Banking Awareness Quiz (Set - 5)

Mentor for Bank Exams
Banking Awareness Quiz (Set - 5)
1. The merger of two business units, that manufacture different products of like nature, is called as:
a) Horizontal merger
b) vertical merger
c) lateral merger
d) diagonal merger
e) none of the above
2. What do you mean by golden parachute?
a) Attractive benefits that are given to top executives of targets company at the time of acquisition
b) Attractive benefits that are given to clerical staff and subordinate staff of target company at the time of acquisition
c) Attractive benefits that are given to top executives of acquirer company at the time of acquisition
d) Attractive benefits that are given to clerical staff and subordinate staff of acquirer company at the time of ac quisition
e) None of the above
3. Which of the following committee was set up in 1993 with a view to recommend insurance sector reforms?
a) M.N. Goiporia committee
b) L.C. Gupta committee
c) R.N. Malhotra committee
d) Narasimhan committee
e) none of the above
4. What do you mean by bancassurance?
a) Selling insurance policies by the banks
b) insurance of the properties belonging to the banks
c) insurance of the properties by the banks
d) life insurance business undertaken by the banks
e) none of the above
5. Which of the following is included in bancassurance?
a) Insurance policies issued by the banks in their names
b) Selling by a bank the insurance policies of its ancillary insurance company
c) Selling by a bank the insurance policies of any insurance company
d) All the above
e) None of the above
6. A bank wishes to undertake insurance business. Whose permission is necessary before commencement of insurance business?
a) Life Insurance Corporation of India
b) General Insurance Corporation of India
c) Insurance regulatory and development authority
d) Reserve Bank of India
e) none of the above
7. Selling of banking products by an insurance company is called as
a) Assurfinance
b) bankassurance
c) innovative banking
d) all the above
e) none of the above
8. What is a contract of insurance?
a) It is a contract of guarantee
b) it is a contract of pledge
c) it is a contract of hypothecation
d) it is a contract of indemnity
e) none of the above
9. Which of the following is not an essential condition for an urban cooperative bank to undertake bankassurance business?
a) The bank should obtain prior permission from Insurance Regulatory and development authority
b) The bank should have a net worth of not less than Rs. 50 crore
c) The bankassurance business can be through their branches
d) The bank will have to enter into an agreement with the insurance agency concerned
e) None of the above
10. Which among the following is called as non performing assets?
a) Assets that can exchange income
b) Assets that eases to earn interest income
c) assets that have not been commented upon by the auditors
d) all the above
e) none of the above
11. Which of the following does not pertain to non performance assets?
a) Sub standard assets
b) doubtful assets
c) loss assets
d) all the above
e) standard assets
12. Which among the following defines a non performing asset?
a) In a loan account, the principal due has not been paid for more than ninety days
b) In a loan account, the interest due has not been paid for more than ninety days
c) Both (a) and (b) as mentioned above
d) Assets that have not been commented upon by the bank auditors
e) None of the above
13. Which among the following committees had recommended Income Recognition and assets classification norms?
a) Rangarajan committee
b) Goiporia committee
c) Narasimhan committee
d) Jankiraman committee
e) none of the above
14. What do you mean by the term called as “DRT”, when it comes to recovery of bank dues?
a) Debt Recovery Tribunal
b) Debtor recovery tribunal
c) Debt reminder tribunal
d) Debt recovery tariff
e) Delhi Road transport
15. Which of the following has introduced “Banking Ombudsman” in our country?
a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Indian Bank’s association
c) National Institute of Bank Management
d) Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
e) none of the above
1. A)   2. A)   3. C)   4. A)   5. D)   6. C)   7. A)   8. D)   9. A)   10. B)   11. E)   12. C)   13. C)   14. A)   15. A)

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