Banking Awareness Quiz (Set - 14)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Banking Awareness Quiz (Set - 14)
1. Find the odd man out from the following :
a) Indian Bank
b) Canara Bank
c) Indian Overseas Bank
d) Corporation Bank
e) Bank of India
2. Jammu and Kashmir Bank is considered to be:
a) Nationalised bank
b) New private sector bank
c) foreign bank
d) local area bank
e) old private sector bank
3. The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a year is called as:
a) Gross national product
b) gross domestic product
c) national income
d) flat money
e) none of the above
4. Bulls and bears are connected to which among the following:
a) Banking industry
b) capital market
c) insurance industry
d) zoo located in Trivandrum
e) animals shown in animal planet
5. Bouncing is a word used in banking on account of which among the following:
a) Cheque honouring
b) cheque discounting
c) cheque collection
d) cheque return
e) none of the above
6. When it comes to crossing of a cheque or draft, which among the following is found to be in order?
a) Two parallel transverse lines on the left hand corner of the instrument
b) Two parallel tranverse lines on the right hand corner of the instrument
c) Two horizontal transverse lines on the left hand corner of the instrument
d) Two parallel transverse lines on the bottom portion of the instrument
e) None of the above
7. The material alteration made on a document or a negotiable instrument like a cheque to change the mandate of the drawer with intention to defraud is called as:
a) Mutilation
b) forgery
c) alteration
d) correction
e) none of the above
8. The capacity of the borrower to repay the loan or advance in time along with interest as per agreed terms is called as:
a) Creditworthiness
b) credibility
c) credit consciousness
d) credit control
e) none of the above
9. A person who takes some money from the other person with an undertaking to repay the amount with or without interest after some time is called as
a) creditor
b) enemy
c) neighbour
d) debtor
e) thief
10. When it comes to the term called as “E-commerce”, what do you mean by “E”?
a) Elementary
b) electronic
c) engineering
d) essential
e) economics
11. Permanent account number relates to which among the following?
a) Income tax assessment
b) establishing a shop
c) getting telephone connection
d) account number provided for savings accounts in banks
e) number provided for each individual while providing AATHAAR card
12. When it comes to the various parties connected to letter of credit which among the following is not in order?
a) Exporter
b) importer
c) exporter’s bank
d) customs authority
e) importer’s bank
13. Banks insist operation conditions while opening joint account with banks and which among the following phrases is not in practice when it comes to operation in joint accounts?
a) Either or survivor
b) former or survivor
c) jointly operated
d) No: 1 or survivor
e) allow the first party only
14. When it comes to hindu undivided family, who is allowed to operate the account among the following?
a) The senior most male member of the family
b) the senior most female member of the family
c) either the senior most male member or female member of the family
d) any male member in the family
e) none of the above
15. In the term called as GATT, what do you mean by “A”?
a) Appropration
b) amendment
c) adjustment
d) agreement
e) analysis