Previous Questions Quantitative Aptutude All Chapters Covered

Mentor for Bank Exams
Dear Readers, 

Welcome to Mentor for Bank Exams. All of you were in rush of preparing for the upcoming IBPS exams. To boost your preparation and make yourselves prepared for the exams here I am posting the important PDF of Quantitative Aptitude that covers all the chapters in Quantitative Exams with Practice Exercises.

The PDF consists of the below mentioned topics

1. Allegations and  Mixtures

2. Approximate Values

3. Average

4. Compound Interest

5. Data Sufficiency

6. Discount 

7. Equations and In equations

8. LCM and HCF

9. Mensuration

10. Number Series

11. Number System

12. Partnership 

13. Percentage

14. Profit and Loss

15. Ratio and Proportion

16. Simple Interest

17. Time and Distance

18. Time and Work

19. Miscellaneous

And a special PDF on Data Interpretation is covered here. 

More PDF's are HERE
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