Must Read Points For SSC: Biology

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Welcome to the daily online study. Here I am presenting the most important points of Biology that must be revised by every SSC aspirant to get succeed. Kindly make use of these!!!

1. Typhoid disease is a water borne disease
2. Jonas salk discovered the polio vaccine
3. For Dengue fever, vaccination is not available.
4. Thyroid in the human body stores iodine
5. Vitamin K helps in clotting of blood
6. Vitamin C is abundant in Guava fruits
7. A Mother of Blood Group O has a group O child. What could be the father of the child - A or B or O
8. Pituitary gland produces the growth hormone - Somatotropin
9. Malfunctioning of Kidney is called - Nephrosis
10. Malaria in the human body is caused by which one of the following organisms - Protozoan
11. In human beings, the opening of stomach into the small intestine is called - Pylorus
12. 120/80mm mercury is considered as normal blood pressure
13. Carbon mono oxide readily combines with the hemoglobin of the blood
14. Stomata of a plant is responsible for transpiration
15. In Long Bone of the Human body, lymphocyte cells formed
16. Cutting and peeling of onions bring tears to the eyes because of the presence of - Sulfur in the cell
17. Apple is a false fruit
18. The edible part in the coconut is Endosperm
19. Shark is cold blooded animal
20. Magnesium causes green pigment of leaf
21. Match List -1 with List 2 and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists
List 1                                                                  List 2
A. Pancreas                                                      1.Cortisol
B. Pituitary                                                       2.Vitamin D
C. Adrenals                                                       3.Thyroid stimulating hormone
D. Kidneys                                                        4.Glucagon
Answer: A – 4; B – 3; C – 1; D – 2
22. What would happen if human blood becomes acidic (low ph) - Oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin is decreased
23. In human, which one among the following, with reference to breathing, is correct - During inhalation, intra-plenum pressure becomes more negative
24. The vitamins which is/are generally excreted in urine is Vitamin D and K
25. If excess fertilizer is applied to a plant without water, the plant will die due to plasmolysis
26. The controlling centre of the reflex actions of the human body is located at Medulla oblongata
27. The cells of the human body which have the lowest reconjugation power are brain cells
28. The part of the brain in which we feel hunger and satisfaction of the food is Hypothalamus
29. The intelligence centre in the human brain is cerebrum
30. What are cold blooded animals - Animals whose body temperature varies according to the temperature of atmosphere
31. The medicine of epilepsy is extracted from the lichen - Rosella
32. The teeth which develop two times in their life cycle of the human beings are 20
33. The smallest bone of the human body is stapes
34. The bile is produced through Liver
35. The function of pacemaker is to start heart beat
36. The Blood group AB is called universal recipient because antibody is not found in the blood
37. Sickle –cell Anemia is a disease caused due to the abnormality in Red Blood Cells
38. Which one of the following is the modified stem - Potato
39. Cactus is referred to as Xerophyte
40. From which part of opium plant we get morphine - Fruit Coat
41. Fleshy thalamus is edible in Apple
42. A dried flower bud which is used as spice is obtained from Clove
43. In plant which one of the following tissues is dead - Sclerenchyma
44. Conversion of starch to sugar is essential for Stomatal Opening
45. Most of the photo synthesis process occur in Blue and red region of light
46. Rust of wheat is a Fungal Disease
47. Zinc Sulphide is used as rodenticide
48. Adrenal Gland controls blood pressure
49. β cells secret insulin
50. Pulmonary Vein brings clean blood from the lungs into the heart
51. In human body, Parathyroid hormone regulate blood calcium and phosphate
52. Insulin was discovered by - Frederick Banting
53. Hormone insulin is a Peptide
54. Nails present in body are dead cells
55. Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of Heparin
56. Second incisor becomes modified as the tusk of elephant
57. Thyroid is the largest endocrine gland in the body
58. The smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system Neuron
59. The Hormone used as an oral contraceptive is Progesterone
60. Rate of breathing in a minute by man is 20-25
61. Epiglottis helps to prevent the food entering into the wind pipe while swallowing
62. The largest White Blood corpuscle is Monocyte
63. The major chemical compound found in human kidney stone is Calcium Oxalate
64. Other than the nucleus Mitochondria in the cell contains DNA
65. Number of mitochondria in bacterial cell is 0
66. Chromosomes are made up of DNA and Protein
67. Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes are called Autosomes
68. Two strand of DNA held together by Hydrogen bond
69. In biology, water soluble substances as referred to Hydrophilic
70. Cholera is not caused by Protozoan but by bacteria
71. Cholera disease is not caused by viruses
72. Bird Flu is a disease that affects human beings and spreads through Poultry
73. Blood transfusion is not possible from AB to O
