Wrong Number series for SBI PO 2017

Mentor for Bank Exams
Wrong Number series for SBI PO 2017
Directions: (1 – 10) Find the wrong number in the series.
1. 96     98      202    618    2490
a) 202
b) 98
c) 618
d) 2490
e) 96

2. 122   126    152    277    902
a) 126
b) 122
c) 277
d) 152
e) 902
3. 176   308    464    644    856    1096
a) 308
b) 644
c) 464
d) 1096
e) 176
4. 184   142    122    110    106.5
a) 106.5
b) 142
c) 184
d) 122
e) 110
5. 72     153    388    1503  9567
a) 153
b) 72
c) 1503
d) 9597
e) 388
6.  90          132           132           181               182                  240
a) 181
b) 182
c) 90
d) 240
e) 130
7.  9           18            91                61                341
a) 341
b) 61
c) 91
d) 18
e) None of these
8. 2            6            18            40              145        756
a) 756
b) 145
c) 2
d) 6
e) None of these
9.  4           6              13.5                46.56              230.66
a) 6
b) 46.56
c) 230.66
d) 4
e) None of these
10. 642            81           28           19          18
a) 642
b) 18
c) 81
d) 28
e) 19
1. D) 96×1+(1×2)=98; 98×2+(2×3)=202; 202×3+(3×4)=618; 618×4+(4×5)=2492≠2490
Hence 2490 is the wrong number
2. A) 122+51=127≠126; 127+52=152; 152+53=277; 277+54=902
Hence 126 is the wrong number
3. B) 176+(11×12)=308; 308+(12×13)=464; 464+(13×14)=646≠644; 646+(14×15)=856; 856+(15×16)=1096
Hence 644 is the wrong number
4. E) 184/2+50=142; 142/2+51=122; 122/2+50=111≠110; 111/2+51=106.5
Hence 110 is the wrong number
5. E) 72×2+91=153; 153×2+92=387≠388; 387×2+93=1503; 1503×2+94=9567
Hence 388 is the wrong number
6. A) 102-10=90; 112+11=132; 122-12=132; 132+13=182; 142-14=182; 152+15=240
Hence 181 is the wrong number
7. D) 23+13=9; 33-23=19; 43+33=91; 53-43=61; 63+53=341
Hence 18 is the wrong number
8. E) 1!+12=2; 2!+22=6; 3!+32=15; 4!+42=40; 5!+52=145; 6!+62=75
Hence 18 is the wrong number.
9. B) 4×1.5 = 6; 6×2.25= 13.5; 13.5×3.375 = 45.56; 45.56×5.0625 = 230.65
Hence 46.56 is the wrong number
10. D) 54+17=642; 43+17=81; 32+17=26; 21+17=19; 10+17=18
Hence 28 is the wrong number

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