B) 13T@
C) 28S*
D) 31M%
E) Cannot be determined
4. Which is the code for ‘Would Kill’?
A) 42I! 11O#
B) 42O# 11I#
C) 42O! 11I#
D) 42O$ 11I#
E) Cannot be determined
5. Which is the code for ‘Thirteen Banks’?
A) 20H# 20A@
B) 02H* 20A!
C) 02H@ 02A!
D) 20H* 02A$
E) Cannot be Determined
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information to answer
the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘mixed chamber incidence vacuum’ is
written as ’88$B
12@C 36#E 52%A’,
‘jammer corporate frozen weird’ is
written as ’24©B 40@B
92%A 12#E ’,
‘comedian magnitude webcam
jumbled’ as ‘40%C 12©D
92$B 52#E ’, and
‘maximum revealed union editor’ is
written as ‘72%D 52$C
20@B 84©A ’.
6. What is the code for ‘cardamom’?
A) 16#D
B) 12%E
C) 12$D
D) 14$D
E) Cannot be determined
7. What is the code for ‘pager style’?
A) 64@A 76#A
B) 64#A 76@A
C) 60@C 76#B
D) 64$A 76#A
E) Cannot be determined
8. What is the code for ‘September December’?
A) 16@E 76@D
B) 72@E 16@D
C) 76@E 16@D
D) 76@E 16#D
E) Cannot be determined
9. What is code for ‘fusion clown’?
A) 12©B 24©A
B) 24©B 12©A
C) 24©D 12@A
D) 24©C 12©A
E) Cannot be determined
10. What is the code for ‘hundred folder’?
A) 32%D 24#B
B) 32©C 24@B
C) 32%D 24#B
D) 32%C 24@B
E) Cannot be determined
(1 – 5):
A is taken as 1, B as 2, ……Z as 26
3 letter word – @, 4 letter word – #,
5 letter word – !, 6 letter word – $, 7 letter word – %, 8 letter word – *
Crab: C – 03 so written 30, then second letter R, # for 4
letters word
Source: S – 19 so written 91, then
second letter O, $ for 6 letter word.
Praised: P – 16 so written 61, then
second letter R, % for 7 letter word.
1. E) 2. C)
3. A) 4. C) 5. B)
(6 – 10):
Observe the numbers. They all are
divisible by 4.
Number which represents first letter
* 4.
Symbol is according to last letter of
D to %, N – ©, R – @, E – #, M – $
letters are only A, B, C, D, and E.
They are according to number of letters in each word:
5 – A, 6 – B, 7 – C, 8 – D, 9 – E
I = 9, so 9*4 = 36
last letter E so #
Number of letters in incidence = 9,
so E
So incidence is coded as – 36#E
6. C) 7. A)
8. C) 9. B) 10. D)