Directions (1 – 5): In each question below is given a statement
followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something
supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the
following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the
statement. Give Answer:
a) Only Assumption I is Implicit
b) Only Assumption II is implicit
c) Either Assumption I or II is implicit
d) Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit
e) Both Assumptions I and II are implicit
1. Statement: A major retail store announced thirty
percent reduction on all food items during the weekend.
I. People may still prefer buying food
items from other stores.
II. Large number of customers may
visit the retail store and buy food items.
I. These may be adequate number of
football players for all the matches.
II. The captain may be able to play
in all the matches.
3. Statement: The railway authority has rescheduled
the departure time of many long distance trains and put up the revised timing
on its website
I. The passengers may note the change
in departure times from the website.
Il. The passengers may be able to
notice the change and board their respective trains before departure.
4. Statement: The school authority has decided to
give five grace marks in English to all the students of Std. IX as the
performance of these students in English was below expectation.
I. Majority of the students of Std.
IX may still fail in English even after giving grace marks.
II. Majority of the students of Std.
IX may now pass in English after giving grace marks.
5. Statement: The civic administration has asked
the residents of the dilapidated buildings to move out as these buildings will
be demolished within next thirty days.
I. The civic administration may be
able to demolish these buildings as per schedule.
II. The residents of these buildings
may vacate and stay elsewhere.
Directions (6 – 8): In the
following questions the symbols >, <, ≥, ≤ & = are used with the
following meanings.
‘A > B’ means A is neither smaller
nor greater than B
‘A < B’ means A is neither smaller
than nor equal to B
‘A ≥ B’ means A is not greater than B
‘A ≤ B’ means A is not smaller than B
‘A = B’ means A is neither greater
than nor equal to B
Now in each of the following
questions, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the
following two conclusions I and II is/are definitely true. Give answer:
a) if only conclusion I is true
b) if only conclusion II is true
c) if either I or II is true
d) if neither I nor II is true
e) if both I and II are true
6. Statements:
P > T, S ≤ R, R < P, T = S
I. S < T
II. S ≤ T
7. Statement:
L < G, A < D, G > D, N >
I. D = L
II. L = A
9. H, N, U, F and L are members of a family where L is U’s
father and F is L’s granddaughter. H is mother of N who is a male. U is the
sibling of N. So how many female members are there in the family?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) None of these
10. Raman starts from point P and walks towards South and
stops at point Q. He now takes a right turn followed by a left turn and stops
at point R. He finally takes a left turn and stops at point S. If he walks 5
Kms. before taking each turn, towards which direction will Raman have to walk
from point S to reach point Q ?
a) North
b) South
c) West
d) East
e) North – West
1. B) I. People may still prefer buying
food items from other stores ⇒ Not valid. People prefer discounted
II. Large number of customers may
visit the retail store and buy food items ⇒ ‘II’ is a valid assumption because this
type of presumption may easily lead a shopkeeper to announce a big discount.
Hence, only statement II is valid
2. A) I. These may be adequate number of
football players for all the matches. ⇒ The captain selected only fourteen
player even when he knew that they have to play 8 matches. This likely means
the captain was assuming that this number of players is adequate. So ‘I’ is
II. The captain may be able to play
in all the matches. ⇒ II is also not implicit because this
would have been irrelevant in coming to the decision of selecting 14 players.
An assumption is something that should logically lead to the statement given.
So, only (I) is implicit.
3. E) I. The passengers may note the
change in departure times from the website.⇒ After rescheduling the departure
time, railway authority has put it up on its website simply assuming that
passengers will check its website for departure times. So, I is implicit.
Il. The passengers may be able to
notice the change and board their respective trains before departure. ⇒ The point of putting up a notice announcing a change in time
is so that the passengers board their respective trains before departure. So
‘II’ is also implicit.
So, both are implicit.
4. B) I. Majority of the students of Std.
IX may still fail in English even after giving grace marks.⇒ If majority of students still fail after grace marks then
there is no point of giving grace marks so this can't be implicit
II. Majority of the students of Std. IX
may now pass in English after giving grace marks. ⇒ The school authority’s decision to award five grace marks to these students could have only
one motive – to make them pass in English. So it
can be assumed that the majority of students of Std. IX may now pass in English
after being awarded grace marks. Had these many marks not been enough to pass
the majority, then greater number of grace marks might have been provided. So
II is implicit.
So, only II is implicit.
5. E) I. The civic administration may be
able to demolish these buildings as per schedule ⇒
Whenever a deadline for some work is set it is assured that work will be
completed as per the scheduled dead line, so ‘I’ is implicit.
II. The residents of these buildings
may vacate and stay elsewhere ⇒ The civic administration’s notice to vacate would matter only
if the residents vacate and stay elsewhere. This is a definite assumption made
by the administration before the notice was put out. So II is also implicit.
So, both are implicit.
(6 – 10):
6. A) P > T ⇒ P = T,
R < P ⇒ R > P,
S ≤ R ⇒ S ≥ R,
T = S ⇒ T <
So {S > T = P, S ≥ R > P}
Now consider conclusions:
S < T ⇒ S > T, (True)
S ≤ T ⇒ S ≥T, (Not true)
So only Conclusion I follows.
7. A) Statement: L < G, A < D, G >
D, N > A
⇒ L > G, A > D, G = D, N = A
On combining, N = A > D = G < L
I. D = L ⇒ D < L, (True)
II. L = A ⇒ L < A, (Clearly, doesn’t follow because relation between L
and A can’t be established)
8. D) Z = A, A < B, B > Z, T ≥ P
⇒ Z < A, A > B, B = Z, T ≤ P
⇒ B = Z < A, T ≤ P
I. P = A ⇒ P < A (False because no relation between P and A is
II. Z ≤ A ⇒ Z ≥ A (False
because Z < A)
⇒ Neither I or II follows
9. E) As U and N are siblings and children
of L and H respectively, hence, L and H have to be married.
F is the granddaughter of L and H,
but no information is given about her parents so we cannot say if she is
daughter of U or N.
As we can clearly see that H
and F are female. However, the gender of U is not known, which makes the number
of females in the family either 2 or 3.
10. A)

So it is clear that from ‘S’ to ‘Q’
Raman has to walk in north direction.