74. Sodium Citrate, a chemical can be used is anticoagulant
75. Viruses are made up of Nucleic acids and proteins
76. Healing of wounds is hastened by Vitamin A
77. Tuberculosis is an air borne disease
78. Most highly intelligent mammals are dolphins
79. Ronald Ross discovered that Anopheles mosquito transmits malaria
80. The name of the first test tube baby was Louis Brown
81. Wucheria bancrofti is the generic name of causal organisms of Elephantiasis
82. Match List 1 with List 2 and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists
List 1                                                   List 2
Animal                                               Phyla
A. Ascaris                                           1.Mammalia
B. Malarial Parasite                         2.Arthropoda
C. House Fly                                      3.Nematoda
D. Cow                                               4.Protoza
Answer: A – 3; B – 4; C – 2; D – 1
83. Bug has three pairs of legs
84. Vaseline was applied to both surfaces of the leaves of a plant. Which of the following process/processes would be affected?
1. Photo Synthesis
2. Respiration
3. Transpiration
Ans: All of the above
85. Albumin – A blood protein regulates the amount of water in plasma
86. Epinephrine hormone can be used as a drug to treat cardiac arrest and some other cardiac problems
87. Trimethylxanthine is a chemical name of a stimulant which found in tea and coffee. What is the popular name - Caffeine
88. Cirrhosis is a disease that affects which among the following organs - Liver
89. The acidic medium of gastric juice along with an enzyme pepsin breaks the proteins down into smaller parts known as Peptones
90. Respiration in earthworms takes place by
1. Simple diffusion
2. Via Skin
3. Specialized Respiratory cells
Choose the correct options:
Ans: 1 and 2
91. Choose the correct option among the following
Column A                                          Column B
A. Epinephrine                                  i. Stimulates muscle growth
B. Testosterone                               ii. Decrease in blood pressure
C. Glucagon                                      iii. Breakdown of liver glycogen
D. Atrial natriuretic Factor             iv. Increases heart beat
Ans: A-iv, B-i, C-iii, D-ii
92. Match the following:
Column I                            Column II
(a) T4                                   (i)Hypothalamus
(b) PTH                                (ii) Thyroid
(c) GnRH                             (iii) Pituitary
(d) LH                                   (iv) Parathyroid
Ans: A- ii, B- iv, C-i, D-iii
93. Serum is used to check cholesterol in Blood
94. A healthy individual has ____ of haemoglobin in every 100 ml of blood - 12-16gms
95. Annelids and chordates has a - Closed Circulatory System
96. 0.8 seconds is the duration of one Cardiac Cycle
97. Ventricle pumps out approximately 70ml of blood
98. Dialysis fluid contains all the constituent as in plasma except Nitrogenous Waste
99. A healthy adult human excretes (on an average)25-30gm of urea/day
100. Match Column I with Column II:
Column I                            Column II
(a) Eosinophils                   (i) Coagulation
(b) RBC                                (ii) Universal Recipient
(c) AB Group                      (iii) Resist Infections
(d) Platelets                        (iv) Gas transport
Ans: a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, d-i
101. The largest part of the human brain is - Cerebrum
102. The Fasting state blood glucose level in adults in mg/100ml is 100
103. The important sugar in honey is Fructose
104. Match the items of column 1 with those of column 2
Column 1                           Column 2
(a) Ammonotelism            (i) Birds
(b) Bowmans capsule       (ii) Water Reabsorption
(c) Micturition                   (iii) Bony fish
(d) uricotelism                   (iv)urinary bladder
(e) ADH                               (v) Renal tubule
Ans: a-iii, b-v, c-iv, d-i, e- ii
105. The number of Chromosomes in the human gene is 46
106. The longest and largest bone in the human body is Femur
107. Cerebellum of human brain is affected by alcohol 108. The largest organ of in the human body is Skin
109. The rarest blood group is AB negative
110. Transfer of pollen from anther to stigma is Pollination
111. Biopsy test helps in diagnosis of cancer
112. The compound used in anti malarial drug is Chloroquin
113. Plants that grow in saline water are known as Halophytes
114. Pigmentation of skin is due to Melanocytes
115. Lungs are located in the Pleural cavity
116. Alzheimer’s disease is disorder of the brain
117. The function of trypsin is to Break down proteins
118. Polio disease is caused by a virus
119. Kidneys can lead to accumulation of urea in blood a condition is called Uremia
120. Wilting of plants occur due to excess of Transpiration
121. Emulsifications of fats done by Bile
122. Match the items of column 1 with those of column 2
Column 1                                          Column 2
(a) Bilirubin and biliverdin              (i) Partoid
(b) Hydrolysis of starch                   (ii) Bile
(c) Digestion of fat                          (iii) Lipases
(d) Salivary gland                             (iv)Amylases
Ans: a-ii, b-iv, c-iii, d-i
123. Pineal gland is called awakening gland
124. Spirometer is used to measure the air capacity of the lungs
125. Pancreas acts as both endocrine and exocrine gland

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