Physics Quiz for SSC and Railway Exams

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Physics Quiz

Physics Quiz for SSC and Railway Exams

1. The Element of an electric heater is made of__________.
a) Nichrome
b) Germanium
c) Plutonium
d) None of these
2. The most basic of all test instruments is the ______
a) Multimeter
b) Ohm meter
c) CRO
d) Galvanometer
3. The energy gap of Diamond is
a) 1.7ev
b) 2.6ev
c) 10ev
d) 5.47ev
4. The positron is called the antiparticle of the electron, because it
a) has opposite charge
b) has same mass
c) annihilate with an electron
d) collides with an electron
5. The radioactive decay follows
a) N = N0 eat
b) N = N0 eat2
c) N = N0 e-at
d) N = N0 e-at2
6. A solar eclipse occurs when
a) the sun, the moon and the earth are not in the same line
b) the moon comes between the sun and the earth
c) the earth comes between the sun and the moon
d) the sun comes between the earth and moon
7. Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): The rear view mirror used in motor vehicles is a convex mirror.
Reason (R): A convex mirror produces an erect, diminished virtual image
Select your answer from coding scheme given below
a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
b)  Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
c) A is true, B is false
d) B is true, A is False
8. The process in which heat is transmitted without the aid of the intervening medium is
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) None of these
9. When the pressure increases, the boiling point rises. The device which uses this principle is
a) Pressure cooker
b) Electric iron
c) Electric heater
d) Manometer
10. Consider the following statements
I. Recording of sound on tapes was first invented by Valdemar Poulsen
II. Audio tapes have magnetic property
III. The tape is made of cellulose acetate
IV. The tapes may also be made of PVC (Polyvinyl-Chloride)
a) All are correct
b) All are wrong
c) Only I and II are correct
d) Only III and IV are correct
11. Phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered by
a) Madam Curie
b) Henry Becquerel
c) Juliot Curie
d) Roentgen
12. Which falls down fastest in vaccum, a feather, a wooden or a steel ball?
a) wooden ball
b) feather ball
c) steel ball
d) all will fall down at the same time
13. What is the normal body temperature of a human body?
a) 39.50C
b) 35.80C
c) 37.00C
d) 98.60C
14. A micron is equivalent to
a) 1/100mm
b) 1/100 cm
c) 1/1000 cm
d) 1/1000mm
15. The temperature at which Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales give same reading?
a) 400C
b) 400K
c) -400C
d) -400K
16. Substances which lose their electric resistances at very low temperature are called
a) Good conductors
b) Semi Conductors
c) Dielectrics
d) Super Conductors
17. Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize for
a) theory of relativity
b) photo electric effect
c) gravitational effect
d) quantum effect
18. Two man talk on moon
a) they here each other with lower frequency
b) they here each other with higher frequency
c) they can here each other as such
d) they cannot here each other at all
19. In mountains because the atmospheric pressure is low, the boiling point of water
a) decreases
b) increases
c) may increase or decrease
d) remains same
20. By centrifugal action we can separate particles of different
a) colours
b) densities
c) masses
d) sizes

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