Banking Awareness Quiz (Set - 7)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Banking Awareness Quiz (Set - 7)
1. When it comes to scheduled commercial banks, which out of the following is not true?
a) Nationalised banks
b) Regional Rural banks
c) Foreign banks
d) Private sector banks
e) Local area banks
2. When it comes to nationalization of fourteen banks on 19.07.1969, which among the following is not true?
a) Punjab National Bank
b) Central Bank of India
c) Canara Bank
d) Indian Bank
e) Andhra Bank
3. When it comes to nationalization of six banks during the second stage on 15.04.1980, which among the following is not true?
a) Andhra Bank
b) Punjab and Sind Bank
c) New Bank of India
d) Vijaya Bank
e) Indian Overseas Bank
4. New Bank of India merged with which of the following banks?
a) Central Bank of India
b) Canara Bank
c) Indian Bank
d) Punjab National Bank
e) Bank of India
5. Which amongst the following is old private sector bank?
a) Axis Bank Limited
b) HDFC Bank Limited
c) Nainital Bank Limited
d) Yes Bank Limited
e) Indus Ind Bank Limited
6. When it comes to new private sector banks, which amongst the following is odd man out?
a) Axis Bank Limited
b) ICICI Bank Limited
c) Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited
d) The Ratnakar Bank Limited
e) Development Credit Bank Limited
7. Find the odd man out from the following:
a) State Bank of Patiala
b) State Bank of Indore
c) State Bank of Hyderabad
d) State Bank of Bikaneer and Jaipur
e) State Bank of Mysore
8. When it comes to the regional centres of Reserve Bank of India, which amongst the following is odd man out?
a) Chennai
b) Hyderabad
c) Mumbai
d) New Delhi
e) Kolkatta
9. RBI is responsible for undertaking the following activities except one activity – find the irrelevant activity
a) Currency note issuing authority
b) banker to the banker
c) financial adviser to the government
d) controller of capital markets
e) custodian of cash reserves of banks
10. Currency note issue is one among several functions of Reserve Bank of India and which amongst the following is not the responsibility of RBI?
a) Issue of 2 rupee notes
b) Issue of 1000 rupee notes
c) Issue of one rupee note
d) Issue of ten rupees note
e) Issue of twenty rupees note
11. Which are the traditional functions of Reserve Bank of India?
a) Issue of currency notes
b) forex management
c) functions like export assistance and clearing house functions
d) all the above
e) none of the above
12. Which amongst the following is not the development function of Reserve Bank of India?
a) Agriculture development
b) Promotion of industrial finance
c) Development of bill market
d) open market operations
e) promotion of export through refinance activities
13. The financial system in our country comprises of which amongst the following?
a) Financial markets
b) Financial assets
c) Financial Intermediaries and institutions
d) all the above
e) none of the above
14. Which amongst the following is money market instrument?
a) Call money
b) Term money
c) notice money
d) all the above
e) none of the above
15. Find the odd man out from the following:
a) National Bank for agriculture and rural development
b) Industrial Finance corporation of India
c) Industrial Investment Bank of India
d) IDBI bank
e) EXIM Bank
1. E)   2. E)   3. E)   4. D)   5. C)   6. D)   7. B)   8. B)   9. D)   10. C)   11. D)   12. D)   13. D)    14. D)   15. D)  

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